The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 177: absorb power

Chapter 177 Absorbing Power

After being reminded by Yun Tuan, Yan Xiangluo suddenly realized that she had been a little careless. She narrowed her eyes and couldn't pursue her like this, but she didn't want to let go of the piranha either.

With a thought, the Flying Lotus appeared in her hand, and three petals flew out, turning into nine petals as thin as cicada wings and running towards the Piranha.

No matter how fast the piranha is, it is still not as fast as the flying lotus supported by spiritual power.

Sensing the threat to its life, Piranha immediately rolled up into a ball in an attempt to escape Yan Xiangluo's attack. However, Flying Lotus is not an ordinary weapon, it is a weapon that can be contracted and grown. If the master gives an order, it will execute it without hesitation. He turned a corner and shot into the body covered with piranha flowers.

Piranha let out an unpleasant scream.

  In fact, if the piranha flowers had not formed a ball, they would not have been attacked so badly. Forming a ball into a ball allowed the Flying Lotus to exert several times its effect.

Yan Xiangluo saw the piranha stopped and shouted "explode". The flying lotus spiritual energy in the piranha's body exploded instantly. The piranha was blown away by the spiritual energy, and the flying lotus flew back automatically.

Yan Xiangluo landed in front of the broken piranha flower, and what he saw was the corpses everywhere where the piranha flower was broken.

Although it is not as tragic as an animal monster, more like a ravaged flower, but because of its blood-red petals, the nearby weeds, tree trunks and various plants are stained with blood-like sap, which looks like A very strange misery.

Seeing that the piranha was indeed dead, Yan Xiangluo was ready to leave.

Suddenly she saw a green thumb-sized bead on the ground. If it hadn't been for energy fluctuations, she would never have noticed it.

“What is this?” Yan Xiangluo bent down and picked up the beads.

Yun Tuan immediately said, "Master, this is the demon elixir of the demon beast. It is a plant demon beast, so the demon elixir is green. This is because it has not yet transformed, and its cultivation is not strong, so the demon elixir is relatively small. "

This is the first time Yan Xiangluo has seen the demon elixir of a demon beast. Although he had read fantasy books in another life and knew that demon beasts have demon elixirs, this is the first time that his soul has come into contact with demon elixirs when he returns here.

“Can the power in the demon pill be absorbed?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The fantasy book I read before said that the power of the demon pill can be absorbed. I don’t know if this can be absorbed. After all, she didn't know if what was written in those books was true.

Yun Tuan said, "It can be absorbed, but it has different attributes. The plant-type monster elixir belongs to the wood-type. Only people with wood-type spiritual roots can absorb the power inside. The master does not need to take this into account."

Ruan Xiangluo has a five-element spiritual root. She was called a useless person before, but the letter her father left for her said that her mother was plotted against her when she was pregnant with her. Even though her mother tried her best to protect her in her belly, she still When I hurt my mother, I also hurt her in her belly. When she was born, her talent was too strong, and her injured body could not bear the powerful talent of awakening her entire spiritual roots after she was born. After awakening her human soul, the only consequence was that she would face death at birth. Therefore, my mother used special means to separate one soul and one soul and go to another world to be reincarnated. The body left here became a waste material body with five spiritual roots.

 This shows that she is not a useless person with five spiritual roots, but a genius with all spiritual roots.

Although they all have five spiritual roots, their talents are very different.

 Hence, she has five spiritual roots, which means she can absorb the power of any demonic elixir.

Suddenly she understood why her lotus platform never appeared. Even if she broke through the second level of Pangu Flower Blooming, it would only disappear and appear.

The reason is very simple, that is, his five spiritual roots are all spiritual roots, so the lotus platform must be unusual, and his strength has never been strong enough, so the lotus platform has never been able to appear.

Although she advanced quickly, it took a longer time for her to stop advancing due to the level of Panguhua.

Even though she has broken through to the king level now, there are still women with king level cultivation at the age of sixteen. There are even some talented women who have broken through to the king level at the age of fourteen or fifteen.    So now it seems that her cultivation level is not surprising.

 Holding the green demon pill in his hand, with a thought, he wrapped the demon pill with his spiritual power to absorb the power inside.

 This is what she learned from reading the book. She actually absorbed the power of the demon elixir after trying it.

The wood power itself has vitality, and the plant demon elixir contains all the power of plants. Therefore, although the strength of the piranha is not very strong, it is absorbed in an instant, and the feeling in the body is still very obvious.

 The power of the wood element rushed directly into her body, and then rushed towards the dantian. After entering the dantian, it disappeared directly into the five-element spiritual root tree.

 There is no Pangu flower like the one she wears on Nascent Soul's head when she absorbs spiritual energy and practices.

Yes, she called the flower that carries the transformation of the Pangu Flower Blooming Technique Pangu Flower.

Not only that, her newly stabilized King-level third-level cultivation was instantly filled with the power of the wood element, and she was about to advance again.

It was too dangerous to advance here. She ducked into the space and was too late to bring the clouds in.

Being a little obscured by the clouds that were suddenly thrown outside, Yan Xiangluo suddenly disappeared. It fell from her shoulders and fell to the ground, where it lay limply on the ground.

“Master, have you forgotten something?” Yun Tuan shouted with his spiritual consciousness.

 It’s a pity that Yan Xiangluo has already started to advance in the promotion at this time, so her shouts and protests cannot be heard.

Yun Tuan and Yan Xiangluo are connected spiritually. He realizes that she is advancing and knows that he can only protect himself now.

 Immediately got up from the ground and quickly ran to the nearest big tree, and it was at the top of the tree, hiding himself among the thick leaves.

This is not the outer edge of Wanghai Forest. Although it is fast enough and has some abilities, it simply lacks combat power. When it encounters monsters, it will only be tortured. It does not want the majestic beast to die too grievously.

In the space, Yan Xiangluo began to advance again, to the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of King Level, and was promoted to three levels in a row.

After the promotion, Yan Xiangluo felt that she was powerful again. She was happy and at the same time a little distressed about how many demon pills she had missed before.

In the past three years, she has experienced and killed more monsters than she can count. There are also monsters that are stronger than Piranha, but she has not taken the demon pill from any of them. How much has she missed? Power.

Thinking that the clouds were still outside, I quickly got up and went out.

As soon as the fragrance came out, the clouds flew down from the trees and fell on her shoulders. She said aggrievedly, "Master, you can't leave me behind next time."

Yan Xiangluo rubbed its little body apologetically, "I'm sorry, it's just this once. This time I didn't know that I would advance if I absorbed the demon pill. If I wasn't prepared, I wouldn't leave you outside alone in the future."

 (End of this chapter)

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