The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 178: Encountered danger again

Chapter 178 Encountering danger again

Yun Tuan also knew that the incident happened suddenly and his master was unprepared. After hearing his words, the grievances in his heart disappeared immediately.

“Yun Tuan, I feel that I have missed too much power of the demon elixir before.” Yan Xiangluo said with heartache as she thought about the demonic beasts she had killed before.

Yun Tuan said in confusion, "This is my first time encountering a monster with a demon pill. How could I have missed so much power of the demon pill before?"

Yan Xiangluo was startled, "You mean, none of the monsters I killed before had demon elixirs?"

Yun Tuan nodded and explained to her, "The monsters in the lower continents don't have demon pills. In the entire Tiancha Continent, only the monsters deep in the Wanghai Forest have demon pills. But these monsters can't get out, and the monsters outside have demon pills." People can come in, but they never come back.”

“Isn’t this also the Tianqian Continent?” Yan Xiangluo asked with some confusion.

"It's different. This is a special existence. It's understandable if the master imagines this place as the space between the higher continent and the lower continent." Yun Tuan thought for a while and gave it to her in a way that it thought Yan Xiangluo could understand. Solve doubts.

A flash of light suddenly flashed through Yan Xiangluo's apricot eyes. The letter her father left behind said that it was her mother who used special means to send her soul to another world to be reincarnated. Can people from lower continents have such ability?

 It is not possible for ordinary people to separate the soul and calculate the return date.

So what kind of existence are the Eldar? His cultivation is much better than those outside, and he also has some special abilities.

I also have my mother’s bloodline in my body, which is the bloodline of the Spirit Tribe. Does that mean that I also have the opportunity to have the same abilities as my mother?

Suddenly she had higher expectations for her trip to the Spirit Clan, not only to untie her knot, not just to see the place where her mother was born and raised, not just to improve her cultivation. , now she knew what she wanted to do most during this trip, and use any means to strengthen herself.

 Since the Eldar people need her, why doesn't she use this matter for her own benefit?

As for her mother's relatives that the man mentioned, she decided to wait until she saw them. She didn't have much hope in her mother's relatives.

 Whether it’s here or another world, she doesn’t have much expectations for family affection.

In the other world, only her grandma was good to her, and in this world, only her parents were good to her. Although she lived in two different worlds, at least there were still people who loved her, which was the last softness in her heart.

"Master, leave quickly, a powerful monster is coming, you are no match." Yun Tuan's voice sounded anxiously in her consciousness.

Yan Xiangluo picked up the cloud and ran away without thinking.

“Master, you’re wrong, the direction you ran is exactly the direction the monster came from.” Yun Tuan’s heart almost jumped out of his chest when he saw the direction she ran.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo flicked his tail beautifully, and then he changed direction and continued running.

  She did not choose the opposite direction, but the left front in the direction the monster came from, and used her fastest speed.

 It was not that she had not escaped with her life before, but this time she really felt the true power of the monster.

 Although she ran far away, she could still feel the powerful pressure of the monster.

No wonder she didn’t see any other monsters in the depths of Wanghai Forest except for the piranha. The reason for this was because there was territory division here, and the territory was divided according to the strength of the monsters.

Yun Tuan's worries were not unnecessary. Piranha was indeed planning to lead her to the territory of a powerful monster, but she was killed before she could lead her there. Now it seems that she has stepped into that monster. The territory has alarmed the monsters.

Yan Xiangluo ran for her life without thinking about anything. Yun Tuan kept reminding her where to run, and her little heart was trembling. This was not the outside, and powerful monsters could be encountered everywhere. Although the master had advanced to the third level, You are now at the sixth level of king level cultivation, but that depends on what level of cultivation level monster you encounter. Piranha is just the weakest one.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know how long she ran. She ran for a while before her consciousness could no longer sense the pressure of the monster, and then she stopped.

It’s not that she hasn’t thought about going into Pangu Space, but this place is different from the past. Can she still hide in it and not come out? As long as she comes out and is still on someone else’s territory, the monster will be able to sense it immediately.

 Besides, the purpose of her coming in was not to escape.

 Only by facing danger head-on can the fear of death be completely broken.

She did not dare to rest on the ground and climbed directly to a tree. She sat on the tree and relaxed her consciousness, alerting her surroundings.

The Pangu flower in her Dantian has been absorbing spiritual energy, and it will not affect her practice at any time. This has become a kind of instinct for her.

 The cloud that she had been holding in her hand could finally breathe a sigh of relief and jump onto her shoulders to squat.

It was very shameful for such a majestic and sacred beast to be carried in someone's hands like this. Fortunately, no one saw it.

Yiren Yi Chong hadn't noticed yet, but under the big tree where they were resting, a vine-like plant crawled close to the ground, wrapped around the tree, and slowly climbed up the tree.

Yan Xiangluo's spiritual consciousness detected it, and it immediately stopped moving and clung to the bark of the tree, just like a vine that originally grew on a tree.

Yan Xiangluo frowned. She sensed a hint of demonic power. Why couldn't she detect it after a closer inspection?

The crisis in Wanghai Forest, she would not take it lightly, letting her consciousness control in a stable state, so that the other party could not perceive herself.

Sure enough, in an instant she felt a very weak demonic force approaching her.

She doesn’t think that weak demon power means weak strength. On the contrary, being able to detect her own spiritual consciousness and hide herself is a sign that the other party’s demon power is strong.

 It was so close to me and I didn’t even see it. What kind of monster was this? Could it be a small monster that is good at hiding?

Yan Xiangluo immediately communicated with Yun Tuan, "Yun Tuan, go into the space first."

As soon as Yun Tuan heard the sound, it appeared in Pangu Space, but the owner opened the space permissions to it. It can freely enter Pangu Space, so that it can see the outside situation in the space.

Yan Xiangluo didn't move. Her consciousness was still paying attention to the extremely weak demonic power. It was already very close to her, but she still didn't see any smaller demonic beasts.

Helping's eyes suddenly opened wide. No, there are not only animal monsters here, but also plant monsters. Isn't it the piranha that I encountered before? How could I ignore such an important situation?

At the same time, she sensed that the demonic power had become stronger, and she was probably preparing to attack. She stood up suddenly, and her body was suddenly taller than the tree. Then she fell down again, leaving the tree with her feet on the branches. He landed on a nearby tree and looked back at the tree.

 (End of this chapter)

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