The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 170: before leaving

Chapter 170 Before leaving

Countless strong men who dreamed of going to the higher continents, but in the end were unable to break through the clan level, would choose to take risks in despair, but without exception they all fell into the abyss.

 Therefore, in the Tianchi Continent, the Tianchi Chasm has another name, the Life-Destroying Abyss.

Master Qianhe’s eyes suddenly turned red. The separation was imminent. After this separation, master and disciple would never have the chance to see each other again in this life.

Yao's disciples knew this very well, and this kneeling was also a sign of their master-disciple relationship.

Master Qianhe stood up and helped Deng Changze up, and said earnestly, "There are many powerful people in the higher continents. You must restrain your temper and never forget your original intention of going there."

“Disciple, please remember your master’s teachings.” Deng Changze’s eyes also became wet.

He has no family, and there are only two people who care about him when he leaves. One is his master who treats him like a father, and the other is his young apprentice who treats him like his own daughter. But the young apprentice's talent is even better than his, and they will meet again in the higher continent in the future. However, the master's life is running out, and his talent has come to an end, and there is almost no possibility of seeing him again in this life.

Even if there is a magic elixir refined from the spiritual spring water, it is useless. The body's functions have reached the end, and the elixir cannot further improve the master's talent.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes turned red as she watched from the side. Parting between life and death is always the most painful thing in the world.

"After the master leaves, Luo'er will come to visit the master." Yan Xiangluo said. Before she left Tianqian Continent, she could fulfill her filial piety for her master. Of course, she also had her own filial piety.

Deng Changze smiled and nodded, "Well, your master loves your cooking the most."

“Luo’er will make a different one for Master.” Yan Xiangluo promised.

Master Qianhe looked pleased. Among so many disciples and disciples, these two were the only ones who were truly filial.

“Master, I’ll send you there.” Yan Xiangluo didn’t want the parting mood to last too long, and the long-term pain was worse than the short-term pain.

What's more, she has to bring some spiritual spring water to the master. If she goes with her, firstly, she can send the master away, and secondly, she can save a few more drops of spiritual spring water for the master to take away. Although the master's lotus platform is golden, it is only a low-grade golden one. With the spiritual spring water, the master may be able to upgrade the lotus platform to a middle-grade golden one. If one's talent goes up a level, the strength will be stronger.

 Master is in his thirties, but in higher continents, this age is equivalent to that of a child, and his talent can be improved through cultivation.

 “Okay.” Deng Changze agreed without hesitation.

He has long noticed that there are some people with strong cultivation at the foot of Xianyun Sect Mountain. He can't find anyone and can only detect the occasional aura. These auras are here to explore Qiandu Peak.

There are only people from one place who are stronger than him in Tianqian Continent. Last year, my disciple chose to leave the sect early because of these people in order not to injure the sect.

Even if he didn't know who the other party was, he also knew that they were from there. If they really came for the young apprentice, the entire Xianyun Sect's strong men would not be their opponent if they joined forces.

"Master, after Luo'er sent his master away, he went directly to practice. He will come back to visit his master when he has time." Yan Xiangluo also kowtowed to Master Qianhe.

"Okay." Although Master Qianhe felt reluctant to give up, he also knew that he could not hinder young people from pursuing their dreams.

 After the master and apprentice left, they returned to Thousand Poison Peak.

Looking at Qiandu Peak Palace, Deng Changze felt a little reluctant. She thought that after she left, a young apprentice would guard the place, and she would recruit apprentices to develop Qiandu Peak in the future, but she did not expect that her young apprentice would leave so early. There are very few people who learn to make poison, especially in a large sect like theirs. After he and his young apprentice leave, this place will become lonely.

“Master, what should we do at Qiandu Peak?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Deng Changze turned to look at the handyman disciples who were still working in the poisonous weed field and said, "Master gave each of the handyman disciples a magic pill, which can be regarded as a reward for their hard work in serving the medicinal fields over the past few years. As for the poisonous weeds, Take Xiao Luo'er away and leave the rest to time."

The magic pill refined by Deng Changze does not contain spiritual spring water, but it will also improve the talents of some people whose talents are too low. It is suitable for these handyman disciples. The magic pill in his hand was specially refined for these ten handyman disciples.

“I want to take away the practice hall that Master built for me.” Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and said.

 Her space is very empty, but there is no place to live. The training hall does not belong to the sect. It was built for her by the master out of his own pocket. It is made from extremely rare weapon-refining materials.

 She wanted to put it in space and treat it as her own place to live in space from now on. It was also the thought that Master left for her. Before seeing Master again, she could only see things and miss people.

Deng Changze said in surprise: "Can your storage ring hold the training hall?"

She didn’t tell anyone about Pangu Space, and she didn’t want to say it to her master, so she could only nod and said, “Yes, my father left me several gift rings, all of which are about the same size as the training hall, and one is bigger than the training hall. "

Deng Changze marveled at Yu Chengye's generosity. She was really not an ordinary spoiled girl. She gave such expensive things as gift rings to several at once, and they all had a lot of space.

I've never heard that Yan Chengye is a weapon refiner, and where did he get so many space stones?

However, Deng Changze didn't ask much. The young apprentice could take it away if he liked. It would be of no use leaving it here. It was a waste of so many good materials.

“Okay, Master gave it to you, you can do whatever you want with it.”

“Master built this for me, I want to keep it forever.” Yan Xiangluo curled her lips, she was reluctant to deal with it.

Deng Changze understood what his young apprentice was thinking and smiled, "Okay, master, go and send away the handyman disciples first, and then go to Xianyun Peak and tell your sect master, brother, that master has brought everything he wanted to take with him, and Xiao Luo'er wants to take away everything." Go and take them all with you. When we come back, we will go to Tianchafengou.”

"Okay." After Yan Xiangluo responded, she entered the palace at Qiandu Peak.

 The master had taken everything he wanted to take with him, and she went to see if there was anything else she needed to take away.

 All the decorations in the palace have not changed. Master's room has been cleaned up. None of Master's belongings are gone. Originally, they all like to put their belongings in storage rings, so there are not many personal belongings in the room.

After walking around, there were only some books in the library. These books were all about poisonous weeds and poisoning. Others were not interested in them. She even put them away on the bookshelf. They might be useful in the future.

 There is no need to go to her room. She took all her personal belongings with her when she left. She will not take anything prepared by the sect.

She turned to look at the kitchen. This was also built for her by the master. After their master and apprentice left, no one lived here. The kitchen was useless if it was left here, and the kitchen utensils in it were all brought from home. .

 (End of this chapter)

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