The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 161: Complete detoxification

Chapter 161 Complete detoxification

Yan Xiangluo picked up the jade bottle without opening it. She just bumped the weight with her hand and knew that the bottle was almost full. He had snatched back half of the bowl of spiritual spring. It was indeed amazing.

“Except for refining the detoxification pill for me, I’ll give you the rest.”

Although Ji Jiuzhong also wanted to give some to his right-hand man, he didn't know how much he would use. Moreover, Yu Xiangluo failed to advance after entering the secret realm. He suspected that there was something wrong with her cultivation method and wanted to use more. It would be best if the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover could help her.

 So generous?

You can't use so many spiritual springs to cure his fetal poison. If you only have one, you will need ten drops of spiritual spring or two pieces of nine-leaf clover. If you have both, five drops of spiritual spring and one piece of nine-leaf clover will be enough. Of course, you can use both. Better results.

 In this way, what is left is a piece of nine-leaf clover and a large bottle of spiritual spring. After all, five drops are not much.

“I’ll ask you to bring out the other medicinal materials you prepared, and I’ll refine the antidote pill for you now,” Yuan Xiangluo said.

 Although the nine-leaf clover is stored in a cold jade box and can be stored for a longer period of time, the earlier it is used, the better the effect.

Ji Jiuzhong handed her a Qiankun bag, "It's all in there, let's see how much you use."

Yan Xiangluo reached in with his spiritual consciousness, took out all the needed medicinal materials and quantities, and then returned the Qiankun bag to him, "These are enough."

Ji Jiuzhong didn't answer, "Normally I don't need the medicinal materials, so I'll keep the rest for you."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at him. There were a lot of precious medicinal materials here. Did he give them all to her so generously?

Place the Qiankun Bag next to the Cold Jade Box, and then take out the Shiwo Pill Furnace. She cannot refine such a precious elixir with a pill furnace bought for ten low-grade spiritual stones.

As soon as the stone nest appeared, a dark light flashed in Ji Jiuzhong's eyes. This was the precious pill furnace dug out when the Xianyun Sect was founded. At that time, a disciple of the Xianyun Sect reported that it had been obtained by Ruan Xiangluo. He It’s also the first time I’ve seen it.

Although it looked ordinary, he could sense the rich ancient charm on it as soon as she took it out. This alchemy furnace was indeed extraordinary.

Ji Jiuzhong winked, and the three of them all moved aside to make room for Ruan Xiangluo to refine the elixir.

 General alchemists are not allowed to have other people present when refining alchemy. After all, refining requires concentration and cannot be disturbed. Another issue is safety. Who knows who can be trusted.

Yan Xiangluo glanced at them, then mobilized her fire power to start making pills.

She researched the recipe for the detoxification pill based on Ji Jiuzhong's physical condition. It is different from the ordinary detoxification pill, but the refining technique is the same.

She first threw a piece of nine-leaf clover in and started refining it. The nine-leaf clover was quickly refined into juice, and she wrapped it with spiritual power and put it aside in the stone nest.

Yan Xiangluo then threw in the other medicinal materials one by one. After each medicinal material was refined into juice, it was put together with the juice of the nine-leaf clover.

 After all the medicinal materials were refined into juice, she began to mix the juices together and then began to purify them. Purification took a long time, but it was the most critical step in determining the quality of the elixir.

 After purification, it begins to condense. Seeing the juice getting thicker and thicker, Mu Zixian, who had been watching her closely while refining the elixir, was a little confused, could it be enough to just use the nine-leaf clover?

There was no way. He couldn't see the situation in the elixir furnace from where he was standing, so he could only rely on guessing. He didn't know why Yan Xiangluo put so many medicinal materials into an antidote elixir.

But he also knew that Yan Xiangluo would not do useless work, let alone use it to show her superb alchemy skills, it must be useful.

Just when the juice had become like condensed milk, Yan Xiangluo wrapped the jade bottle with spiritual power, opened it, poured five drops of spiritual spring into it, then capped the jade bottle and put it back. This time, it began to condense the elixir.

As the spirit spring was put into the alchemy furnace, the condensed milk in the alchemy furnace became more and more viscous, and soon became a lump. It turned around and around in the alchemy furnace, becoming more and more solid. When it formed a spherical shape, the color began to change. The color of the pill, which was originally a little brown, slowly began to fade, and finally turned into a white pill, with the fragrance of the pill filling the air.

Smelling the alluring fragrance of elixirs, Mu Zixian looked at it eagerly. The fragrance of elixirs came out, and it was about to become elixirs.

Yan Xiangluo continued to condense the elixir. After seeing golden lines appearing on the elixir, she raised her hand, and a bright white elixir with golden lines rose up from the elixir furnace.

 Perfect quality detoxifying pill!

Changfeng and Mu Zixian both opened their eyes in surprise. Is it true that every time Yu Xiangluo makes alchemy, the quality is perfect?

Yan Xiangluo waved her hand, and the pill flew towards Ji Jiuzhong, "Open your mouth, don't take it with your hands, just take it."

Ji Jiuzhong's raised hand took it back after hearing her words. He opened his mouth and accurately caught the detoxification pill without swallowing it. The pill melted in his mouth and slid down his throat.

 A heat spread out in his body, driving away the coldness in his body. Only he knew that this coldness had been with him since he was a child and was caused by fetal poison.

Now, the elixir expels the cold air from the body, which is detoxifying. The cold air disappears and the poison is resolved.

Mu Zixian and Changfeng stared closely at Ji Jiuzhong. They started following their master when they were about ten years old. Over the years, they knew all too well what the master would suffer when he was poisoned. They also knew very well how much his master wanted to cure the fetal poison.

Ji Jiuzhong looked calm on the surface, but he was actually very excited in his heart. Because of the fetal poison, he had never had a healthy body, and he didn't even know what it felt like to have a warm body. Therefore, he is not interested in anything. He has tried his best to live with one belief since he was a child. His life will be gone before he knows when, and nothing naturally attracts him.

 It’s different now. The fetal poison is about to be resolved. He can finally have a normal body and pursue what he wants like a normal person.

Just when the warm breath enveloped the inside and outside of his body, Ji Jiuzhong's expression changed. He only said "Don't follow me" and rushed out of the cave.

Changfeng and Mu Zixian were stunned. What happened to the master? He still refused to let them follow. Should they follow or not?

Thinking that there was Jin Yutang outside, the two of them looked at each other but did not follow him.

Turning to look at Yan Xiangluo, they saw that she was refining an elixir again. This time she was using different medicinal materials. They knew that what she was refining this time was not an antidote elixir.

Yan Xiangluo naturally knew why Ji Jiuzhong left in such a hurry.

  Fetal poison has followed him since he was born. Detoxification is so simple. There is a lot of poisonous residue in the body. After detoxification, it needs an excretion process. No matter how powerful the detoxification pill is, it cannot directly eliminate all the poison in his body.

 So he should be looking for a place to vent his poison.

 (End of this chapter)

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