The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 156: Exhaust gas cultivation

Chapter 156 Exhaust Gas Development

 Miao Nagano?

Since he was expelled from the sect as punishment according to the sect's rules, Yan Xiangluo really didn't have any news about Miao Changye.

I heard Beitang Yunyu say that he was murdered by someone arranged by his aunt Miao Yu when he was training in the sect. However, he was secretly protected by people arranged by his brother Beitang Yunfeng. However, Miao Yu was cautious in doing things, and Beitang Tang Yunfeng had no evidence that Miao Yu did it, so he could only let it go.

 She thought that Miao Nagano, the reborn son of luck, had ruined his good cards like this. After all, no sect would want him after his reputation was ruined. I didn't expect him to appear here. And she couldn't see through his cultivation at all. He must be above the king level, and above the fifth level of the king level.

 How did he manage to break through so many levels in more than a year?

Miao Nagano is one year older than her. She is sixteen years old this year, and Miao Nagano is seventeen. Although he has not yet reached the top, he no longer looks like the high-spirited young man he was when he first met during the sect examination.

  gave her a gloomy feeling, and the cold eyes that stared closely at the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover reminded her of the eyes of an animal, a snake.

 Frowning her brows, Miao Nagano gave her a very bad feeling.

 Miao Nagano must have experienced something after returning to his family that made him undergo such a big change.

But it is not difficult to imagine his life, being expelled from the sect, and falling from being the proud disciple of the sect master to having his reputation completely ruined, in the sky and on the earth. This kind of honor gap is not something that ordinary people can bear.

Now Miao Changzhi is probably so cold that no one can warm him up.

Yan Xiangluo quickly got down from the chair. She didn’t want to be stared at by Miao Nagano now.

The moment she came down, Miao Nagano suddenly looked over. He noticed that someone was looking at him, but when he looked over, Yan Xiangluo got off the chair, and his sight was blocked by the thick crowd, so he did not notice her.

Miao Changye's eyes narrowed and he had to be careful. There were many people from the Immortal Cloud Sect here, and he had seen Beitang Yunfeng before. His goal today was Lingquan and Nine-Leaf Grass, and he didn't want to miss the opportunity for anything. .

As for the people from the Xianyun Sect, it was not the master and the sect leader who came. She had no intention of taking the initiative to say hello to anyone except Beitang Yunyu and Jin Xinrong.

 Obviously, everyone's goal is now on the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, and no one has noticed her. Even if they did, they would not think that saying hello to her is more important than getting the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover.

  Put away the chair and walked aside calmly. Beitang Yunfeng followed her and said without saying anything: "Who do you think can get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him speechlessly, "I don't know who can get it, but I definitely can't get it."

With so many powerful people here, does he think she is stupid for asking such an idiotic question?

Beitang Yunfeng laughed and said, "I asked a question."

After asking, he also felt that he was not very good at finding this topic.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him and said, "Your goal is probably the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. Then go and get busy. I'm just here to join in the fun and gain experience. Don't delay your important events."

Beitang Yunfeng choked. She didn't want him to follow her. Could it be that he was so annoying?

But when he thought about it, he really needed to keep an eye on his own arrangements. Although he didn't expect to get all the spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover, it was not easy to get some of them, so he couldn't make any mistakes.

"It's me who's interrupting you, Miss. Let's meet again when we go out." Beitang Yunfeng turned around and left after saying this.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t care about Beitang Yunfeng’s decision. In her opinion, whatever Beitang Yunfeng did had nothing to do with her.

She is now thinking about how to find out among so many powerful people. Two drops of spiritual spring or two leaves of nine-leaf clover will do. In this way, her problems of breaking through the Pangu Flower Bloom and Ji Jiuzhong's detoxification will be solved. She didn't notice at all at this time, she unconsciously wanted to help Ji Jiuzhong.

Yun Tuan squatted on her shoulder and spoke to her with his spiritual consciousness, "Master, the aura baby is right there."

“Yun Tuan, everyone present knows this.” Yan Xiangluo also used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yun Tuan.

Yun Tuan asked doubtfully: "Can they all see the treasure?"

It is a mythical beast, and it is a natural treasure hunter, so it can sense where the treasure is. How can these mortal people with naked eyes see the treasure?

Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused, and she felt something was wrong. What Yun Tuan was talking about was seeing, which should not be visible on the surface. Could it be that the spiritual treasures Yun Tuan was talking about were not spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover?

“Aren’t you talking about the water in the stone bowl and the grass growing in it?” Yan Xiangluo asked immediately.

Yun Tuan glanced at Lingquan and Jiuyecao and said with disgust, "That's just a spiritual creature developed from the waste gas of a spiritual treasure. It can't be compared with a treasure."

Yan Xiangluo suddenly felt her little heart beating loudly. Sure enough, something was wrong. The treasures Yun Tuan mentioned were not the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover at all.

 The spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover are both cultivated by the waste gas produced by the treasure. So what kind of heaven-defying existence is the real treasure?

 Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he asked again: "Where is the treasure you mentioned?"

“It’s in that long stone dripping with water,” Yun Tuan said.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly fell on the long hanging stone with a drop of water still hanging down in surprise. Who would have thought that there are treasures here that are more precious than the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover.

 Those who are attracted by Yun Tuan are naturally not ordinary treasures. However, even if you don't grab the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, it will not be easy to get the treasures. You can only wait for them to finish snatching them before taking action.

However, after the Lingquan and Nine-Leaf Clover were taken away, the Lingquan Secret Realm would be closed, and everyone would be teleported out, leaving her with not much time.

And there is another most important problem, that is, the powerful spiritual power and pressure that burst out when these strong men snatched the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover were not something that a person of her level could withstand, and she would definitely not be able to rely on them. Too close, not only that, but also needing to hide.

This means that she is a little far away from the treasure. Can she get the treasure before being teleported?

 She was really worried.

Wanting to see what Ji Jiuzhong was doing, he turned around and saw that Ji Jiuzhong was still standing outside the passage where they came out. He didn't move. He stood with his hands behind his hands and looked at the crowd in front. He should be looking at Lingquan and Nine-leaf clover.

 So calm?

She didn’t believe that Ji Jiuzhong didn’t make any preparations. After all, Lingquan and Nine-leaf Grass were related to whether his life could be saved.

 Having estimated the time now, it took some time to treat Ji Jiuzhong, and it should be almost the early morning of the last day.

 It was breakfast time when I entered the Lingquan Secret Realm, and I guess it was around the same time when I went out. In other words, the barrier in front of me would disappear within an hour or two at most.

 (End of this chapter)

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