The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 146: Ancient formation

Chapter 146 Ancient Formation

Yan Xiangluo only glanced at it and then closed her eyes again. Since it was dark, there was nothing much she could do, and she couldn't practice yet, so she should refine the divine beads.

 Her spiritual consciousness was mobilized, and the divine beads appeared in her spiritual consciousness. However, before she started refining the divine beads, she suddenly discovered that her spiritual consciousness seemed to be above the valley. What was going on?

Shouldn’t the spiritual consciousness be centered on oneself and perceive the surroundings or the exact place that one wants to perceive? Why is her spiritual consciousness looking down from the sky?

This is the first time this has happened.

Since she could overlook the entire Flame Valley, it was an excellent opportunity to investigate the Flame Valley. She stopped refining the divine beads and immediately let go of her consciousness to look.

 Although it is dark now, you can still see clearly the situation in the Valley of Fire from above.

Winding roads appeared in front of her eyes, with scattered people still walking insistently. She looked at them one by one, over and over again, including the mountains around the valley. After she looked at them dozens of times , his eyes lit up. If the paths in the Valley of Fire were viewed as a line, wouldn't the entire Valley of Fire be a map?

 The point is, this map looks familiar!

Yan Xiangluo felt a little excited. It looked familiar. Familiarity meant that she had seen it before, and it also meant that she had probably found a way out of the Valley of Fire.

She immediately drew a map of the Valley of Fire route in her mind. After drawing it, she finally understood why it looked familiar.

Her father, Chengye, is a high-level formation master. When she was a child, she failed to advance in cultivation. Her father was worried that her state of mind would be affected, so he often taught her formations.

How else could she, a ten-year-old girl, survive alone in the small courtyard of Tianshun Imperial City?

It's just that she has never been very fond of formations. Setting up formations also requires the consumption of spiritual power. It is not easy for her to accumulate some spiritual power, so she doesn't use them if she can. There is actually a formation in the small courtyard at home, which was set up by her father, but only in It will be activated only when there is strong murderous intent. Over the years, she has never encountered such a big crisis, so she rarely uses the formation.

 At this time, all the memories about the formation were mobilized in my mind.

Although she doesn't like formations very much, she is very smart and learns quickly. This map is an ancient formation that her father taught her when he finally had nothing to teach her. It was said to be a formation left by a great ancient weapon refiner, called the Gentleman's Formation, which has not been used since. If she can break it, let her figure it out on her own. If she can break it, she will definitely be the number one formation master in the world.

 It is strange enough that a weapon refiner left behind a formation that even the formation masters cannot break, but now he actually appears in the Valley of Fire. Why?

 Is this Valley of Fire only allowed in and out?

 After all, no one has cracked this formation yet. Even though my dad is so talented in formations, he hasn’t figured out how to crack it yet. She had done some research before when her confidence in cultivation was hit, but she couldn't figure it out. If this is the only way out, no one who comes in will be able to get out.

   No, history records that the number of people who went out was not too large, but it was not too small, which means that this is not the only way out.

But no one has ever discovered the existence of such a formation in the Valley of Fire, which means that those who went out did not go out in this way.

So what does it mean to let yourself discover the formation? Do you want to stay and become the most beautiful person here?

 She won’t do it.

Yan Xiangluo had also thought about the Gentleman Formation before, but she couldn't figure out anything. Today she actually saw a real formation, and her competitive spirit was suddenly aroused.

 It would be a shame not to try.

Thinking of this, she concentrated on thinking about the formation. In the past, we had to figure it out based on the formation diagrams, but now that we have the real formations in front of us, it is more intuitive to figure it out, and it is actually easier to come up with ideas.

Beitang Yunfeng also rested, not far from Yuan Xiangluo. After all, there was a formation around her, and he couldn't get close. Seeing that she continued to practice all afternoon, he was a little surprised. Could it be that she could still get out of the flames with her diligent practice? Valley?

He actually wants to practice, but the spiritual energy he inhales is indeed very rich, but the heat is also very strong. The heat he inhales is too much, not to mention his body, and his Dantian cannot bear it.

He was a little curious about how Yan Xiangluo was able to practice here. After all, he could tell the difference between pretending and real practice.

It was dark and he couldn't practice, so he concentrated on observing the falling fragrance.

Half the night passed, and at midnight, Beitang Yunfeng, who was staring closely at Ruan Xiangluo, saw that Ruan Xiangluo actually got off the round stool, put away the round stool to break the defensive mysterious pattern, and then walked towards a small Walk on the road.

He quickly got up and followed. He had a feeling that Yan Xiangluo would never walk those roads in the middle of the night for no reason. After all, it was too dark, and he couldn't see anything without using his spiritual night vision.

Yu Xiangluo didn't stop Beitang Yunfeng from following. After all, she was just trying to see if she could break the gentleman's formation.

Everyone who was resting saw Yan Xiangluo's movements, but they didn't move. After all, they had been walking all afternoon, and they didn't think Yan Xiangluo could get out of anything.

Qin Suyue is a little far away from Yan Xiangluo, but she has been paying attention to her. She also sneered at her actions, thinking that she was trying to impress others.

He didn't move either, but kept following her with his eyes, just to look for an opportunity to kill her with one strike.

Beitang Yunfeng saw that it was obviously the first time for Xiangluo to leave, but she seemed to be very familiar with it. Although she seemed to have no rules, he had a feeling in his heart that she was very familiar with this place.

This knowledge allowed him to follow Xiangluo closely, only three steps behind her, which was just enough distance not to disturb her and not go wrong.

Yan Xiangluo walked for about an hour, and finally reached the middle of the valley, where she broke the formation. She actually broke the Junzi Formation, and felt happy in her heart.

 But as soon as her feet settled, a ray of light rose from under her feet, followed by a tall jade platform.

Yan Xiangluo in a red dress stood in the middle of the jade platform. With her as the center, four long swords were suspended in the east, west, north and south. They were not as murderous as other long swords, but instead gave people a gentle and jade-like feeling.

Beitang Yunfeng, who was following her, was repulsed by a force when the jade platform rose, and was forced to retreat far away. At this time, she was standing under the jade platform, looking up at the red dress flying on the stage. woman.

Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that there was a treasure in the Valley of Fire. They all got up and ran to the jade platform. Although Qin Suyue was jealous, she got up and ran over as fast as she could.

Everyone was thinking that it was impossible for the woman in the red dress to get all four swords. It would be a worthwhile trip to get one.

After Beitang Yunfeng calmed down, he looked mockingly at the people rushing around. There was a force around the jade platform that blocked him from passing by. Naturally, others could not get in if they came.

 (End of this chapter)

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