The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 169: golden lotus platform

Chapter 169 Golden Lotus Platform

Master Qianhe was extremely satisfied when he saw his disciples and disciples. The most proud thing in his life was to accept Deng Changze, a close disciple, and then this disciple accepted his most proud disciple.

The disciple will definitely leave successfully, and the disciple will only be stronger than her master. Although he has no hope of visiting higher continents in this life, both the disciple and the disciple can go, so he has no regrets.

"Xiao Luo'er, Master, let me show you how the lotus platform is doing." Master Qianhe took out the fist-sized purple crystal ball that he used to test the spiritual roots of Yuan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo was also about to ask her master to show it to her. She stretched out her hand to hold the crystal ball and input the spiritual power of the five spiritual roots. A five-color light burst out from the crystal ball. It was still five uniform colors, but in the five In the colorful light, a looming golden lotus appears and disappears from time to time.

Master Qianhe and Deng Changze both looked at the looming lotus platform in shock, and said in unison, "The golden lotus platform."

Of course, Yan Xiangluo also saw it. Is this his lotus platform? It is as golden as Yuanying, giving him a feeling of wealth.

"That's enough." Master Qianhe came back to his senses and said to Ruan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo withdrew the power of the five spiritual roots, the light on the crystal ball disappeared, and the lotus platform also disappeared.

“Master, is that golden lotus my lotus platform?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Master Qianhe and Deng Changze both looked at her, with shock, surprise, and worry in their eyes.

"Yes, that is your lotus platform. Last time I could only sense the aura of the lotus platform, and now it can show its shadow. It's just that your power is still not enough, so the lotus platform has not really appeared yet, but it has been more than three years. It's much better now, at least I can see it," Master Qianhe said.

“Master, are the lotus platforms divided into levels?” Yan Xiangluo did not ignore the shock of her master and master when her lotus platform appeared.

Master Qianhe let out a long sigh, "Of course there are levels. The lotus platform is divided into levels based on color, using gold, silver, copper and iron. Iron is the lowest grade. As long as the Nascent Soul is condensed, the lotus platform will be black at the end. The color of iron is copper, silver, and gold. Most people's lotus stands are iron-colored. Some people with good talents are copper-colored. No matter how talented they are, the lotus stands are silver. There are no exceptions for people with silver lotus stands. They will all become powerful people on the mainland. The golden lotus platform is the highest quality one, and there are no more than ten people on the mainland.”

Yan Xiangluo opened her eyes wide, saying that her lotus platform was of the highest quality.

Master Qianhe continued, "Although the lotus platform is divided into gold, silver, copper and iron grades, each grade is also divided into grades."

 “Is there any classification of grades?” Yan Xiangluo was curious this time as to what quality her lotus was among the golden lotus.

"Of course there are, divided into three grades: upper, middle and lower. Master Qi also has a golden lotus platform." Master Qianhe pointed at Deng Changze and said.

Yan Xiangluo looked at her master in surprise, "No wonder the master is so powerful. It turns out that the master is also a golden lotus platform."

Deng Changze laughed and said, "Although Master's lotus platform is also golden, the grade is not as good as yours. Mine is only a low-grade golden lotus platform."

“Master is so powerful and he is just a low-grade golden lotus platform?” Yan Xiangluo was really surprised this time.

What about your own?

"Yes, there are nine well-known people in the entire Tianqian Continent who have golden lotus platforms. Only one of them has a middle-grade golden lotus platform, and the rest have a low-grade golden lotus platform." Deng Changze continued to explain her confusion.

“Who is the middle-grade golden lotus platform?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Ji Jiuzhong's appearance flashed through her mind. His talent was the best among the people she knew. Could it be him?

 “Prince Beitang Yunfeng of the Hanqi Empire.” Deng Changze said. "Is it him?" Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised. She thought it was Ji Jiuzhong. In her opinion, Ji Jiuzhong's talent should be better than Beitang Yunfeng. After all, his body was affected by fetal poison and his cultivation level was still weak. So strong.

“This is only known. There are still some families in the mainland who will hide the true color and grade of talented children and will not tell outsiders.” Deng Changze added.

Yan Xiangluo understood clearly that it is not easy for children with good talents to grow up. Hiding talents to avoid the edge is indeed a good way to protect children from growing up.

“What is the grade of my lotus platform?” Yan Xiangluo asked anxiously.

“You can’t see it now, but the lotus platform that you can’t see through so much effort should be of a high grade.” Master Qianhe said.

Yan Xiangluo was very happy. Master Qianhe said that the lotus platform is actually the Taoist platform for monks. The better the grade of the lotus platform, the higher the talent, and the further you can go in practice.

Speaking of which, she doesn't even know what kind of lotus platform her parents are. Since she is both a golden lotus platform, I'm afraid her parents should also be golden lotus platforms. After all, her father is only thirty-four years old this year, and her mother is only thirty-two years old. , both of them went to the higher continent.

Having experienced another life, she knew very well that genetics were very important. She had a father and mother who were extremely talented, and their talents could not be any different.

"Xiao Luo'er, everyone in the world knows that you have a waste material body with five spiritual roots, and no one cares about the color of your lotus platform. You should know this yourself and don't tell anyone." Deng Changze reminded his young apprentice.

Yan Xiangluo nodded, "Master, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Although no one can take away the lotus platform, some people cannot see others being better than themselves.

 Master Qianhe asked his disciple, "When are you going to break through?"

 Deng Changze said, “Get ready for a breakthrough today.”

He originally waited for the young apprentice to break through to the king level before breaking through and leaving. Now the young apprentice has already broken through to the king level, and is still at the third level of the king level. He is aware of the normal promotion speed of his young apprentice. Although he is still a little worried about her safety, he also knows that his young apprentice has many ways to survive and will take good care of himself.

Then he doesn’t want to wait a day longer. After all, I have been waiting for several years.

Master Qianhe also knew Yao Tu’s wish and did not stop him, "Where are you going to break through?"

Deng Changze raised his eyes and looked at his master, who stood up, knelt down and bowed, "Master, this disciple is going to break through the chasm, and leave immediately after breaking through."

Those who want to ascend in Tianqian Continent must go to Tianqian Chasm.

Just like its name, the Tiancha Chasm is a chasm that only strong men at the clan level can cross. Under the chasm is a bottomless abyss. The opposite side is shrouded in mist, and nothing can be seen. It is about thirty meters wide, but it is these thirty meters. meters, separated into two worlds.

 This side is the lower continent, and that side is the higher continent.

 (End of this chapter)

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