The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 148: Get the gentleman's sword

Chapter 148 Obtaining the Gentleman’s Sword

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man and continued: "It's the same as asking a mother to give up any of her children. If it were me, I would rather let my children be mediocre than let any of them have the chance to see this. world. Although there may be situations that seniors are worried about after the four long swords are released, it will not happen if they are not taken away. It is quite okay to let them stay together in the Valley of Fire and watch the changes in the world that happen once every hundred years. Okay, you don’t have to be someone’s weapon.”

 The man's eyes were full of shock, "Do you know what you missed by making this decision?"

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "I know, I missed the world's supreme weapon, and also lost the opportunity to leave the Valley of Fire. But I am confident that if I give up this way out, I can still find another way out before the time is up. As for them, let them stay here together.”

Yu Xiangluo understood that the qualification to get the sword must first be able to break the gentleman's formation. In fact, breaking the formation is easy to say and difficult to say. Greed, resentment, hatred, stupidity and hatred, as long as you are trapped by one of them, this formation cannot be broken. Let's see if the following people have a lot of these six things.

She is not greedy, because her experience in the two worlds has taught her that she has her own rules of conduct.

She does not complain. This is due to the teachings of her parents. She will not complain under any circumstances, but looks for a way out of the predicament within herself.

She is not angry or grudge-y. She is a person who takes revenge and repays grudges. She never leaves hatred or anger in her heart, and she will not hurt innocent people.

She is not crazy. Although she has lived in two lives, her extraordinary experience has made her never obsessed with any relationship, because she knows very well that a person's biggest reliance is herself. No matter whether it is family, love or even friendship, she should cherish it and never forget it. Then be indifferent.

 She didn’t know if her mentality would change in the future, but her current mentality allowed her to easily break the gentleman formation.

 Should she say that she was lucky or that she was too indifferent.

No matter what happens in the future, she has a bottom line deep in her heart, and this bottom line prevents her from destroying the other three swords.

The man was silent for a long time. After seeing that she had not changed her mind for a while, he said: "You have passed my test and can take the Gentleman's Sword. I hope you can keep your original intention in the future."

As soon as the man finished speaking, his figure condensed a ray of light. This ray of light caused the four long swords to resonate and tremble. Then each of them emitted a ray of light, which merged with the light condensed by the man's shadow and formed a ray of light. A stronger light. Immediately, four long swords flew up from four directions, gathered above Yan Xiangluo's head, and formed a long sword. Then they slowly fell down and floated in front of Yan Xiangluo. Two words were engraved on the sword hilt. "Gentleman".

Yan Xiangluo was so shocked that she reluctantly gave up. Instead, she got four long swords. These four long swords can be combined into one, which suited her perfectly.

The man's shadow was almost invisible, but he could be seen smiling, "When I refined the Gentleman's Sword, I was thinking about how to find a suitable and worthy owner for it, so the Gentleman's Formation appeared. It's a pity that I haven't found an owner for it until I fell into nothingness. Girl, let's make a contract. Although I have been waiting for a long time, I am still very satisfied with you as the owner of Junzi Sword. The sword lives up to its name, and so does the person. From now on. You will find that the power of the Junzi Sword is directly proportional to your state of mind."

Yan Xiangluo understood that the previous choice was just a test. If she really chose one of the long swords, this test would truly fail.

Yan Xiangluo was very happy because she was glad that she had stuck to her true intention.

 Junzijian, why does she like it so much?

She raised her hand without hesitation and condensed a drop of her heart's blood to contract the Gentleman's Sword. She felt that only her heart's blood was worthy of contracting the Gentleman's Sword.

Absorbed her heart's blood, the Gentleman's Sword fell into her hand with a cheerful buzzing sound. It was obvious that the Gentleman's Sword had developed spiritual consciousness after long years of baptism. With spiritual consciousness, the compatibility with the master will be stronger when fighting.

When the man saw that she actually used her precious blood to contract the Junzi Sword, the smile on her face became even bigger, "Girl, I wish you a smooth life and get what you want."

 A golden light fell on Yan Xiangluo. “God’s blessing.” The people below exclaimed.

While being envious and jealous, they also began to reflect on themselves. Let alone not letting them get close to the Gentleman's Sword, even if they did get close, they wouldn't be able to get it because they would never be able to make the decision of the woman in the red dress.

Yu Xiang dropped her hand and turned it over. The tip of the Gentleman's Sword was downward. She held the hilt and bowed deeply to the man. "Senior, don't worry, I will never forget my original intention. The Gentleman's Sword will live up to its name and do what it does."

 The man’s shadow was so weak that he couldn’t even see it, “I believe in you.”

 The voice was so soft that only Yan Xiangluo could hear it, and then his figure completely disappeared.

The woman in the red skirt flying on the jade platform is holding a refreshing long sword. Everyone in the audience is looking up at her, with no concealment of envy and jealousy.

Most people want to wait for the obstacles to disappear and **** the Junzi Sword. Even if it has been contracted, but the master dies, the Junzi Sword will naturally choose a new owner.

If you get the Gentleman's Sword, will you be able to leave the Valley of Fire?

Even Qin Suyue was staring closely at the Junzi Sword in Yuan Xiangluo's hand, wondering whether to use the life-saving mysterious pattern to **** the Junzi Sword.

Beitang Yunfeng glanced at the people around him and raised the corners of his lips mockingly. These people were blinded by greed.

Now that she has obtained the Gentleman's Sword, she must be leaving the Valley of Fire soon, and will not give them a chance to **** it. Wouldn't they think that the great man who refined the Gentleman's Sword didn't expect that someone would **** the Gentleman's Sword?

Sure enough, after the shadow of the ancient great virtue disappeared completely, the jade platform lit up with a light. After the light passed, not to mention the people on the jade platform, even the jade platform disappeared.

Sequently, the rugged terrain in the Valley of Fire became smoother, and countless roads disappeared, but there was still thick dust.

 The Junzi Formation disappeared.

Beitang Yunfeng has some understanding and has some ideas on how to get out of the Valley of Fire.

The test of Valley of Fire should be different for everyone, but Yan Xiangluo found the most difficult way. In the next hundred years, the secret realm of Lingquan will appear again. Anyone who enters the Valley of Fire will no longer be able to see the legendary Gentleman Formation. What he sees should be the scene he sees now.

At this time, he understood in his heart why his picky brother could get along so well with Yan Xiangluo. She has this kind of charm in her. As long as you get along with her sincerely, you will continue to discover the shining points in her, and then be attracted to her. She was deeply attracted.

 I have only been with her for a day, and I already have such thoughts, let alone others.

 (End of this chapter)

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