The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 157: peak talent

Chapter 157 Peak of Talent

"Yun Tuan, how big is the treasure? How can I take it away?" Since there are treasures rarer than the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, Yuan Xiangluo will naturally not risk his life to **** the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover from these mainland strong men. Grass.

In fact, not all powerful people will come to the secret realm to try their luck. After all, the top powerful people in the mainland are not just the ones in front of them. For example, her master, uncles, and ancestors are not here. It can be seen that Lingquan It doesn't necessarily allow people to break through the level of respect.

 There is too little time now, so she still has to make a plan.

“Cut down the dripping stone pillar at the base where it connects to the mountain, and just take it away.” Yun Tuan couldn’t see the treasure, but he could sense how big it was.

Yan Xiangluo blinked. The stone pillar was not thick but very long. She was a little curious about the treasure inside. It could actually use waste gas to cultivate precious spiritual objects such as spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover.

Yan Xiangluo looked up at the part connected to the mountain. It was about as thick as an adult man's leg. It was not difficult to cut it off directly. But what should she use to cut it?

She was a little far away, so she might as well use the Flying Lotus. After these people took away the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, she used the Flying Lotus to cut off the connected parts as she passed. When it fell, she reached the place. It should be just enough time to catch it and put it away.

 After thinking about it for a while, there is no better way. This is the only way. Whether you can get the treasure mainly depends on your luck.

  After she figured it out, she stopped worrying and went directly back to the entrance of the passage where they came in.

Ji Jiuzhong saw her walking towards the entrance and asked, "Miss Yu, are you going out?"

  She thought she had seen too many strong men and had no chance to **** the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover, so she was worried about being affected and wanted to go out.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "No, I just found a place to hide. After all, the spiritual power and coercion that so many powerful people burst out at the same time are beyond my level of cultivation."

Mu Zixian, Changfeng, and Jin Yutang all twitched their mouths. They were all hiding so far away. They couldn't get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, so they might as well go out directly.

Ji Jiuzhong showed no expression. He nodded and said, "It's safer to hide."

She can maintain her original intention in the face of such great temptations as Spiritual Spring and Nine-Leaf Grass, knows her own strength, knows what she should do, and her determination is not generally strong.

Yan Xiangluo stood at the entrance of the passage and did not go inside. She leaned against the stone wall and quietly absorbed spiritual energy to practice while using her mental power to refine the divine beads.

I have to say that where the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover exist, the spiritual energy is purer and richer, making it a good place for cultivation.

In her own cultivation, not only did she have to pass the second level of Pangu flower blooming, but she also had a big problem to solve. Her lotus platform had not appeared yet.

She has already reached the ninth level of spiritual cultivation, but the lotus platform still did not appear. Even when there was no more spiritual power to accumulate, the lotus platform did not appear.

Even though Master Qianhe said that the lotus platform just didn't show up, she was still worried. After all, the lotus platform was a monk's Taoist platform. How far the lotus platform could go was very important.

If the second level is broken through and there is still no lotus platform, she doesn't know whether her wish to go to the higher continent to find her parents can be realized, let alone become a strong person in the higher continent.

She sometimes wondered if it was because the lotus platform never appeared that the second level could not be broken.

But on second thought, the second level should not be directly related to the lotus platform. After all, people who practiced the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique in the past may not have the same physical condition as me, and the lotus platform did not appear.

 That's why she was refining the divine beads so carefully, just to see if the lotus platform would appear after refining the divine beads. After all, the chance of getting the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover is very slim. Although she now knows that there are spiritual objects that are rarer than spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover, she doesn't know if she can get them. Therefore, refining the divine beads is the most reliable option at the moment. After all, the divine beads are already hers.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her and saw that she was actually practicing. He was a little curious. She could practice while standing in such an environment. Is her mind really calm?

You work so hard, how come you have been in the secret realm for a month and you still haven't broken through to the king level?

 Did you encounter problems with your cultivation methods?

Now is not the time to ask about this matter. Let's wait until we get the spirit spring and the nine-leaf clover out. Although they don't spend much time together, he can see that Yu Xiangluo is a person with ideas and doesn't like others to interfere in her affairs. And it's still a matter of cultivation. If it were me, I wouldn't trust others easily.

 Time passed little by little, and more people arrived. Without exception, they were all people with king-level cultivation and above. Currently, she was the only one with spiritual level cultivation. She didn't know whether she should express her good luck.

However, she felt that she still had to thank Yun Tuan. Without Yun Tuan, she would not have been able to come here, and she might still be wandering around in Baili Forest.

 Luckily she has Pangu Space, otherwise she might have met a disastrous end when she met someone with ill intentions.

 Had I not had many cards, I wouldn’t have been able to get here.

Thinking about it this way, she understood that even though many people came here, most of them were wandering around in the passage, or even died in the passage. After all, the dangers she could encounter could also be encountered by others. Greedy People abound.

In a blink of an eye, it was early morning the next day. Yan Xiangluo heard the crowd in front of her become restless. She immediately stopped refining the divine beads and practicing, and stretched out her head and feet to see what was going on in front of her.

Ji Jiuzhong's voice suddenly sounded in her ears, "The barrier is loose. Hurry up and hide. We'll see you outside in the peach forest."

Yan Xiangluo looked at Ji Jiuzhong in surprise. He clearly didn't look back and was five or six steps away from her. Why did his voice sound like someone was speaking right next to her ear?

Ji Jiuzhong can actually transmit sound. Only people with a cultivation level above the level of respect can perform sound transmission. He is actually a level above the level of cultivation.


Moreover, his current cultivation level has been reduced by one-fifth. How high was his cultivation level at his peak?

 No wonder he always has a cold and cold look. With such a talent, genius is not enough to describe him. He is standing at the peak of talent and looking down. How can he make an expression? Alas, he has the ability to be proud.

Although she was shocked, she also knew what was going on now. She knew that Ji Jiuzhong was reminding her that the robbery was about to begin, telling her to hide and not be affected.

 After all, she has the lowest cultivation level among all the people in the audience.

Yan Xiangluo couldn't transmit sounds, so she could only tell Ji Jiuzhong through her actions that she heard it, and hid in the passage.

In fact, Ji Jiuzhong wanted her to leave directly, but he knew that she wouldn't listen to him, so he just reminded her that the robbery was about to begin, and asked her to take shelter quickly, don't be affected, just watch the excitement, and don't get hurt. good.

 (End of this chapter)

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