The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 139: Like picked up for free

Chapter 139 Like picking up for free

Yan Xiangluo picked it up and dusted it with disgust, "Why are you so anxious? You can't wait until I clean it up before you care about it."

Yun Tuan struggled to hit the ball hard, and Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She used her spiritual power to get rid of the ash on the ball. This time, she actually removed a thick layer of mud scab, revealing the ball inside. No, it should be a bead. .

Yan Xiangluo looked at the beads in her hand in shock, the purple beads. Isn't this the divine bead she saw in her dream that was thrown down from the ninth heaven by that man.

Oh my God, the people of Jiuzhongtian and the three thousand small worlds are looking for the divine pearl that is crazy in the secret realm of Lingquan, and they got it into their hands in this way?

Suddenly, she felt that everything she had just experienced was nothing. Apart from escaping, she really didn't encounter any big dangers. She felt like she picked up this divine pearl for free.

Are you cheating on your luck? I opened the Pangu space, got the fire beads and the wood beads among the Five Elements Beads, and now I got the Divine Beads. Oh my God, am I not dreaming?

"Master, make a contract quickly." Yun Tuan shouted anxiously. Only by making a contract, this treasure belongs to the owner, and no one can take it away.

Yan Xiangluo thought of the legend about the divine bead in her dream. Not everyone can contract the divine bead, otherwise, the man would not have thrown the divine bead down from the ninth heaven.

 Do you have that much luck?

Now that the divine beads are in her hands, wouldn't it be foolish not to try them? What if she can make a contract? If she can make a contract, she can refine them. If one day she completely refines the divine beads, will her dream of becoming a strong person come to an end? It can be achieved.

Also, can I pass the second level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique?

In an instant, Yan Xiangluo was filled with pride, feeling that the road to becoming a strong person was spread out in front of her, waiting for her to embark on it.

 But, how to make a contract with the divine beads?

“My heart’s blood, Master, make a contract with my heart’s blood.” Yun Tuan reminded her.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at Yun Tuan. Although he didn't remember what kind of beast he was, Yun Tuan knew a lot at the critical moment.

Her heart's blood is not inexhaustible. When Pangu Space opened, it automatically absorbed a drop of her heart's blood. Now she has to use her heart's blood to make a contract. It won't hurt her at all, because it succeeded. The blood was not lost, but if she failed, missing a drop of her heart's blood would do great harm to her body.

Yan Xiangluo hesitated for a moment, just for a moment. Since she had such a dream before getting the divine bead, did it mean that she was destined to have the divine bead?

 Otherwise, why has the divine bead never been found, yet it was so easy for me to get it?

Although he was almost buried underground, it was still too easy for Yan Xiangluo to get the divine pearl in this way. Didn't you see that the man and woman paid the price with their lives and failed to keep the divine pearl?

 Be cruel and give it a try.

Giving up without trying will become a knot in your mind. If you try and fail, you won’t be troubled anymore. If you meet a destined person in the future, it’s okay to give it to him. She’s not greedy.

With this thought in mind, Yan Xiangluo held the divine bead in one hand and turned her other hand into a sword finger, forcing a drop of her heart's blood to drip on the divine bead.

The bright red blood fell on the divine bead, and slid roundly on the divine bead. Just when it was about to slide down, the divine bead burst out with purple light. The drop of heart blood was absorbed by the divine bead, and the purple light flourished. Xiangluo's consciousness lit up, and then the divine bead disappeared.

 The contract was successful?

Yanxiang searched for it in her consciousness, but couldn't find the divine bead. Her heart felt hot again. She opened her clothes and took a look, and was speechless.

  Why do both of these beads like the flower-shaped jade pendant that carries her Pangu technique?

The contract with the divine bead was indeed successful, and it was now embedded in the flower-shaped heart of the jade pendant, as if it was originally the decoration on it.

 In such a comparison, the fire beads and wooden beads of the Five Elements Beads are not so dazzling. Yan Xiangluo looked at the three remaining empty petals. These three positions were obviously where the other three beads of the Five Elements Bead were.

 Does she still need to find the other three Five Element Beads?

Just when she was still stunned, the Pangu space suddenly shook. Yan Xiangluo was shocked and looked around, what happened?

  The gray atmosphere in the originally gray space quickly dissipated, revealing the black earth where it disappeared, and the sky became brighter.

  When all the gray atmosphere disappeared, although the space was still very empty, with nothing but the endless black land, it was a little closer to the outside world.

Yun Tuan squatted on her shoulders, looked into the space, and said happily: "Master, I was right, it is really a unique treasure in the world."

"Well, you're right." Yan Xiangluo understood that the reason why the space changed was indeed related to the divine beads.

However, now that I have contracted the divine bead, how can I refine the divine bead?

Sigh, that dream didn’t say how to refine the divine beads?

She didn't want to think about it anymore. She was tired from all the trouble. She looked at the sky outside and saw that there was still an hour and a half before dawn. She should sleep for a while.

Yan Xiangluo lay down on the comfortable big bed and fell asleep.

Yun Tuan nestled beside her pillow, absorbing the spiritual energy in the space and practicing.

At this time, Qin Suyue stood beside the collapsed ruins, holding a mysterious pattern in her hand with a gloomy look on her face.

She used the Spirit-Chasing Mysterious Pattern to find the treasure with the richest aura in the secret realm. She chased her here. When she arrived at the place, why did the aura treasure suddenly disappear?

Looking at the ruins in front of her, she realized that something must have happened before, but there was no one around. There was no one she could ask if she wanted to inquire.

At this moment, she saw a hand stretching out from under the ruins, and there was a living person. She immediately walked over, raised her hand, and brushed away the rubble, revealing the upper body of a person who was still alive.

She squatted down and asked, "What happened here? How could it collapse?"

The man's breath was very weak. "There were more than a dozen boxes of treasures down there. Many people were grabbing them, and then they collapsed and many people didn't come out."

Qin Suyue narrowed her eyes and summarized the meaning of this person's words. There was a treasure below. It collapsed and someone came out alive. There is no breath of the spiritual treasure here, which means that the spiritual treasure was taken away.

She doesn't care about other treasures, she only cares about the treasure she perceives to have strong aura and vitality.

She stood up, moved her fingers, and another spirit-chasing mysterious pattern appeared, but she could no longer feel the breath and direction of the spiritual energy treasure.

 “Help me.” The man with half his body exposed stretched out his hand and shouted with great effort.

Qin Suyue glanced at him and walked away. Such a weak person was not worthy of her rescue, so she didn't need to waste any effort.

The man watched Qin Suyue's white dress fluttering away in despair. He looked like a fairy, but how could he act so viciously and not even bother to save him.

 (End of this chapter)

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