The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 155: See the spiritual spring

Chapter 155: Seeing the Spiritual Spring

As soon as the door opened, the space inside suddenly opened up and became brighter, mainly because there were so many people outside, and they all had lighting beads of various materials, and together they naturally made it much brighter.

She let go of her spiritual sense and looked around. Wherever she could see, there was no one whose cultivation level she could see through. This meant that they were at least five or six levels of king-level cultivation. Some people's auras were so powerful that she didn't even dare to use her divine power. According to the inspection of consciousness, the cultivation should be above the level of respect.

Only those who have cultivated above the Zun level in the Tianqian continent can become strong, and strong people are also divided into three levels. The strongest ones are naturally those with the ninth level of the Zun level. As long as they can break through the Zong level, they can ascend and leave the Tianqian. Continent, going to a higher continent.

 This is also her goal.

Sigh, it’s just that she is currently stuck at the second level of Pangu Flower Blooming. If she cannot break through, she will remain at this level for the rest of her life and will not be able to leave Tianqian Continent, let alone find her parents.

 Hence, she knew that the purpose of these powerful men was to obtain the spiritual spring and nine-leaf grass to successfully break through the clan level and gain the opportunity to ascend.

Although her spiritual consciousness has made a qualitative breakthrough in the Valley of Fire, and she can look down and see in a wide range, but there are strong people here that she can't afford to offend, and she doesn't dare to look around unscrupulously, as she might offend some strong people. , giving yourself a blow will damage your consciousness, which is not worth it.

She had better observe the situation honestly and see if there is any chance of making mistakes.

She glanced at Ji Jiuzhong. She had never known what kind of cultivation Ji Jiuzhong was. With so many powerful people around, could he get the spiritual spring and nine-leaf grass?

Beitang Yunfeng saw Ji Jiuchong coming, and then saw Yan Xiangluo beside him, his eyes dimmed, why are they together?

Beitang Yunfengpi smiled and said, "Why did the Regent Tianshun arrive so late?"

Everyone who has some ability has already arrived, but Ji Jiuzhong has just arrived. In their eyes, he is obviously not strong enough.

  People from other empires looked over when they heard the sound, and then silently withdrew their gazes. After all, it was okay to take one look, but if they looked too much, they would not be happy if Ji Jiuchong was unhappy. They did not want to experience the price of his unhappiness with themselves.

Ji Jiuzhong said calmly: "Prince Hanqi came early and got the spiritual spring and nine-leaf grass."

 The implication is that it doesn’t matter whether it comes sooner or later, whoever can get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover is the real one.

Beitang Yunfeng was choked by Ji Jiuzhong, and the smile on his face became even brighter, "Miss Yu, didn't you break off the engagement with him? Why are you with him?"

Although these words were spoken to Yan Xiangluo, their purpose was to ridicule Ji Jiuzhong for breaking off the engagement because he was disliked by a little girl, and also to secretly ask why they were together.

He was so smart that he rolled his eyes at him and said, "Whoever dictates the path he takes will not let me go."

Even a fool can see that the atmosphere between you is not friendly. If you want to fight, go ahead and take her with you.

After saying that, she ignored them and walked forward, not participating in the overt and covert fights between them. Although she didn't like intrigues, it didn't mean she didn't understand. On the contrary, from birth to death in another life, although he only lived for thirteen years, because he was at the center of the family, he saw too many conspiracies and dirty tricks to achieve his goals.

Beitang Yunfeng was stunned. Why did the two people speak in exactly the same tone? He felt a little uncomfortable.

Ji Jiuzhong ignored him and followed up with Yan Xiangluo. Since he was interested in Yan Xiangluo, he would not miss any opportunity to develop a relationship with her.

She is different from ordinary little girls. She is very independent and will not receive any preferential treatment because of her status and appearance.

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes. As a man, he knew very well that Beitang Yunfeng had thoughts about Yu Xiangluo. Thinking that this was a secret realm, his first priority was to get the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover to save his life before he could qualify. Think of something else.

Besides, Yan Xiangluo is not an ordinary little girl and will not be influenced by others. Judging from her attitude towards Beitang Yunfeng, we can tell that she has no thoughts about Beitang Yunfeng. However, if she doesn't have it now, it doesn't mean she won't have it in the future.    Suppress your thoughts and look ahead.

I have to say that Ji Jiuzhong and Beitang Yunfeng knew Yan Xiangluo very well at this point.

Yu Xiangluo is not worried that anyone will be thinking about her Junzi Sword at this time. After all, everyone's thoughts are on the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover.

She stood on tiptoe and looked at the front of the crowd, but she couldn't see anything. Most of them were men, and her sight was completely blocked by her height advantage.

Beitang Yunfeng smiled and watched her movements, "Girl, you can go over there and stand on the rock to watch."

Yan Xiangluo looked in the direction pointed by Beitang Yunfeng and saw many protruding rocks with many people standing on them in various postures.

 She was speechless, so forget about this gesture.

 Looking at the objects in the storage ring, he took out a chair and stood on it, so that he could see it.

Seeing the chair she took out, Beitang Yunfeng's lips twitched. How big was her storage ring, and she actually took the chair with her when she went out?

How does he know that all the items in the house are in her storage ring? Not to mention that it can be contained, but if it can't be contained, doesn't she still have Pangu space?

She was prepared not to return to Tianshun Imperial City at any time. There was nothing there except the small courtyard where she lived, and she had put away all the furniture at home.

 This time she could see clearly ahead.

That is the spiritual spring?

Right in front of the crowd gathered are hanging stones naturally formed on the mountain, like stalactites. There are many of them, and each one is very sharp. There was a mountain stone pillar one and a half meters high on the ground, about as thick as her arm. A depression was formed at the top, about as big as the mouth of a bowl, with a pool of water inside. There is still a drop of water that has not fallen on the sharp hanging stone directly above the mouth of the bowl.

This water should be the spiritual spring, because there is also a green plant growing in the bowl. I counted exactly nine leaves, isn't it a nine-leaf grass?

 Is this the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover that everyone longs for? It's really a bit shabby.

If people who do n’t know will really notice it, but at this time, they are stared at by the eyes of everyone.

She looked at everyone curiously, why were they all forming an arc five meters away from the spiritual spring, and no one took a step forward?

Thinking that the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover can only be obtained on the last day, it becomes clear that there should be obstacles similar to the barrier, which even the ninth-level peak strength expert cannot break, otherwise these people will still be able to get it. I can wait here honestly.

After looking around, I found several people from the Xianyun Sect, as well as people from other sects. They could be distinguished by their clothing.

 Suddenly, she saw a familiar figure in the crowd on the right.

 (End of this chapter)

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