The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 171: people there

 Chapter 171 People there

  She reached out and touched the wall of the kitchen, and her spiritual power enveloped the entire kitchen. With a thought, the kitchen disappeared and appeared in her space.

Going to the training hall again, I saw that there was no one in the poisonous weed field. Ten handyman disciples were coming out from where they lived, each carrying a large package. They looked back three times to watch Qiandu Peak go down the mountain.

 Seeing them taking away their personal belongings like this, Yan Xiangluo realized how precious the ring was. Not to mention the gift ring, even the Qiankun bag is not something everyone can afford.

Seeing them leave, Yan Xiangluo moved the training hall into the space, right near the kitchen, making it convenient for living and cooking.

  She placed the furniture at home in the practice hall, and used the screens in her parents' room and her room to divide the practice hall into two parts. Her bedroom was inside, and the living room outside.

Of course, there will be no guests coming here. The living room she set up is actually used as a study. Apart from these, there is still a huge space, so she directly found a large carpet and spread it on it, which is where she practices.

Finally, she came to the poisonous weed field. There were ten poisonous weed fields here, and there were more than a dozen kinds of poisonous weeds planted in each field. She was not willing to pick them directly, and moved them directly to the space to plant them. Although there was no sunlight in the space, these poisonous weeds would not Continue to grow, but because of the rich spiritual energy, she can live well. Not only is she alive, she can also absorb the spiritual energy, making the poisonous weeds purer. If she needs long-lasting poisonous weeds, she can use the power of wood to make the necessary poisonous weeds grow alone.

After finishing everything, Yan Xiangluo returned to the palace and sat on the steps outside the palace waiting for her master. This was also the last time she waited for her master to come back at Qiandu Peak.

When Deng Changze came back, he saw that there was only one palace left on Qiandu Peak and a row of houses where servant disciples lived. The most eye-catching thing was the girl in a red dress sitting on the steps outside the palace door with her chin in her hands.

 Looks like an abandoned kitten, very pitiful.

 “Xiao Luo’er, let’s go.” Deng Changze’s heart suddenly softened.

Yan Xiangluo immediately stood up, walked to the master, and looked at him with a pair of bright almond eyes.

Deng Changze smiled, took out a teleportation symbol, and input spiritual power. After a flash of light, the master and disciple disappeared.

Yan Xiangluo only felt a flash of white light, and when she could see something in front of her eyes, she found a gap in front of her.

The Master's Mysterious Pattern Teleportation Array is not low-level, at least she cannot carve such a high-level Mysterious Pattern Teleportation Array.

Looking around, there is an endless abyss under the thirty-meter-wide chasm. The white fog on the other side is so thick that nothing can be seen. There was an inexplicable chilling power under the abyss, which made her feel repulsive.

This is her first time coming to the chasm.

"Luo'er, master wants to tell you something first." Deng Changze glanced at the people around him who were speaking in a hurry.

“Master, what’s wrong?” Yan Xiangluo sensed that the master’s tone was wrong.

"When Master came back, I found that there are people with strong cultivation in Xianyun Sect. They check Qiandu Peak from time to time. The only people with such strength are people there. Master thinks they should be coming after you." Deng Changze spoke very quickly.

Seeing what Yan Xiangluo was about to say, he raised his hand to stop him, "Listen to Master first. If you don't want to see them, leave immediately and hide your identity. They will never find you until you have the strength."

Only then did Yan Xiangluo understand why the master left in such a hurry. It turned out to be to give herself a chance to escape.

She knew where the master was talking about. Her mother must be from there. Last year, she left the sect early because of them. Now they are here again. Why?

  Is it because they took away the box that Dad refused to open last year?

"Master, don't worry. It's okay to meet them. I have the ability to protect myself. They are from my mother's clan and won't do anything to me. Besides, they must have something to ask for when they come to me, let alone do anything to me. How's it going?" Yan Xiangluo pretended to be calm.

"Are you sure?" Deng Changze stared at her and asked. He had already guessed that Yan Xiangluo's mother was probably from there.

Yan Xiangluo gave her master a big smile, "I'm sure, master, don't worry, let's start to break through, I'll guard the master." Deng Changze saw that his apprentice was not panicked at all, so he nodded, "Okay."

Now he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He sensed that those people were chasing him.

Deng Changze turned his back to the abyss, sat cross-legged, and began to absorb spiritual energy. His ninth-level peak strength was also released. Soon, a whirlpool of spiritual energy formed around Deng Changze, wrapping him up.

Yan Xiangluo's consciousness detected the presence of several strong auras around him. They should be the people the master mentioned.

 She pretended not to notice them and stood ten steps away from her master, watching her master break through the sect level.

Deng Changze had reached the conditions for a breakthrough a few years ago, but his wish was never fulfilled, so he never broke through and left.

Now that everything is ready and all we need is the east wind, the breakthrough will naturally be made quickly.

 Mainly because his talent is good enough.

 After a moment, the light of promotion fell, and a golden light fell.

Every time you advance to a major level, the light of promotion will fall. The color of your lotus platform will be the color of your promotion.

Therefore, Yan Xiangluo could actually tell the color of the lotus platform from the color of her own light when she was promoted, but she ignored this, after all, the lotus platform never appeared.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the speed at which his master was advancing and knew that he should be able to break through in less than a quarter of an hour.

There was someone in the dark. She couldn't enter the space. She could only use her mind to put the spiritual spring water that had dripped out in the past two days into a small jade bottle. It was not enough for three days, only twenty-one or two drops, but it was still enough for the master to refine it. The panacea was used.

 After installing it, she didn’t take it out. Who knew if those people in the dark had dog noses.

 A golden ball of light exploded from Deng Changze's body. The golden light falling from the sky was absorbed into his body, and the exploding light also disappeared.

Deng Changze's aura changed dramatically, and Yan Xiangluo could clearly feel a terrifying pressure that she had never seen before.

 Master has succeeded in breaking through the clan level.

Deng Changze opened his eyes and stood up, with a happy expression on his face, but also a little sad when he saw his little apprentice.

 “Xiao Luo’er, master is leaving.”

 After breaking through the clan level, he could no longer stay in the lower continent. If he really had to leave, Deng Changze still wouldn't let go of his young apprentice.

Yan Xiangluo walked up to the master, gave him a bright smile, took out the bottle of spiritual spring water, put it into the master's hand, and said three words "spiritual spring water" silently with only mouth movements.

 (End of this chapter)

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