The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 147: make a choice

Chapter 147 Making a choice

At this time, Beitang Yunfeng understood a little. Ruan Xiangluo had been thinking about the roads in the Flame Valley and what formations these roads should be. But he was a little curious. How did she know the road here since she had never walked there before? What is it like? How did you know that this was a formation, and how did you break the formation by going around it?

The person was motionless but knew clearly. The only explanation was divine consciousness. His eyes changed, and he looked at Yan Xiangluo with shock. How powerful was her spiritual consciousness to be able to achieve such a level?

People swarmed in, but without exception, they were all five meters away and were blocked by the power of the jade platform.

  Everyone stared greedily at the four suspended long swords. It was useless no matter how jealous they were. They couldn't get close to them, and they couldn't get them even if they wanted to.

Especially Qin Suyue's eyes looked at Yan Xiangluo as if they were poisoned. How could she be so lucky?

Unexpectedly, Yan Xiangluo never relied on luck, but on strength. This strength was obtained through her talent and hard work, and both are indispensable.

Yan Xiangluo didn't pay attention to the people below at all. Her eyes were on the four suspended long swords. The four long swords had their own characteristics. They were respectively engraved with four patterns of plum, orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo, plus the warm aura exuding from the sword body. , two words "gentleman" appeared in her mind.

She frowned slightly, thinking, what does this mean?

In addition to the hidden weapon Flying Lotus, she also has the Changling Spear of the founder of the Xianyun Sect, so she has no shortage of weapons.

In the past, she only had the Flying Lotus as a weapon. It wasn't that she couldn't afford good weapons. On the contrary, her parents found many weapons for her, but she always felt that something was missing when she used them. She didn't like to make do with them, so she kept using the Flying Lotus until Get the Changling Spear in Xianyun Sect.

Originally, she thought that in this life, she would only have two weapons: flying lotus and long caltrop spear, and no other weapons. But today, just at a glance, four long swords came into her eyes.

 The long sword is the weapon of choice for monks, and almost every monk has a long sword. My parents have a pair of love swords, which were specially made. Her parents also found many long swords for her in the past, but there were none that she liked.

But no matter how much she likes it, there are four long swords here. She doesn’t have three heads and six arms, so she can’t use so many long swords.

 But she likes both those long swords, so it’s hard to choose between them.

 The most important point is, how to get this sword?

It seemed that four long swords were floating in front of her eyes, and she could even reach them with her hands, but she had a feeling that things would not be that simple, so she did not take action and just stood there without moving.

The people with hot eyes below are very anxious. Why don't you move? Hurry up and get the sword. Anyone with eyes can see that none of these four long swords are simple.

They also placed hope that after Yan Xiangluo got one, they would still have a chance to get the others.

At this moment, outside the jade platform, a shadow appeared in the void. It was a man with white hair and a white beard wearing a black brocade robe.

The people below also saw it and couldn't help but exclaimed, is this the legendary photo of the divine consciousness?

 Looking at the four long swords, his eyes became even more hot and greedy. A weapon that can leave a shadow of spiritual consciousness to protect the powerful cannot be described as a treasure.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the phantom man, her almond-shaped eyes flashed. Is this the phantom of spiritual consciousness left by that powerful man? Couldn't it be the ancient virtuous man who created the Gentleman's Formation?

“It was a little girl who broke the gentleman’s formation?” The man was surprised to see Yu Xiangluo standing in the middle of the jade platform.

“Senior, is this the ancient virtuous man who founded the Gentleman Formation?” Yuan Xiangluo asked respectfully. Whether it is true or not, this person's strength is at the level of a powerful person and deserves her respect.

“An ancient great virtue?” The man was stunned again, and then whispered with some nostalgia: “Has it taken so long?”

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man in confusion. Did he not know what time it was? However, it can be heard from his tone that he is indeed the ancient great man who created the Gentleman's Formation.

The man's expression returned to normal in an instant. He looked at Yu Xiangluo and said, "Since you can break the gentleman's formation, you are qualified to take away a long sword. However, there can only be one king. In order to avoid having four long swords in the future." If you want to take away one of the long swords in a hostile way, you have to use the selected long sword to destroy the other three long swords, and you can also leave the Valley of Fire."

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. Taking away one long sword meant destroying the other three long swords. How could he still leave the Valley of Fire?

She looked at the four long swords. Each sword had a unique aura. She couldn't bear to destroy any one of them, let alone destroy three of them.

Although these four long swords are the most suitable long swords she has ever encountered, if the price is to destroy three of them, she would rather not have one.

 She is not that altruistic, but she is not that selfish either.

 “I don’t want it.” Yan Xiangluo said firmly.

The people below were so jealous that they could leave this hellish place after getting the sword, but when they heard that she didn't want it, they all thought she was so stupid, why didn't she want such a good opportunity, and took away a long sword? The other three swords were destroyed, and the long sword she chose was the only king. She could still leave the Valley of Fire, but she didn't want it?

 Are you stupid?

 Including Beitang Yunfeng, everyone thinks so. Why should she give up?

The man was stunned, his eyes fixed on Yan Xiangluo and asked: "You don't like any of the four long swords?"

 “No, I like them all.” Yan Xiangluo replied truthfully.

"Then why did you give up the opportunity? You know, you gave up not only the opportunity to take the sword, but also the opportunity to get out of the Valley of Fire, and you may not be able to find another way out." The man reminded her.

His eyes fell on her body with scorching eyes, and Xiangluo felt the emotion of eagerly wanting to know her true thoughts very clearly.

Yan Xiangluo sighed and said: "If you don't like something, you must keep it as your own. Aren't there two words in this world called "Chengquan"? Senior, if a mother has four children, but someone tells her that four children If you keep them all, they will be mediocre. As long as you kill three of them, the remaining child will have the talent of a monster, supreme wisdom, extraordinary opportunities, and overwhelming wealth. What do you think this mother should choose?"

The man was stunned, obviously not expecting that Yan Xiangluo would answer his question in such a way.

"You gave up because you were unwilling to destroy any of them?" The man asked even though he understood what she meant.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I think the master who made these four long swords must be the senior. Since they are from your hands, you must regard them as your own children. If you destroy any of them, you It will be very heartbreaking.”

 (End of this chapter)

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