The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 163: There is ample time

Chapter 163: There’s a long way to go

“Master, Luo’er is here.” Yan Xiangluo stood at the entrance of the cave and shouted loudly.

Deng Changze heard his little apprentice's voice, and his uneasy heart instantly fell, and he followed her voice from the air. He saw his young apprentice waving to him with a smile on his face at the entrance of the cave halfway up the mountain.

Deng Changze was completely relieved when he saw the young apprentice standing at the entrance of the cave halfway up the cliff. Fortunately, he was fine.

But when he saw Ji Jiuzhong standing behind her, he narrowed his eyes, it was this kid again.

  Didn’t you break off the engagement with your young apprentice? Why are you still together? In the past, it was to get Luo'er to suppress the poison for him, but why now?

There wasn't much space for people to stand at the entrance of the cave, so Yan Xiangluo immediately climbed down along the cliff.

Deng Changze saw his apprentice's actions, but he hadn't broken through to the king level yet.

  Even without breaking through the secret realm, this level is not easy for the little apprentice!

 Following the young apprentice to the peach grove below, he immediately asked, "Who attacked you?"

To be able to make the life-saving jade tablet you left for your young apprentice break into pieces, you must have encountered an enemy whose cultivation level is similar to your own.

  It does not involve the life of the little apprentice, and the strongest blow left by oneself will not be taken proactively. Let him know who it is, and let him taste the poison refined by his Poison King.

Yan Xiangluo stuck out her tongue and lowered her voice and said, "It's the secret realm of Lingquan."

Deng Changze's eyes paused, thinking of the news he heard, saying that the secret realm of Lingquan was destroyed and would never appear again. Could it be because of what the young apprentice did before he came out?

 But he really couldn't figure out how his young disciple, who was only at the ninth level of spiritual cultivation, could destroy the secret realm. No wonder the jade tokens he left for her to defend themselves were broken.

“As long as everything is fine.” Deng Changze didn’t ask any more questions. After all, he was outside.

“Luoer, this is not a good thing.” Yan Xiangluo pulled her skirt and spun it around.

“I heard that you got the Gentleman’s Sword?” Deng Changze smiled.

"Well, so many people are against Luo'er's idea. However, Luo'er is not afraid of them. Whoever dares to come, I will let them taste the poisonous elixir. Luo'er has refined so many poisonous elixirs to no avail. Well, if they give me this opportunity, I will be very happy." Yuan Xiangluo looked like I am not afraid of them.

Deng Changze knew that his young apprentice was speaking to those who were chasing him, and he did not want him to worry about her. After all, he had said that after she came out of the secret realm, he would be ready to leave the Tiancha Continent.

 But now he is really worried.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong came over and said, "Ji Jiuzhong, the junior, has met senior Deng."

Ji Jiuzhong did not call Deng Changze the master of Qiandu Peak nor the Poison King, but called him senior.

Deng Changze narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't have a wife, it wasn't because he couldn't get a wife, but because he didn't want to delay his cultivation time because of feelings. It didn't mean that he didn't understand. This kid didn't even hide his thoughts.

Since the young apprentice broke off the engagement with him, it means that she does not have him in her heart. Is he falling in love with the young apprentice because the young apprentice detoxified him?

How sincere are these feelings?

Deng Changze didn’t want to hit the smiling person with his hand, and Deng Changze wouldn’t deliberately deny Ji Jiuchong a good look, so he nodded.

Without saying anything, he looked at his young apprentice and said, "Master is here to take you back."

Of course, Yan Xiangluo knew where she was going, but she really didn't want to go back to Xianyun Sect. She shook her head and said, "Master, I'm about to break through. I'm going to retreat to break through to the king level. I won't go back now. Master will wait for me when I go back." As soon as I break through, I will go back to the sect to see my master.”

The implication is that Deng Changze should wait for her to return before leaving. As long as she breaks through the second level of Pangu Flower Blooming, the master can leave with peace of mind, and her cultivation speed will return to its previous state. “What place can be safer than Thousand Poison Peaks?” Deng Changze said disapprovingly.

“This is a secret, but don’t worry, Master, I guarantee it will be a very private place and very safe. I used to go there when I needed to retreat.”

She couldn't tell the truth to the master. After all, Pangu Space was too easy for people to covet. It wasn't that she didn't believe the master, but that she didn't want to harm the master.

Seeing that she was so persistent, he stopped trying to persuade her. He knew that she had a lot of ideas. Since she didn't go back with him, she must have the strength to protect herself.

"Well, master will wait for you to return at Qiandu Peak. No one needs to be afraid. If anyone dares to touch a hair on your head, master will make his whole family bald."

“Hahaha, Master, you are so domineering.” Yan Xiangluo couldn’t help but laugh happily when she heard the Master’s words. The Master really loved her.

 “Will Master send you there?” Deng Changze asked.

“No need, I have this.” Yan Xiangluo took out a teleportation pattern and showed it off.

Deng Changze smiled and said, "Okay, you go first."

Yan Xiangluo knew that her master was afraid that he would leave first, and those people would attack her. After saying goodbye to her master, she nodded to Ji Jiudian again, inputting her spiritual power into the mysterious pattern, and her figure instantly disappeared in front of their eyes.

Ji Jiuzhongfeng's eyes were full of disappointment. He originally thought that he would have a good relationship with her after his health recovered, but this person left immediately, and he didn't know where he went.

Deng Changze saw his young apprentice leaving and looked at Ji Jiuchong, "Since you agreed to break off the engagement when Luo'er proposed, don't regret it. Seeing that the poison in your body has been cured, don't look for Luo'er again in the future."

  Without giving Ji Jiuzhong a chance to say anything, he left Yukong directly.

 Leaving Ji Jiuchong who looked not very good.

Changfeng, Mu Zixian and Jin Yutang, the three of them looked at each other, but they didn’t dare to look at their master. At this time, they had better be honest.

 After a while, Ji Jiuzhong said: "Go back."

Since Yan Xiangluo has not returned to Xianyun Sect with her master, it means that the place where she wants to retreat is very secret, and he may not be able to find it, otherwise she would not be so confident to go to retreat alone.

Now that her body is well, many things should be resolved. They have been dealt with. As for Yan Xiangluo, didn't she tell her that she would go back to Xianyun Sect to see her master after her breakthrough? She sent people to guard Xianyun Sect, so she would always know. Her news, some things can only take time.

The people who originally followed Deng Changze to find Yuan Xiangluo and wanted to **** the Junzi Sword had to leave at this time. They went there to find the people who were sent away by the Xuan Wen.

Actually, they were wrong. Although Yan Xiangluo used the teleportation pattern, he didn't go far at all. He went directly back to the cave on the cliff and entered the space.

 She planned to practice in space before breaking through the second level. There were places safer than her own space.

After returning to the space, Yan Xiangluo took out the spiritual spring and nine-leaf clover that Ji Jiuzhong gave her. Although her cultivation level is now at the peak of the ninth level of the spiritual level, her spiritual energy is not in a saturated state now, and she will inevitably break through. There is no spiritual energy that needs to be measured that is richer and more pure than the spiritual energy in Pangu space.

 (End of this chapter)

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