The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 158: secret attack

Chapter 158 Secret Realm Attack

Just after Yan Xiangluo took a few steps inside, the crowd outside suddenly became agitated. Yan Xiangluo stretched out his head and took a look, just in time to see Ji Jiuzhong take action.

At the same time, I also saw the crowd rushing towards the spiritual spring in front of me, trampling and killing people. The outside instantly turned into a purgatory on earth.

Sure enough, greed is human nature. At this time, everyone forgets whether their own strength allows them to be greedy, and robs without risking their lives.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't step forward at all. After the barrier disappeared, he raised his slender hand, and two mysterious patterns appeared. A defensive mysterious pattern blocked them in front of them. A mysterious text ran towards the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf grass. Under the crazy snatching, with the spiritual power flying around, Ji Jiuzhong's Xuanwen was not conspicuous at all, and he passed through the crowd and went straight to the spiritual spring and nine-leaf grass.

Compared with Lingquan and Nine-leaf clover, Nine-leaf clover is easier to snatch. This is what everyone thinks. Ji Jiuzhong decided to attack Lingquan directly. He was not greedy. He only wanted half of it, and neither did Nine-leaf clover. If he missed it, he would take away half of the spiritual spring and then directly take away the two bottom leaves. If he took them all away, he would become the target of public criticism.

All this was done in an instant. When Xuanwen's light returned to Ji Jiuzhong's hands, he immediately covered his hands with his sleeves and put the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover blades into the cold jade box that had been prepared long ago to prevent the loss of spiritual energy. .

There was a jade bottle in the cold jade box. He directly wrapped the spiritual spring with spiritual power and put it in without wasting a drop.

 After Lingquan lost half of the nine-leaf clover and lost two leaves, he was immediately discovered and shouted loudly, "Someone took away Lingquan and the nine-leaf clover."

Suddenly, the people who were killing each other didn't care about anything, and desperately grabbed the nine-leaf clover on the spiritual spring.

 After all, they didn’t see who got the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. After all, they didn’t see anyone coming to the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. They all hurriedly grabbed the rest.

I have to say that Ji Jiuzhong controls people's hearts very well.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong had already put away the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf grass, and watched the people fighting for it without moving.

He couldn't leave at this time. As soon as he left, everyone would know that he had obtained the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. If he overused his spiritual power again, he would have no chance of escaping from death again.

Yan Xiangluo said that she had no way to save him, but he knew very well that tomorrow was the last day of his life. He only had to wait until the secret realm was closed and let Yan Xiangluo refine the detoxification pill for him, and his life would be different.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely surprised after seeing Ji Jiuzhong's neat movements. What level had his mysterious pattern reached? He was actually able to carve out the most difficult plundering pattern in Ji Yin's profound pattern technique.

Only this kind of mysterious pattern can **** away the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf grass in an instant. The most important spiritual spring is liquid. Ji Jiuzhong's plundering mysterious pattern can actually get the spiritual spring back without losing a drop. This is for her It’s simply a fantasy.

At this time, she also understood how powerful the Xuanwen technique Ji Yin was. He actually showed such a technique to herself. Is he really so willing to do it?

Ji Jiuzhong seemed to sense her gaze and turned around. Their eyes met. Ji Jiuzhong gave a rare smile, which made Yan Xiangluo's mouth open in surprise.

 He will also smile, and it seems to look better when he smiles.

Although she is not a nymphomaniac, who wouldn't want to see such a handsome man with a warm smile.

Ji Jiuzhong smiled because he got the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover. After completely eliminating the fetal poison, he was equivalent to being reborn. He could finally do what he wanted to do. He was very happy, so he smiled at Yuan Xiangluo.

 Seeing her dazed look, the curve of the corners of her lips rose a little more. All this happened in a very short period of time. The spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover in front were all snatched away. The people who snatched the nine-leaf clover and the spiritual spring immediately ran out, and a large group of people chased after them.

Some people who were not strong enough knew that there was no hope of getting the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover, so they did not chase them out. Some people even leaned on the mouth of the stone pillar bowl and licked it, hoping that the remaining moisture from the spiritual spring would also have some effect.

There were many people who had this idea, so naturally they started to fight for it. Yan Xiangluo felt disgusted when she saw different people licking the mouth of the bowl.

At this moment, she felt a slight shaking, and then a repulsive force came.

 No, it’s time to close the space. There are still so many people there. How can we get the stone pillar?

 She immediately sent the clouds into space, and then saw so many people outside disappearing one by one.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her and disappeared.

As long as you don't resist, you will be teleported out immediately when the time is up. Yan Xiangluo doesn't want to be teleported out immediately. She desperately uses her spiritual power to resist, and then walks out of the passage towards the stone pillar.

Although the distance is not too far, it will be very laborious to use spiritual power to resist the repulsive force and then walk to the stone pillar.

No, there was not much time, and she would probably be forcefully sent out in the next moment. Seeing that she was the only one left in the entire space, she threw the flying lotus without hesitation, and a few leaves went straight to the stone pillars and the mountain. Go to the connected place, and then use your spiritual energy to run towards the stone pillar.

 But what surprised her was that Flying Lotus's attack had no effect at all, and the stone pillar was not damaged at all.

Xingmu paused, immediately put away the flying lotus, and then took out the long caltrop spear to attack without hesitation. She was about to run forward, and the long rhombus spear was just long enough to attack.

 However, such a sharp weapon as the long rhombus gun only made the stone pillar shake a little, and it was still firmly connected to the mountain.

Yan Xiangluo felt a little anxious. She could no longer resist and was about to be sent out of the secret realm of Lingquan.

At this moment, the Junzi Sword buzzed in her consciousness, and Ruan Xiangluo's eyes lit up. How could she have forgotten the Junzi Sword? It was a peerless sword refined by a high-level mainland weapon refiner.

With a thought as she put away the long caltrop spear, the Gentleman's Sword appeared in her hand. At the same time, her body had reached the stone pillar, she jumped up, and the Gentleman's Sword in her hand struck down.

With a bang, the stone pillar was cut off by the Junzi Sword. Ruan Xiangluo was overjoyed and hurried to collect the stone pillar. Just as she was holding the stone pillar in her hand, a powerful soul-absorbing attack force came out from the broken place of the mountain. Xiangluo was shocked. She had no time to escape, and she didn't even have time to enter the space.

At this moment, a powerful force burst out from her body and stood in front of her. This was the jade token that her master Deng Changze had given her to save her life. It contained the master's strongest blow. With a bang, the jade token shattered into pieces. , the attack power is still there, and continues to run towards her. Another powerful force in her body blocked her. This was the strongest blow her father had ever given her to save her life. With another bang, she finally blocked the attack that made her heart palpitate.

 (End of this chapter)

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