The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 160: she will come

Chapter 160 She will come

I don’t know if the outer layer of stone is because of the nourishment of the stone milk. It is extremely strong. Neither the Flying Lotus nor the Changling Spear can do anything. If it weren’t for the Junzi Sword, she wouldn’t be able to get the space stone milk today.

Yan Xiangluo felt that her luck was not generally good.

She took out her table from her storage ring, then took a bowl and placed it on it, right under the stone milk, so that when the spiritual spring formed, it would fall directly into the bowl.

Hold the space stone milk to practice, but she did something else. She didn't want to break it into pieces. If she wanted to practice, she could just sit on the tree and touch the stone milk exposed on it.

 Others are holding the stone milk that he does not have such a big space.

Let’s first try to see if she can break through the second level by practicing with the stone milk. If not, there will be more than a dozen drops of spiritual spring from now until tomorrow, which should be enough for her. If it doesn’t work, there will be divine beads.

  Anyway, now she is not worried about not being able to break through the second level.

However, the first thing now is to go to Taolin. Tomorrow will be the last day of Ji Jiuchong's life, and she must quickly refine the antidote pill for him.

Looking up at the stone milk stuck on the tree branch, I saw Yun Tuan's small body lying on the stone milk exposed above to practice.

 Well, the baby was found by Yun Tuan, so naturally he wanted to let it use it. It said that it was a mythical beast, and it didn’t know when it would be able to regain its previous memory and strength. I hope the space stone milk could help it.

 Coming out of the space, he identified the direction and ran quickly towards the peach blossom forest.

 In fact, she could call the white eagle to come out, but flying in the sky would be too conspicuous. Wouldn't it be obvious to tell others where she is?

 So let’s run.

As soon as Ji Jiuzhong came out, he found the peach blossom forest by the river and waited for the fragrance to fall. Worried about her safety, he specially arranged for Jin Yutang to wait with hidden guards to protect her.

What time is it now? Lingquan Secret Realm has been closed for a long time. Why haven't you come yet?

At this moment, Jin Yutang came back and reported with a somewhat bad look, "Master, Qin Suyue saw Miss Yu as soon as she came out. Everyone chased her, and my subordinates also led people to chase her. , but no one has been able to catch up with Miss Yu. I sent out all the hidden guards to look for her, but I haven’t found anyone yet. "

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you sure those people didn't find her either?"

"I'm sure, we all chased her together. As we chased, we lost Miss Yu's aura and lost her. Those people are also looking for someone." Although Jin Yutang admired Yu Xiangluo's hiding ability, he also Worried that she would be in danger if someone found her.

Apart from anything else, the master is still waiting for her to refine the detoxification pill. The effect of swallowing the spirit spring and nine-leaf clover directly and refining the detoxification pill are different.

If you don’t know how to refine this detoxifying pill, it is very likely that the refining will be useless, so it is better to take it directly.

In Jin Yutang's opinion, Yan Xiangluo should have used the invisibility mysterious pattern, but he didn't know how long her mysterious pattern would last and when she would be able to come.

Hearing this, Ji Jiuzhong was relieved, "Since we haven't found her, she's fine. That girl is smart. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to live alone until now at the age of ten and still be living better and better."

Jin Yutang felt relieved after hearing his master's words. Since his master said so, Miss Yu should be fine.

Mu Zixian asked curiously, "I wonder how Miss Yu managed to avoid so many strong men? Did she have invisibility patterns carved into her tattoos?"

Yan Xiangluo is really a person who makes people curious easily. She is not old, but she has a lot of abilities. Several people glanced at him but did not answer his question. Mu Zixian touched his nose and remained silent.

Jin Yutang said again, "Master, the secret realm of Lingquan seems to have been destroyed."

Ji Jiuzhong’s eyes paused, “Why do you say that?”

 When he came out, the secret realm was still fine, but he just sent them all out, so how could it be destroyed?

"Just after everyone came out, the secret realm was not closed, but destroyed. There were roars, which sounded like the sound of collapse. Everyone present could hear it clearly, and then the light on the valley flashed It was extinguished as soon as it flashed, and it was definitely not withdrawn. The strong men present said that the secret realm of Lingquan was destroyed and would probably never be opened again." Jin Yutang recounted the scene at that time.

"How could this happen?" Mu Zixian and Changfeng said in unison.

They also heard the sound before. Although it was not that clear, it was not very far from the valley. It turned out to be the sound of the secret realm collapsing.

Jin Yutang said, "Those people said that something must have happened in the secret realm. Someone touched the life and death point of the secret realm, causing the secret realm to self-destruct."

Ji Jiuzhong looked towards the direction of the valley, "That's fine. Although everyone who goes in can gain experience every time, there are too many monks who have died, including many strong ones. Spirit spring and nine-leaf grass are indeed peerless medicine, but the same It also makes people greedy and forget their true intentions.”

The three of them looked at Ji Jiuzhong with lingering fear, and they all had a common thought in their hearts. Fortunately, the master got the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover, otherwise they would not have the chance to see the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover in the future.

 “What should we do?” Mu Zixian asked.

Tomorrow is the last day for the master. Yan Xiangluo has gone to hide there. I don’t know if she can come here. What should the master do?

"Wait, she will come." Ji Jiuzhong was not in a hurry. Although he didn't get along with Yan Xiangluo much, he knew her very well. Since she would definitely do what she promised.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Jiuzhong looked in one direction, his phoenix eyes shining brightly, filled with tenderness that he didn't even notice, "She's here."

Hearing this, the three of them all followed his line of sight and saw a fiery red figure running towards him in a hurry. It turned out to be Yu Xiangluo.

The three of them were extremely impressed. A person with a ninth-level spiritual level not only escaped from the hands of so many king-level masters, but also came here. How did she do it?

From a distance, Yan Xiangluo saw Ji Jiuchong and others standing in the peach forest. She ran to them without stopping and shouted directly, "Follow me."

The four of them were stunned. When the three of them saw Ji Jiuchong, they immediately followed him. Jin Yutang also sent a signal to the hidden guards to come back.

Yan Xiangluo led four people up the cliff and entered the cave where she found Han Shi.

 Seeing the cave, the four of them were speechless. It seemed that she had been here before, otherwise she wouldn't be so familiar with it.

When he arrived at the cave, Jin Yutang consciously did not follow him, but stood guard at the entrance of the cave, waiting for the hidden guards and taking charge of security at the same time.

“How many spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover did you get?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Ji Jiuzhong took out the cold jade box containing the spirit spring and the nine-leaf clover and opened it. Inside there was a jade bottle as big as a fist, and two pieces of nine-leaf clover lying next to the jade bottle.

 (End of this chapter)

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