The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 138: Unparalleled baby

Chapter 138 Unparalleled Baby

The sound of fighting came from below, and those who entered first were grabbing treasures below. Because everyone was carrying lighting objects, Yan Xiangluo could see clearly what was going on below even if she stood on them.

There are a dozen large boxes below, all of which have been pried open. Inside are all kinds of treasures, mostly crystal stones.

Although there are a lot of treasures, no one is greedy, so there will be fights and fights.

Yan Xiangluo was not interested in grabbing things from these people. She asked Yun Tuanqiao, "The treasure you mentioned is also in the box?"

 She would never grab it if it was in the box.

Yun Tuan pointed with his little paw, "On top, that ball."

Yan Xiangluo looked along its paws, and her face was covered with black lines. The cloud was actually pointing to a gray ball hanging in the center. If it hadn't pointed it out, she wouldn't have noticed there was another ball there. The ball, after all, was too small, not much bigger than her fist.

"Are you sure that's a treasure?" Yan Xiangluo looked at it and was speechless.

Even if it is a treasure, how can she get it?

Let’s not mention that she has not broken through to the king level and cannot fly in the air. Even if she can fly in the secret realm, she cannot fly in the air.

Although it is only six meters high, it is far away. It is at least ten meters away from where she is to the center ball at the top. How can she get the ball if she cannot fly?

Yun Tuan jumped up anxiously, "Master, believe me, that is a peerless treasure, there will never be another like it in the world."

 The treasure that is unique between heaven and earth?

"Then how can I get it?" Seeing Yun Tuan being so anxious, Yan Xiangluo thought that although Yun Tuan was a little cute, he was still very knowledgeable and looked down upon the treasure in her eyes. Yan Xiangluo chose I believe it, but I believe it, and I really have no idea how to get her for a while.

"I'll get it." Yun Tuan immediately offered himself.

"Can you lift it?" Yan Xiangluo lifted the fist-sized cloud on her shoulder. She couldn't even lift the fire beads. She was so tired when the ice crystal was pushed out of the hole. Although this one is not as big as the ice crystal, , looks no smaller than a fire bead.

"The master throws me up, I swing the ball to the master, and the master catches it." Yun Tuan came up with an idea.

 “Why are you coming back?” Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She threw it over and said, “Why are you coming back?”

“Master, just take me back to the spiritual pet space.” Yun Tuan said matter-of-factly.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, yes, no matter where the spiritual pet is, the owner can take it back to the spiritual pet space at any time.

Who said Yun Tuan is cute? Isn't this very smart?

"Can you swing here accurately?" Yan Xiangluo was still a little worried.

 “Yes.” Yun Tuan said persistently.

Yan Xiangluo saw that Yun Tuan looked like he would rather take risks than give up, and he knew in his heart that this ball, whose original appearance could not be seen, was probably a unique treasure that was unique in the world.

"Okay, get ready, I'll throw you over." As soon as Yan Xiangluo finished speaking, the cloud automatically jumped into her palm.

Yan Xiangluo estimated the distance, shook the weight of the cloud, and used her spiritual power to throw the cloud onto the ball. Even if she throws it incorrectly, it doesn't matter. She can take the cloud back to the spirit pet space and won't be able to drop it.

The little white dumpling flew out, accurately grabbed the rope-like thing with beads, and then grabbed the rope and swung it, faster and faster. The gray ball below was slowly swung up. The ashes kept falling down.

The people below were so smoky that no one felt the ash. In addition, there was no light above, so no one noticed the movements of the master and the pet.

Yan Xiangluo stared closely at the movements of the cloud and saw the cloud swaying a few times. She must have felt that the force was enough. She pulled the rope with her paws and kicked the ball with her other two paws. Yan Xiangluo saw the ball break away from the rope and fly towards her direction.

But the clouds were a little weaker, and the ball was still three meters away from Yan Xiangluo and was about to fall.

If it fell, it would be difficult to retrieve it. It was too inconspicuous. Besides, with the lower part tied like that, she didn't really want to get it down.

With a thought, he quickly took out a piece of red yarn, threw it out, accurately wrapped the ball, and pulled it back. At the same time, with a thought, he took the cloud hanging on the rope back to the spiritual pet space.

Before she had time to see what the ball was, she felt the whole space tremble. Oh my God, is this place going to collapse?

The vibration was sudden and violent, and the people below stopped fighting. Yan Xiangluo threw the ball into the space, turned around and ran into the corridor. If he ran slowly, he would be buried alive.

“Master, send me into the space.” Yun Tuan, who entered the spiritual pet space for the first time, shouted.

 “This place is going to collapse, and your master is running for his life.”

Yan Xiangluo didn't dare to give up at all. The corridor had six turns. The gravel above her head kept falling, large and small. If it hit her head and body, she would be injured.

 She used her metal power to form a golden shield, blocking it above her head to avoid being hurt by the gravel.

Moreover, she had already heard someone running into the corridor behind her. Who wouldn’t run for their lives? If they caught up and squeezed her, the chance of running out would be even smaller.

Even though clouds are not limited by space, the spiritual pet space is the only exception, because that is the space for it, and it really cannot see the situation outside.

However, after listening to what Yan Xiangluo said, it understood her situation. The key to her master's escape was to calm down.

Yan Xiangluo swore that she had never run so hard since she was a child. After all, she was extremely talented and started using spiritual power at the age of three. Even in the past three years of experience, I have never been so embarrassed when encountering monsters.

 The corridor is so narrow and has so many curves that it is impossible to use spiritual power to run and can only rely on pure leg power.

 Finally ran out, she did not stop, chose a direction and continued running.

She didn’t think that after the collapse below, it would be safer to run further away if only that area collapsed. Sure enough, before she could run far, she heard the sound of a large-scale collapse behind her.

She didn't look back and ran for half an hour before stopping. Then she looked back and saw nothing and no one.

I don’t know how many people can escape from below. Alas, greed can really kill you.

It was convenient for her that there was no one around, so she slipped into the space, neatly took off her dirty coat and skirt, and lay down on the comfortable big bed that her parents had built for her wearing only her underwear.

 She was frightened, frightened and tired. She touched her beating little heart and was frightened to death.

  After resting for a while, she remembered the ball that Yun Tuan had brought back to her. She did not forget Yu Tuan and moved it from the spiritual pet space first.

As soon as it came over, the clouds pounced on the dirty ball, and the snow-white fur suddenly became dirty.

 (End of this chapter)

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