The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 159: space stalactite

Chapter 159 Space Stone Milk

All this happened in an instant, and then Yan Xiangluo's body was expelled. The moment she went out, she sent the stone pillar into the space, and at the same time she saw that the Lingquan space was collapsing.

Yan Xiangluo felt a little guilty. She knew in her heart that she should have taken away the treasure that created the spiritual spring. From now on, the spiritual spring space would not be worthy of its name, so there was no need for the space to exist.

 Does this count as taking away opportunities from future generations?

In an instant, she had appeared in the valley entering the secret realm. Outside were people thrown out in various postures. She didn't look at anyone and immediately ran into the forest.

She knows very well that even if no one knows that she has obtained the treasure that contains the spiritual spring, the Gentleman's Sword is enough to make people greedy, and she is not the opponent of so many people.

Before, there were spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover that attracted them. Now that the dust has settled, there are only so many spiritual springs and weeds. It is impossible for many people to get them. Naturally, they will think of her gentleman's sword again.

Qin Suyue, who had not seen the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf grass at all, was in a gloomy mood. She had been paying attention to whether Ruan Xiangluo came out. Even if she could not get the spiritual spring and the weeds, she did not want to make it easy for Ruan Xiangluo. Finally, she could Kill her.

 Therefore, although Yan Xiangluo moved quickly, she was discovered by Qin Suyue who had been looking for her.

“The woman in the red dress who got the Gentleman’s Sword came out and ran into the woods to the east.” Qin Suyue shouted loudly.

Suddenly, those who were waiting to **** the Junzi Sword looked towards the woods to the east. They happened to see the fiery red figure of Yuan Xiangluo disappearing into the woods, and they immediately chased after her.

Yan Xiangluo naturally heard Qin Suyue's voice and cursed her secretly in her heart. This person was really haunting. Fortunately, she had been prepared and did not run directly towards Taolin.

 She led the people behind her to run eastward for a long time. When she saw someone was about to catch up, she quickly found a place where she could avoid sight and entered the space.

 Suddenly, someone was flying and flying past where she was.

Yan Xiangluo glanced outside and didn't care anymore. She had to hide for a while.

Jin Yutang, who was arranged by Ji Jiuzhong to wait for Ruan Xiangluo to come out to protect her, was also worried and chased after her with the hidden guards, but Ruan Xiangluo didn't see it.

 She is now paying attention to the stone pillar lying on the ground, wondering what kind of treasure is inside.

The cloud was jumping back and forth on the stone pillar, "Master, put it into a big bowl, and you can continue to grow the water."

Yan Xiangluo squatted down and looked at the cut place. The thick stone was wrapped in a milky white milk-like substance, but it was not liquid but hard.

 “What is this?” Yan Xiangluo searched all her memories and still couldn’t find this thing.

“Space milk.” Cloud only knew what it was after seeing it.

Space stone milk?

“What is space stone milk?” Yan Xiangluo still didn’t understand what it was.

“It is the essence that the Space Stone has cultivated over a long period of time.” Yun Tuan explained.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, I see. No wonder the Lingquan space collapsed after she took away the Space Stone Milk. Her emotions took away the soul that formed the Lingquan space. People will die without their souls. The same goes for space. Now she finally understood the reason why she had such strong attack power when she cut down the stone pillars. It was the revenge of the space that finally defeated everyone. If she hadn't had the life-saving jade token given by her father and master, she might have really fought against Lingquan Space. Died together.

 I am very scared!

There is no need to explain the space stone. The fantasy novel she read in another life said that any space requires the refining of space stones, from the small Qiankun Bag to the large experience space such as the secret realm of Lingquan. It’s just that the number of space stones required is different.

But this was the first time she knew that the space stone could also contain stone milk.

“Can space stone milk be used as medicine?” Yan Xiangluo suddenly asked with her big apricot eyes flashing.

Since it is the essence of space stone milk, and the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover raised by exhaust gas alone have such powerful effects, the effect of space stone milk should be stronger, right?

  Is it possible for her to successfully break through the second level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique?

Yun Tuan shook his head and said, "I don't know if it can be used as medicine, but space stone milk is a treasure for monks to practice. Just holding a small amount of space stone milk in your hand will get twice the result with half the effort."

 Looking at the stone milk that was only the size of a dragon's eye drawn by the clouds, surprise burst out in Yuan Xiang's eyes.

The space stone milk still has this effect. It is indeed a good thing. Yan Xiangluo thought that she had not been able to shake the space stone milk with the Flying Lotus and Changling Spear before. In the end, she had to use the Gentleman's Sword to get the stone milk off.

Thinking about it now, what is solid is not the stone but the space stone milk inside, as well as the self-protection power of space.

Such a solid stone milk cannot be broken open by ordinary weapons. Besides, she would not hesitate to break such a large space of stone milk.

As for the spiritual spring that drips out, it only takes a hundred years to drip out of a bowl. I don’t know how long it will take for a drop to drip out. Alas, if I don’t live long enough, my soul will die in the void before I can wait for the stone milk to drip out of a bowl.

However, no matter how little it is, it can’t be wasted. Every drop is a drop.

According to the conversion method learned in another life, there are 10,000 drops in a bowl of water, 10,000 drops in 100 years, 100 drops in a year, and 8 to 9 drops of spiritual spring in a month. This can also help. She has refined some special elixirs, which can even save lives at critical moments.

Thinking about it this way, looking at the space stone milk, it looks like a cornucopia.

 Not a drop of spiritual spring can be wasted.

The stone pillar doesn't look big when it's hanging on the mountain, but when it's taken down, it's only as thick as an adult man's leg, but it's nearly six meters long, and it can't stand even if it's placed in a bowl.

She glanced at the space and saw that there were some spiritual fruit trees. However, the spiritual fruit trees were not very tall. The highest point was only five meters. They were not tall enough to hang such a heavy space stone.

With her almond-shaped eyes, she glanced outside. There was no one there anymore. She ducked out, wrapped her consciousness around a thick tree that was more than ten meters high, and moved it directly into the space to plant it.

Yun Tuan saw that Yan Xiangluo had brought in a big tree, and thought she was going to hang the space stone milk on the tree with a rope, and then connect the spiritual spring below, so he saw her carrying the space stone milk directly. , directly clamped on the thick tree branch, the space stone card is stable, hanging down, still with the pointed side facing down, one and a half meters above the ground.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the stone milk wrapped in stone, took out the gentleman's sword and opened the stone wrapped on the tip of the stone milk, revealing the milky white stone milk inside, so that the dripping spiritual spring would not have to seep out from the stone. Here we are, much cleaner.

 (End of this chapter)

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