The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 164: Seize the opportunity

Chapter 164: Seizing the opportunity

What’s more, she also has the Space Stone Milk, the ultimate cultivation treasure.

 Take out the stone nest, pour all the spiritual spring water into it, and then start refining it. The spiritual spring water is originally a spiritual substance and does not contain any impurities. She only needs to concentrate the spiritual spring water to enhance its effect.

After condensing most of the bottle of spiritual spring water into a size as big as a fingernail, she refined the remaining piece of nine-leaf clover into juice, then merged it with the spiritual spring water, and finally refined it into a pill a quarter of the size of a normal elixir. Pill.

This is luxury enough. Who would be willing to use so much spiritual spring water to refine such a pure elixir.

Yan Xiangluo gave the elixir a very domineering name "Po Guan Dan".

This elixir is indeed a special elixir she refined in order to break the second level of Pangu Flower Bloom, and the name is worthy of its name.

Although both the Po Guan Dan and the Transformation Pill are made from spiritual spring water and nine-leaf clover, the Po Guan Dan is made from pure spiritual spring water and nine-leaf clover. It has a different effect from the Transformation Pill. It can help break through any level, including breaking through the Zong level.

She didn't believe that with the Po Guan Dan and the waste gas, it was possible to grow space stone milk of spiritual objects such as spiritual springs and nine-leaf clover. She still couldn't break through the second level of Pangu Flower Bloom.

After the elixir was refined, she was not in a hurry to make a breakthrough. She climbed up the tree, crossed her legs on the branch, touched the stone milk with one hand and started practicing.

The cross-section of the stony milk is not small. She put down one hand and it was enough for Yun Tuan to lie on it and practice.

 One person, one pet, and so quietly began to practice.

At this time, Miao Nagano was holding a long sword in his hand and stopped a man who was running away in a panic. The tip of the sword was pointed directly at the man's eyebrows, and it could penetrate with just a little force.

"What are you going to do?" The man didn't know Miao Nagano and looked at him in horror. The main reason was that he was not as strong as the other person and it was impossible to escape from the other person's hands.

 “Hand over the nine-leaf clover.” Miao Changye said in a cold voice.

 His main reason for entering the secret realm this time was the nine-leaf clover in the hands of the man in front of him.

With the memory of the previous life, although Miao Nagano didn't know who got the spirit spring and the nine-leaf clover after the secret realm of spirit spring was opened this time, he did know that there was a person who cultivated at the spirit level who missed a piece that a strong man grabbed. Nine-leaf clover.

After taking the nine-leaf clover, this man's talent changed, and his cultivation talent improved quickly. By chance, he became friends with the down-and-out person. After drinking too much one time, this man was so proud that he spilled the beans about how lucky he was. There were so many powerful people, but he, a spiritually-leveled person, actually got a piece of nine-leaf clover, which is why he has the cultivation and talent he has today. , Miao Nagano was very envious of his luck.

The man described in great detail the path he took at that time, how he met the man, and where he escaped after getting the nine-leaf clover. Therefore, Miao Nagano clearly knew the route he took, otherwise he would not be like this. It was easy to find him.

 In his last life, he became friends with a man like him because he was down and out. In this new life, he would never be able to be friends with a man again. Not only did he look down on his origin, but the main reason was that he wanted to take away the man's opportunity.

The man's eyes shrank. At his level, he didn't even go to the place where the nine-leaf clover grew. He got the nine-leaf clover out of pure luck. A strong man who grabbed the nine-leaf clover was chased and killed by someone. Before he died, the man threw out the Qiankun bag containing the nine-leaf clover, and it happened to be thrown to the place where he was hiding. He ran away and was killed before he got very far.

Hence it made him easier.

This great luck that suddenly fell from the sky made him ecstatic. He wanted to leave here quickly, and then secretly took the nine-leaf clover to change his talent.

Although he knew that it would be more effective to make an elixir, he was not an alchemist himself. If any alchemist helped him refine the elixir, I am afraid that this piece of nine-leaf clover would never come back. Why did someone suddenly stop him and know that he got a piece of nine-leaf clover? How did the other party know?

This is a nine-leaf clover, a spiritual object that can change his cultivation talent. It is not yet warm in his hands. He is unwilling to give it to him like this, but if he doesn't give it to him, he will die.

While he hesitated, the sword in Miao Nagano's hand suddenly exerted force and instantly pierced the man's forehead.

The man's eyes widened in disbelief. He didn't expect that the other party would kill him so directly. He didn't even want to leave a way for him to survive. Fortunately, he was still deciding whether to give it or not. He felt extremely unwilling. This was the luck God had given him. This was a disaster.

Had I known that he would have eaten it directly, it would have been better to take advantage of others.

His eyes were wide open and he fell down with a look on his face.

Miao Nagano picked out the Qiankun bag hidden in his sleeve with a long sword, wiped off the brand of divine consciousness on it, and opened it to see that there were many things inside, among which a Hanyu box was at the top. He took it out directly.

 Those who want to get the nine-leaf clover and spiritual spring will prepare such a cold jade box.

When he opened it, it turned out to be a nine-leaf clover. He really got this nine-leaf clover. With this nine-leaf clover, he could refine the magic elixir himself, and his cultivation talent would be improved. This is the opportunity of this life. It’s different after all.

Miao Nagano had a weird smile on his gloomy face.

No one can stop him from becoming a strong man. When he becomes a strong man, he will pay back those who have bullied him one by one.

Put away the box containing the nine-leaf clover alone, and the Qiankun bag as well. He glanced at the direction of the secret realm of Lingquan and frowned.

This life is still a little different. In his last life, he never heard that the Lingquan Secret Realm was destroyed. Why was it destroyed this time?

 He was curious about who did what to destroy the Lingquan Secret Realm and whether he had a greater opportunity.

I have to say that Miao Nagano is still very smart, but even if he thought of it, he couldn't know who it was.

He turned around and left. He wanted to find a place to make alchemy and then change his talent.

So what if he was abandoned by his sect and family at the same time? He has the memory of his previous life, and the opportunities in his memory are the opportunities of this life. One day he will make everyone who abandoned him regret it.

This time entering the secret realm, he knew that his ultimate goal was to seize the opportunity from this man, so after entering, he practiced and improved his cultivation with peace of mind, and also got some treasures, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

 He is very satisfied. After changing his talent this time, his cultivation level will advance faster.

There is only one regret about this trip, which is that I didn’t meet Yan Xiangluo. I heard that she entered the Valley of Fire and got the Gentleman’s Sword. This is not an ordinary luck.

 He did not encounter the Valley of Fire but entered the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts and advanced to the third level of cultivation. As for Yan Xiangluo, as long as he becomes a strong man, it is not easy to get a woman.

 (End of this chapter)

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