The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 174: not easy

Chapter 174 It’s not easy

Since she didn’t know, she had to wait for a while, but Yan Xiangluo knew in her heart that she had to go to the Spirit Tribe, whether it was for their purpose or to find out what happened to her mother.

She was going to go anyway, so she simply followed her original plan and went directly to Wanghai Forest to practice and consolidate her cultivation first. When she got to a place where mainlanders didn't dare to go, she could get stronger experience, which was also a good opportunity for her to advance.

The second level of the Pangu Flower Blooming Cultivation Technique has been passed, and the speed of promotion should return to its original speed. She wants to ascend to the higher continent as soon as possible, so naturally she cannot slacken her practice.

 Ascension only requires sufficient cultivation. You can continue to learn other skills over there.

 This was a decision she made within a few words of conversation with the man.

  Looking at Wanghai Forest, it's a pity that I don't have time to see Jin Xinrong and Beitang Yunyu when I go back to Xianyun Sect this time. I'll go see them next time I go back.

 Now that I am in constant trouble, it is not a good thing for them to get too close to them.

Yan Xiangluo walked into Wanghai Forest without hesitation.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong, who had just received news about her, received another news. Yan Xiangluo did not know where she went after sending her master away from the Tianqian Continent. People from the Spiritual Clan came into contact with her, and they did not dare to get close.

Ji Jiuzhong’s phoenix eyes paused. Did the Spirit Tribe people find her again?

 The purpose of those people who came last year was just for one thing. Yan Xiangluo has already given it to them, what else do they want?

There are not only people from the Spirit Race there. Will the little girl be bullied if she goes there?

In the past, his body was carrying fetal poison and he didn't care much about what the old guys in the clan did, but now he doesn't have any worries. It's time for him to go back and deal with the clan's affairs. Since those old guys chose to stay, He doesn't have to worry about anything anymore.

Changfeng stood aside, looking at his master's unhappy face, and feeling a little helpless. It was so hard for his master to fall in love with a woman, and it seemed that it was not easy for his master to win the beauty back.

“Return to the clan in five days.” Ji Jiuzhong said to Changfeng that matters in Tianshun Imperial City would need a few days to be arranged.

Changfeng's eyes widened. Did the master go back for the sake of the girl, or for the old guys in the clan?

 No matter what the reason is, I’m afraid it won’t be peaceful when I go back this time.

Five days later, Ji Jiuzhong set off, and Yan Xiangluo had already reached the center of Wanghai Forest.

 Going further inside is the restricted area, which is what the monks say is a place where there is no return.

In the past five days, she thought that someone would come looking for her again, but she did not meet anyone from the Spirit Tribe. In the first two days, she could meet bounty hunters who came in for training or hunting to collect herbs, but in the next two days, she was alone. Haven't encountered either.

Looking at the increasingly silent forest, Yan Xiangluo did not stop. She had to go to the Spirit Tribe.

At this time, she still didn’t know that the reason why she hadn’t met anyone from the Spiritual Tribe in the past five days was that they didn’t expect her to come here, and she was still trying to find someone on the mainland.

Even the Xianyun Sect came to ask for someone, but the Xianyun Sect said that she and Deng Changze left together and never came back.

Even the patriarch was wondering how she could offend the people there.

 Only Deng Changze knew the inside story, but since he had already left Tianqian Continent, they naturally had no way of knowing why.

Yan Xiangluo had no idea that the outsiders were looking for her to be crazy. These five days of experience had completely stabilized her advanced cultivation level. She was very happy. She could continue to practice in the future. She hoped that when she walked out of Wanghai Forest, she could Advance again. After all, she had never been here before. There were many dangers inside, and she didn't dare to go in hastily.

 Calling Yun Tuan out to inquire about the situation first.

As soon as the clouds came out, I felt a familiar atmosphere, "Master, you have arrived at Wanghai Forest."

As soon as he finished speaking, he exclaimed, "Master, this is the center of the forest, what are you going to do?"

Yan Xiangluo stroked its smooth hair and kneaded its soft ball-like body, "I want to cross the Wanghai Forest."

"Master, who gave you the courage?" Yun Tuan looked at his master in shock.

“You and Pangu Space.” Yan Xiangluo said without blushing at all.

Yun Tuan and Pangu Space Que didn’t dare to make this decision.

The cloud suddenly collapsed in her palm, "Master, it's very dangerous here. It's better to give up this idea."

Yan Xiangluo frowned and glanced at the deep woods in front of her, "Yun Tuan, I have to cross Wanghai Forest. I want to see the place where my mother was born and raised."

After Yun Tuan listened to her words for a while, he said, "Master, although you are now a king-level cultivator, even if you are a senior-level cultivator, it is still a dream to travel through Wanghai Forest intact."

"Is it so difficult? Tell me, what dangers are there?" Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

Yun Tuan sighed and said seriously, "This starts with the formation of the lower continent."

“Ah? Why is it still involved in the formation of lower continents?” Yan Xiangluo looked at the clouds in surprise.

Yun Tuan scratched his head with his little paws, "Master, my memory of the divine beast is incomplete and I don't know much. Logically speaking, lower continents should not have such a divine beast like me. This is probably the reason why I have forgotten the past and my cultivation level is almost zero. . Since it is a low-level continent, there must be restrictions by the rules of heaven, but there are mythical beasts like me, so it means that the continent also has loopholes to exploit, and there must be other powerful beings, but they exist in different ways and have different restrictions. That’s all.”

Yan Xiangluo’s eyes lit up, isn’t this what the Spirit Clan exists?

The mainland is restricted by the rules of heaven. Monks whose cultivation level is higher than the clan level must leave the mainland immediately. Just like the sworn brother Ge Tianjun, wasn't he sent away by the rules of heaven as soon as he recovered his cultivation level?

 But the Spirit Tribe is an exception. Their cultivation is obviously above the clan level, but they can live in the Tianqian Continent. Could it be that they have taken advantage of the loopholes in the rules of heaven?

 But why?

If possible, who wouldn’t want to go to a higher continent to practice? Their lifespan is still long and they can break through to a higher level of cultivation?

Yun Tuan continued, "There are people who are different from the native mainlanders living there. Their cultivation level is much higher than that of the strongest people in the mainland. They existed when the lower continent was formed. As for the reason, I can't remember the reason. No. My memory of Wanghai Forest only stays on the outer edge. Every time I want to go to the center, I have a thought in my mind, don’t go there, it will be fatal, so I have never been to the center. . As soon as you go inside, a bad premonition will appear. Therefore, I don’t know what danger is inside, but I can feel that the danger is fatal. "

 (End of this chapter)

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