The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 175: Heart knot appears

Chapter 175 Heart knot appears

Looking at Yan Xiangluo's still calm expression, Yun Tuan understood that it was not easy to persuade the owner to give up going inside.

"Although I have never gone in, I have seen many king-level and respected-level experts go in. I only saw people going in and never saw anyone coming out. Although it is dangerous inside, it is also very attractive. Master, please feel it. Is the aura inside more intense than where we are? "

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo let go of her spiritual consciousness to sense inside. Only after this perception did she realize that it was indeed as Yun Tuan said, the spiritual energy inside was richer. As her spiritual consciousness went deeper, the spiritual energy became richer.

No wonder there are so many monks with king-level cultivation who venture in without ever returning. Such rich spiritual energy is a cultivation resource that monks dream of.

However, if she wants to go to the Spirit Clan, she must pass through Wanghai Forest, but it is so dangerous that even Yun Duan is afraid of it, and she is a little worried.

 At this time she discovered the fact that she was actually afraid of death.

 What she has now is the life she dreamed of that she could not have in her previous life. Therefore, she does not want anything to go wrong, so she shrinks from death and unknown dangers.

 This is also the reason why she first thinks of her own safety when encountering any danger. When she is not sure whether she is safe, she will usually retreat.

As long as her safety is endangered, she will not hesitate to choose to put herself in a safe situation before fighting for anything else.

To other people, this idea may not matter, after all, everyone only lives once, but for her, it is unusual, because this is a knot in her heart, brought from another life.

Although she also encountered life-threatening things in the Lingquan Secret Realm, they were all sudden and did not give her a chance to choose. She did not have time to think about it. She only thought about saving her life. Therefore, it was not highlighted yet. Come on this.

 Now, this point was clearly in front of her.

She knew very well that if the knot in her heart was not resolved, there would be a great potential crisis for her future practice, and it might take her life at some point.

It was then that she realized that in another life she was just a girl who had lived for thirteen years. Although she had grown up amid intrigues and intrigues, no matter how precocious and intelligent she was, her state of mind was different from that of an adult.

What's more, she was still a little girl who relied on medicine jars to survive to the age of thirteen, facing death all the time.

  Although she is now sixteen years old, her birthday will be in a few days, and she will be old enough to be a hairdresser, so she will be considered an adult here. However, she was devoted to cultivation and really had no experience in the mental process of life and death.

 The experiences she had experienced since childhood were not enough to enable her to face the choice between life and death calmly. On the contrary, because of her experience, she is even more afraid of life and death. In her heart, she cherishes a healthy body and wants to live well.

 The reason why this knot was not expressed so strongly in the past was because there were Pangu Space and Yun Tuan. Pan Gu Space provided her with a place to stay in times of danger, and Yun Tuan's ability gave her great convenience.

Even the existence of Pangu Space now makes Yun Tuan so afraid, and the fear buried deep in her heart has been unearthed.

Thinking of the last moment of leaving the secret space of Lingquan, when she couldn't resist being so close to death, only she knew the fear in her heart.

Yun Tuan stopped talking. It was still up to the master to decide whether to enter or not. Although its life and death were connected with the master, it was only a blood contract, not a soul contract. When it died, it would be reborn because of the blood of the divine beast. , everything will start again.

It depends on the situation when the master dies. If his soul is gone, he will completely disappear from this world.

It felt depressed in its heart. Although it had an owner by accident, it had become more and more fond of its owner after three years of getting along with it. It really didn't want them to get to that point.

Yan Xiangluo did not enter the space, but climbed up to a thick tree next to her. She sat cross-legged on the branch of the tree, looking into the depths of the sea-viewing forest with her apricot eyes, thinking seriously about what to do.

 In fact, she knew exactly what to do. When her soul first came back, she was glad that she had a healthy body and wanted to be a strong person. She never faced up to whether her heart could accept the test of life and death on the path to becoming a strong person.

Although she has experienced a lot in the past three years, the only moment that really involves life and death is the moment before she comes out of the secret realm of Lingquan.

The emergency happened at that time, and she didn't have time to react at all, but at that moment when she knew that she was going to die, her heart was still shrouded in fear.

The clouds refused to let her in, which meant that there might be fatal dangers at every step inside. If she could not overcome the fear in her heart, it would not matter whether she could walk out after entering, but whether she could survive.

 But if she doesn’t go in, she will have this knot in her heart for the rest of her life. Whenever she faces life and death, she will lose the chance of survival because of this knot in her heart.

She sat cross-legged on the tree, not moving or doing anything else. She even stopped practicing, which was not delayed at all.

The clouds didn’t bother her, and she was actually very conflicted.

Although it is too dangerous inside and does not want the owner to enter, the opportunities inside are also rare in the world.

It doesn’t know in its heart whether it’s better for the master to go in or not.

 In the early morning of the next day, Yan Xiangluo finally reacted. He stood up and jumped down from the tree. The aura of his whole body changed.

 The clouds jumped down and landed on her shoulders, staring at Yan Xiangluo with their dark eyes.

"Yun Tuan, I want to go in." Yan Xiangluo said firmly.

Yun Tuan said no more objections. It knew that the owner made the decision after careful consideration. Since its master is not afraid, it can no longer hold back its master. Living and dying with its master is what it should do in this life.

Who says its owner can't cross Wanghai Forest.

Yan Xiangluo had a relieved smile on her face and rubbed Yun Tuan's soft body, "Yun Tuan, if my father can go, I will definitely be able to go."

Thought about it for a day and a night. Although she didn't know what would happen to her when she was alive or dead, she knew very well that if she didn't go in, the knot in her heart would never be untied in her life.

Although she does not go in, she will be able to leave the Tianqian Continent and go to the Higher Continent one day in the future, but she will always carry this knot in her heart, and she never knows when it will jump out and give her a fatal blow.

Since we have to face it sooner or later, it is better to solve it as soon as possible. After all, the higher the cultivation level, the more fatal the knot will be.

 My father could go through the Wanghai Forest for my mother, and leave the Tianqian Continent with my mother. As their daughter, how could she be so bad?

After thinking about it, she felt much more relaxed. No matter what kind of danger there was, she would go for it.

 While solving the knot in your mind, you may have unexpected gains.

Yan Xiangluo walked forward without hesitation.

 (End of this chapter)

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