The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 166: Begin to break through (2)

Chapter 166 Breakthrough begins (2)

When Yan Xiangluo was born, her meridians were wider than those of normal people. When she broke through the first level, they were widened several times. This time it was even more frightening. On the basis of the widening, it was actually widened another twenty times, and it is still widening. , she could no longer imagine how wide her meridians could be.

 The spiritual energy absorbed by the body has been refined and filtered by the flowers and absorbed by the entangled mixed five-color spiritual roots. The meridians are getting wider and wider, the spiritual roots are getting thicker, and golden light appears on Yuanying's body.

Yan Xiangluo knew that she was really going to advance.

The last time she broke through the Yuan level, a golden light group appeared first when she condensed into Yuanying. After that, golden light also appeared every time she advanced.

 It’s just that this time the golden light is stronger and more powerful.

The spiritual roots that had been absorbing spiritual energy and thickened suddenly twisted and stretched like a lazy man who had just woken up, and suddenly grew. The five spiritual roots that were already condensed together became very strong, and now they are even thicker. It was thick and strong, and leaves began to grow on the spiritual root. In a moment, the spiritual root tree turned into a big tree with lush leaves.

 The five-color spiritual root trunk and the lush green crown look like a fantasy beauty.

The Nascent Soul is still spinning under the tree, and the spiritual energy is still rushing towards the spiritual root tree crazily.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo had no time to take into account how many times the meridians had been widened. The golden light on Yuanying's body suddenly exploded, and the entire Dantian was filled with golden light.

The obstructive breath in the meridians dissipated instantly, and the comfortable breath broke in, and the gap in the level of cultivation that had not been loosened was also opened. When the second level was broken through, Yan Xiangluo also really started to advance.

The clouds that were far away saw a golden light falling down and covering Yan Xiangluo. His dark eyes were full of shock.

The master actually has golden light shining down when he is promoted. This is not something that any monk can have. It can only be seen by those who practice ancient techniques, and they have practiced the ancient techniques to the extreme.

 Oh my God, what a great master I have chosen!

Yun Tuan forgot that the master was not chosen by himself. He was inadvertently contracted by Yan Xiangluo and had no choice but to do so.

Yan Xiangluo was already immersed in the joy of promotion. She reached the first level of King Level and finally broke through to King Level. She could fly in the air.

 But the advancement did not stop. She advanced to the second level of King Level and the third level of King Level. She advanced to three levels in a row before stopping.

 After advancing to the third level in one go, the Spiritual Root Tree stopped frantically absorbing spiritual energy. Yuanying also spun down and sat cross-legged under the tree. Flowers also fell on the right side of her head.

 The golden light that shrouded her body also disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo felt the changes in her body.

The meridians were widened thirty times, the spiritual roots turned into thick and lush trees, and the absorption of spiritual energy became smoother. The second level of Pangu Flower Blooming was broken through.

Looking at Yuanying's buttocks which were still bare, Yan Xiangluo felt a little helpless. The lotus platform still didn't appear.

Pangu Huakai has passed the second level, but the lotus platform has not appeared yet, nor has it delayed her advancement. What does this lotus platform mean? When are you ready to come out?

However, she didn’t dwell too much on it. She was already satisfied that she could break through the second level of Pangu Flower Blossom and advance to the king level. As long as it doesn't delay her further cultivation, she still wants to leave Tianqian Continent early to find her parents. At this time, she also understood why she had not broken through the second level. The second level tested whether her meridians were wide enough. Only when there was an opportunity to widen the meridians, would the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique help her to expand her meridians? widen.

Thinking about it now, the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique is not only a technique, but also a wonderful technique that can change people's talents.

 No wonder it’s so difficult to practice.

She didn’t know when the third level was, but her father’s letter only told her that the second level was when she broke through to the king level. Does that mean that the third level should be after the Zong level, otherwise her father wouldn’t have failed? tell her.

 If this is the case, she doesn’t need to worry about the third level for the time being.

The red skirt fluttered, jumped down from the tree, and looked at the sky outside the space. It took her about an hour to advance and break through. She looked at the bowl. It had been a whole day from yesterday morning to this morning, and now there were eight in it. Nine drops of spiritual spring water.

 She has not touched the spiritual spring water for the time being. She plans to stabilize her cultivation before returning to Xianyun Sect. The master's wish is to go to the higher continent. Go there early and benefit from it. She can no longer delay the master. Therefore, she decided to take away all the spiritual spring water she had accumulated before the master left.

Although Master has excellent cultivation talents, if you go to the higher continent, there should be more people with good talents. The Spiritual Transformation Pill is what Master needs most.

As for alchemy, there is no need for him. The master himself is already the top alchemist in the mainland, but because his name of Poison King is so famous, the world ignores the master's alchemy ability.

She was not in a hurry to stabilize her cultivation. Instead, she cooked in the space, ate herself, and fed the clouds. She returned to the tree, touched the space stone milk, and continued to practice.

Yun Tuan also continued to lie on the space stone milk and continued to sleep and practice.

 Another day passed, and Yan Xiangluo felt that her Dantian was full of spiritual energy, so she stopped to stabilize her cultivation.

Although it is easy for her to absorb spiritual energy, she does not want to continue to advance and break through the third level in a row, and it is the third level of King level cultivation. She must go through a certain amount of actual combat tempering before she can truly stabilize her cultivation level.

 Therefore, she planned to go back to Xianyun Sect, see her master off, and then go to Wanghai Forest to continue her training. This time, she didn't have any concerns. She wanted to go directly to the Wanghai Forest side to see how dangerous it was, so much so that even the strong men from the mainland did not dare to go there.

After looking at the sleeping clouds, Yan Xiangluo left the space and came out of the cave, just in time to see the rising sun. Perhaps because she passed the second level of Pangu Flower Blooming, her body and mind were relaxed and warm. The light shone down, and she was filled with joy.

 In fact, after breaking through the second level, she understood that each level of the Pangu Flower Blossom Technique may seem like an obstacle, but as long as you break through it, your body and talent will undergo huge changes.

Just like last time, she made the five spiritual roots condense into one, turning the waste body into a genius body. This time her meridians were widened thirty times, thirty times, which the monks would not even dare to think about. Opportunities to think about.

 Hence, the ancient exercises are actually more perfect exercises that allow practitioners to continuously change themselves and achieve higher achievements.

 She could clearly feel the changes in her body, and even her vitality, which she had not cultivated in the past few months, was naturally improving.

 (End of this chapter)

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