The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 149: golden beads

Chapter 149 Golden Beads

At this time, Beitang Yunfeng didn't understand Ji Jiuzhong. He didn't cherish such a woman and actually broke off the engagement. What kind of partner did he want?

If this were his fiancée, he would be happy.

Happy? His eyes shrank and brightened instantly. If it weren't for something wrong, he would have laughed three times and thanked Ji Jiuzhong for not marrying.

The corner of his mouth curled up in pleasure. He didn't know if he could meet her again in the secret realm, but she would definitely go to the spiritual spring, and we could see her again there.

Qin Suyue looked at the empty place and held her hands tightly. Damn it, she actually left directly. She was so angry.

Looking at the Valley of Fire, which had no clue at all, she could no longer bear the hot breath, and felt like it was really going to dry her out.

She no longer hesitated. She would never allow herself to stay here. She pinched a life-saving symbol and disappeared.

 Those who saw her disappearing like this suddenly remembered their own life-saving magic weapon, and tried to leave.

 But magic weapons are also divided into levels and strengths. Some people have succeeded, but most people have failed and can only continue to desperately look for a way out.

Beitang Yunfeng saw many people using life-saving magic weapons to leave, and shook his head. They actually gave up the opportunity to change themselves through the highest level of experience in the secret realm. They didn't even have the determination to persist until the end, and they wasted the opportunity God gave them.

Just like Yan Xiangluo, as long as you leave the Valley of Fire with your true abilities and abilities, both your strength and realm will be improved. Especially the realm, the improvement is not just a little bit, it is likely to be a height that you will never reach in your lifetime.

With so many people coming into the secret realm, although they are not the only ones who have the chance to enter the Valley of Fire, they are not many. It can be said to be very small, and they just wasted the opportunity.

Beitang Yunfeng calmed down and began to think about how to leave based on what he had just learned.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo, who had left the Valley of Fire, looked in front of her and was speechless. Where was she transported to?

 In the dark night, the dense woods are full of evil power and eerie.

She was speechless and called Yun Tuan out, "Yun Tuan, in which direction are you going?"

Yun Tuan looked at it and said doubtfully: "Master, why are you further away from the location of the treasure?"

Yan Xiangluo's face was covered with black lines. How did she know? She took out the secret map Ji Jiuzhong gave her and looked at it. She knew where it was.

Hundred Mile Forest is in completely opposite directions from the Valley of Fire, and is indeed further away from the location of the spiritual spring.

Does it mean that people who leave the Valley of Fire may not appear there? It feels like I'm back to the moment I first entered the secret realm.

 Sighing deeply, senior, do you think that I am lucky enough to get the Gentleman's Sword, and don't need to look for any spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover?

Without hesitation, she carried the Junzi Sword and entered the space. She wanted to have a good sleep and continue walking at dawn. After all, this was the most dangerous place besides the Valley of Fire and the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts. It was definitely not suitable for walking at night.

 I am not as lucky as anyone else.

Hundred-mile forest is infested with monsters. Not only is it a large area, but there are also mazes everywhere. If you are not careful, you may go astray. Even if she is proficient in the formations, she is not sure that she can get out in a short time.

If people who don't understand the formation can enter the Baili Forest and save their lives under the double danger of monsters and confusing formations, it would be good. Don't expect to be able to get out before the end of the secret realm, let alone find Lingquan and Jiu. Leaves of grass. But she has Yun Tuan, a little expert in treasure hunting. She can just let Yun Tuan guide her the way tomorrow. She doesn’t have to spend her divine sense to break through the formation. She can refine the divine beads while walking. She is looking forward to what will happen after the divine beads are refined. After all, that In the dream, the divine bead was said to be so miraculous that it could do anything.

After entering the space, she carefully looked at the Junzi Sword in her hand. When the Junzi Swords were not integrated into one, she could see clearly that each sword had a pattern engraved on it, which were plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum. After being put together, the four patterns are still there, but they are much smaller, and there are two more words on the hilt, gentleman.

This gentleman's sword is truly worthy of its name, both in terms of its appearance and the thought of the owner who made it.

The more she gets to know Junzi Sword, the more she likes it, and feels that this Junzi Sword is tailor-made for her.

With a thought, the Junzi Sword split into four swords, and the four swords merged into one with just one thought. It was so convenient.

  She put away the Gentleman's Sword, because it was a heartfelt contract, and the Gentleman's Sword appeared directly in her consciousness, suspended there quietly and motionless.

 I was in a good mood and fell asleep on the bed.

At this time, in another place in the Baili Forest, Ji Jiuzhong was holding a long sword in one hand and a golden bead in the other, looking at the Baili Forest in front of him with evil aura.

 As soon as he came out of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, he appeared in Baili Forest, which was the most time-consuming place.

It's not because there are many monsters, after all, no matter how many there are, they are not as powerful as the monsters in the Valley of Beasts, it's because the maze is not only time-consuming but also consumes people's consciousness.

 Looked at the golden beads in his hand, which he got in the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts. Although I don't know what kind of bead it is, it must be a rare treasure that can make so many monsters fight to protect it. And he sensed the existence of a strong power inside. As for what power it was, he was not sure. It was not spiritual energy anyway.

He put away the beads, looked at the colorless robe with disgust, destroyed it, and changed into a clean white robe. Then he let go of his spiritual consciousness and walked in one direction holding the long sword. .

His purpose of entering the secret realm was the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, but after entering, he was so lucky that he actually entered the Valley of Ten Thousand Beasts. When he came out, he was teleported to Baili Forest. It would take a lot of time here, and he couldn't waste any time.

Ji Jiuzhong was very worried about Yan Xiangluo at this time, and did not know where she was at this time. He hoped that she would not encounter any big danger. After all, her cultivation level was there, and she had not yet broken through to the king level. Although she had entered the secret realm to cultivate at the spiritual level. There are many people who do it, but the dangers in the secret realm are very unfriendly to people with cultivation levels below the king level. Once they encounter some danger, almost all those with spiritual level cultivation will be left behind forever.

Although she is at the peak of the ninth level of the spirit level, which is only one step away from the king level, this difference is often the watershed of fate.

However, he also thought that Yan Xiangluo would encounter some great opportunities, but dangers and opportunities coexisted. The greater the opportunities, the greater the dangers. This was a contradiction in his mind.

Since childhood, he has never been so entangled in any situation he has been in. Alas, as expected, there is a difference between a filled heart and an empty one.

 Little did he know that the person he was talking about was also in the Baili Forest, had experienced just as much as him, and was still safe and sound.

 (End of this chapter)

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