The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 165: Begin to break through (1)

Chapter 165 Breakthrough begins (1)

Ignoring the corpse on the ground, Miao Nagano put away his sword and left.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know that she had become an obsession in Miao Chang’s ambition.

 At the same time, Qin Suyue was also making deals with others.

In front of her was an old man with a wretched look but extremely strong cultivation. He looked at her with evil eyes, not hiding his thoughts, "Want a nine-leaf clover?"

Qin Suyue knew what she was doing, what she would gain and what she would lose by doing so, but she had no choice but to get the nine-leaf clover, otherwise she would be like this for the rest of her life. She was unwilling to do so. She had always been the Qin family's A genius, whether it was cultivation or Xuan Wen, if her cultivation would never progress, she would be willing to pay any price for a future.

"I think, you can make any request." Qin Suyue bit her lower lip and said.

She knew very well what she would face after saying these words. There was really no turning back, but she had no regrets.

She is never willing to let this happen. She doesn't want to let go of either Ji Jiuchong or Yan Xiangluo. Since Ji Jiuzhong couldn't get it, he would just destroy it. As for Ruan Xiangluo, she is very jealous of her beautiful face, so she can peel it off and make a human skin face, it will definitely be very comfortable to use.

The old man chuckled and said, "I can give you a magic pill made from nine-leaf clover. You will be mine from now on."

Qin Suyue stiffened, but said without hesitation, "Okay."

She knew what her biggest capital was now, but who made her see the old man grabbing two leaves of the nine-leaf clover? She would never miss such an opportunity. Only if the old man is lustful will she have a chance. If he is not lustful, it will be a bad thing.

The old man chuckled, picked up Qin Suyue and disappeared.

At the same time, those who came out of the secret realm all left the Cuifeng Mountains no matter how unwilling they were.

 After all, those who get the spiritual spring and the nine-leaf clover will not stay in the Cuifeng Mountains. They wanted to seize the Junzi Sword, but Yu Xiangluo also used the teleportation pattern to leave under the protection of her master. No one is stupid if they want to rob other people, they have already formed a group, there is no point in staying.

Besides, they have been practicing in the secret realm for a month. The only one who has not advanced is probably Yan Xiangluo, and the least one will advance to the first level. They all need to go back and take a good retreat to stabilize their cultivation.

 At dusk, the Cuifeng Mountains returned to their usual silence.

Yan Xiangluo touched the space stone milk in space and practiced until the early morning of the next day, opening a pair of beautiful apricot eyes.

No wonder Yun Tuan said that practicing with a small piece of space stone milk will get twice the result with half the effort. This space stone milk is simply a cheating artifact in practice.

 Even if she is blocked by the checkpoint, she can absorb spiritual energy much faster. Moreover, the inhaled spiritual energy is converted into spiritual power with a comfortable atmosphere, which makes the practice not only not tiring, but also very relaxing. It has only been one night, and the spiritual power has been accumulated.

With her heart pounding, Yan Xiangluo took out the Po Guan Dan and put it in her mouth and swallowed it. It would be a lie to say that she is not nervous at all. Breaking through the second level is what she is looking forward to most now.

She doesn’t know if Po Guan Dan can work.

 Whether it works or not, you have to try.

After the elixir slid down, the same comfortable feeling as when she was practicing by touching the space stone breast filled her body.

The obstacles in the body caused by the second level of Pangu Flower Blooming are invisible and intangible. At this time, these obstacles condensed together with the comfortable breath of Po Guan Dan, as if they had a form, and they all moved into her veins. Gather and go. Yan Xiangluo was very surprised. She didn’t know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to hinder the passage into the meridians.

But at this time, she had no chance to think about anything else. She had to continue regardless of whether it worked or not.

She calmed down and put her hand on the space stone breast again, continuing to absorb spiritual energy and practice, preparing to start a breakthrough as soon as the opportunity came.

The comfortable breath filled the whole body, but the meridians could not enter. At this time, Yan Xiangluo clearly felt that her meridians were filled with obstructed breath, which was cold. Not only that, the obstructed breath was still growing, and the meridians were stretched. stand up.

At this moment, she was really starting to worry. Wouldn't these obstructive auras burst her meridians?

 When the two souls just came back, that is when she thought she was reborn and broke through the first hurdle of Pangu Flower Blooming.

Because he was pushed off the cliff, the broken bones and broken tendons were rebuilt. The tendons were several times wider than before. The spiritual roots of the five saplings in the Dantian were intertwined and condensed into a The spiritual roots and Yuanying were also formed at that time.

Should her meridians need to be widened again this time?

If you can't bear this result, will your muscles and veins be cut off and you will become a complete invalid?

Thinking of this, Yan Xiangluo felt even more nervous, and all her attention was focused on her meridians. The meridians were becoming more and more bulging, and were already ten times as wide as the original meridians. She was worried that they would explode in the next moment.

At this moment, the Nascent Soul in Dantian suddenly stood up. The golden little figure pinched its fingers, raised one hand upward, and lowered the other hand, and began to spin.

The flowers on the right side of Nascent Soul were also suspended above her head, and began to absorb spiritual energy crazily.

Yan Xiangluo was very helpless. The meridians here were not finished yet. Why did he start to advance at this time? Can this be successful?

However, even if she had doubts in her heart, she did not pause at all and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the breakthrough.

She has no way to solve the problem of meridians, so she might as well focus on making breakthroughs and promotions. As long as you break through the king level, the second level of Pangu Huakai will be broken through successfully, and maybe the problem of meridians will be solved.

She relaxed her entire body and began to absorb the spiritual energy. The more she absorbed, the more she absorbed. The clouds that were lying on the space stone **** were startled.

 The whirring little body suddenly jumped up, left the space, jumped down from the tree, and hid far away.

 Master is about to advance. Why is this promotion so scary? It even rejects it. It is the contracted spiritual pet of the owner. Logically speaking, the owner's promotion will not affect it.

Yun Tuan looked at Yan Xiangluo from a distance, his dark eyes full of worry.

 Anyone who saw the scene in front of them would be worried. At this time, Yan Xiangluo's whole body had been wrapped in a whirlwind of spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy was rushing into her body crazily.

This means that in Pangu space, if it were outside, there would definitely not be so much spiritual energy for her to absorb.

While she absorbed spiritual energy and advanced, her meridians continued to expand, already twenty times as wide as before.

The meridians of normal people are as thick as a hair. The meridians of monks and people who practice vitality are much wider than those of normal people. The wider the meridians, the more spiritual energy can be stored, and the stronger the talent.

 The function of the Spiritual Transformation Pill is to broaden the meridians and cultivate spiritual roots, thereby improving people's cultivation talents.

 (End of this chapter)

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