The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 173: gentle scare

Chapter 173: Gentle Scare

The man's eyes narrowed. His mother also said this, more than ten years ago. The tribe was very angry at that time, but now, it seems that her mother's original words were justified.

“Don’t you want to know what the place where your mother grew up is like? Don’t you want to see other relatives in your maternal grandfather’s family?”

 “Do they want to see me?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

 If they want to see her, why is it that she is sixteen years old and has never seen anyone from her maternal grandfather's family once?

The man choked, this girl knows too well that feelings are mutual, you don't care about me, why should I care about you, this is what Yuan Xiangluo wants to express.

"We cannot leave the clan area privately." The man's words could be considered an explanation.

It’s a pity that Yan Xiangluo is not an ordinary sixteen-year-old girl. No one can fool her because of her experience.

"Isn't it because I'm not important? Look, you're here now." With one sentence, Yan Xiangluo revealed the truth of the matter in a **** manner.

The man felt that he really couldn't win over her, so he simply stopped talking about the topic.

"The patriarch asked me to take you back. As long as you can open the box, the patriarch said that you can be included in the family tree and enjoy the treatment of your mother." The man told the purpose of his trip. He was afraid that if he didn't say it again, things would get worse. Worse.

"I have a biological father, and my surname is Yuan. How did your clan leader know that I am not included in your family tree?" Yuan Xiangluo raised the corners of her lips mockingly.

 The man was choked again. Ever since he was a child, he seemed to be choked for the first time he spoke a word. This feeling was really not a good one.

“Do you know how your mother is treated?” The man sighed.

Yan Xiangluo shook her head, "I don't know, but my mother doesn't care about it, and I don't care about it either."

If her mother really cared about the treatment, she would not have violated the clan rules and married her father.

The man felt that he really couldn't continue the conversation. This girl was even more difficult to deal with than her mother. Her mother was quite cute when she was sixteen, but this girl is so good that she is covered in thorns and cannot be touched at all.

"You should have heard of the Spirit Clan. Your mother is the young master of the Spirit Clan." The man directly told her mother's identity.

 The implication is that the clan leader said that your mother's treatment is not ordinary treatment, but she is the young master of their spiritual tribe.

Ruan Xiangluo was stunned. She guessed that her mother was from the Spiritual Clan. However, she never thought that her mother's identity was actually the young master of the Spiritual Clan. Are all the men from the Spiritual Clan useless? How could she let her mother be a woman? Be a young master?

 No wonder my mother’s name is so masculine.

Her maiden name is Long and her given name is Mo Ran. If you don't see this name, anyone would think it's a man's name.

"Are you trying to scare me?" Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes and her tone became colder.

 The treatment of the young master and the position of the young master are completely different things. There is a huge difference between enjoying the treatment and having actual status. Her mother even despises the position of young master of the spiritual tribe. Will she compromise because of the young master's treatment?

 “You girl, why do you always think things are so bad?” The man let out a sigh of relief and felt that this girl’s brain circuit was somewhat special.

Everyone would feel proud after hearing this sentence. Why did she sense a scare in it?

“Don’t you always do this?” Yan Xiangluo was shocked, but she didn’t show any emotion on the surface.

"Hey, girl, since the clan leader asked you to go to the clan, you'd better go, otherwise you won't be able to live a peaceful life." The man was helpless and said another sentence, "This sentence is just to scare you. of."

Yan Xiangluo was amused by the man's words, "You are weird enough, your words to scare people are so gentle."

"I have always been a gentle person." The man shrugged, "I just don't know if you were scared?"

Yan Xiangluo didn't feel the man's hostility toward her, but he always showed kindness. Because of this, she was still in the mood to quarrel with him.

 “I’m so easy to scare.” Yan Xiangluo continued to walk forward.

"Then I will scare you again. I am the gentlest one. If I fail to complete the task, the next time someone comes will definitely make you regret today's decision." The man still said the harshest words in a gentle tone.

Yan Xiangluo paused, looked back at him, and continued walking forward, "Then let him come."

After saying this, he said nothing to the man. He took out the array plate given to him by his sworn brother Ge Tianjun, input his spiritual power, and disappeared in front of the man.

 The man was stunned for a moment when he saw the formation disk she took out. How could she have such a formation disk? Even the young master does not have such a high-level array, and it is even less likely that Jue Chengye is an authentic Tianqian mainlander.

Two figures appeared next to him, one man and one woman. They said to the man: "Why did you let her go?"

 The man glanced at the two of them and said, "What else can we do if we don't let her go?"

If he wanted her to go to the Spiritual Clan, she had to go by herself. If he could kidnap her directly, why would he bother so much? He just took her and went back.

The two of them obviously thought of the reason. The woman said angrily, "She's just like her parents."

The two men looked at each other and agreed with her words. They felt that they were more difficult to deal with than her parents. In any case, her parents still looked for opportunities more tactfully, and she directly confronted them.

 The woman sighed and said, "What should we do now?"

The man who was negotiating with Yan Xiangluo said, "Report truthfully and let the clan leader decide what to do."

 “Are you sure you want to report back truthfully?” The woman looked at him suspiciously.

The man did not respond, but disappeared first. The remaining man and woman looked at each other and left helplessly.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo appeared in Wanghai Forest.

Although the man's last words were harsh, they were actually a disguised reminder to her that the Spirit Tribe would not give up. Since they wanted her to go, they would definitely find a way to let her go, no matter what it was.

But Yan Xiangluo was certain of two things. First, she had to go by herself, otherwise they wouldn't be so polite and would directly take her back. The second is that they won't kill her, after all, she still needs to open the box.

But the letter left by her father said that she couldn't know the cause of the matter yet, but when those people came to find her, she could give them the small jade box and tell them that what her father said was inside, and they could He would not take action against her, and finally told her not to open the little jade box.

What Yan Xiangluo is worried about now is that the letter her father left behind said that she was not allowed to open the box. Does that mean that she was not allowed to open it at that time, or that she should never open it?

She is not sure about this. Even if she goes to the Spiritual Clan, things will not be easy to handle. That is their territory. Her own cultivation is not enough for them, so she doesn’t know what to do.

 (End of this chapter)

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