The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 179: Fight against the demon vine

Chapter 179 Battle against the Demon Vine

With this look, Yan Xiangluo finally discovered where the demonic power came from.

At this time, a vine on the tree was making an attack gesture, but it was frozen there because the target suddenly disappeared.

The fragrance is speechless. The plants here have become spirits, right?

First there was the piranha, and now a strange vine appeared. They don’t need to grow in the ground and can walk without the soil. This is not a spirit.

At this time, she felt that plant monsters were more terrifying than animal monsters. After all, animal monsters actually existed there. No matter how strong you were, you could still find your target.

 But plant monsters are different. If they remain motionless, restrain their breath, and if their mental strength does not reach a certain level, they really cannot be discovered.

I only have to rely on my mental strength to be strong enough, otherwise my mental strength with a king-level cultivation level would really not be able to detect this evil demonic vine.

With a thought, the flying lotus appeared in her hand, and she attacked unceremoniously. More than a dozen petals flew out. As they flew out, one petal split into three. More than thirty attacks were running around, and the demonic vines were entangled in it. Attack from various parts of the tree.

She didn't believe it. The vines of the demon vine were wrapped around the tree, and they could dodge all her attacks in such a short period of time.

 Sensing the attack force, the demonic vine on the opposite side quickly shrank from the tree, but it did not dodge all of Yan Xiangluo's attacks.

 However, the Flying Lotus, which was attacking with the sixth level of king-level spiritual power, actually made a clanking sound when it attacked the vines of the demonic vine. The sharp Flying Lotus actually did not attack at all.

 The sound sounds like an attack on steel.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes narrowed, why is the vine's body so hard? It's so hard that even Flying Lotus can't attack it. Then how can she fight with others?

All this was beyond her imagination. How could a plant monster have such a powerful body?

 She really couldn't understand it.

Flying lotus can't do it, but what about the long caltrop spear?

This time she did not use her vitality, but injected her spiritual power into the long rhombus spear, jumped up, and stabbed at the demonic vine. All this happened in an instant.

At this time, the demonic vine has shrunk to half the height of the tree. It sensed that Yan Xiangluo was attacking again, and the top branches rushed towards it with a long caltrop spear.

If the force of the attack fell on her, it would undoubtedly tear her apart. Yan Xiangluo faced the fear of death in her heart, without changing the attack route, and stabbed straight into the vines that were still wrapped around the tree.

She knew that such an opportunity only existed now. Once the vines broke away from the trunk, she would be even more passive. After all, the forest was dominated by animals, plants and monsters.

The sound of metal collision sounded again, and a weapon as sharp as the long rhombus spear did not penetrate Yaoteng's body.

At this time, the branches of the demonic vine had already attacked, entangled the long rhombus spear, getting tighter and tighter, trying to take away the weapon in her hand.

Yan Xiangluo noticed the demonic vine's intention and her heart tightened. The demonic vine's strength was beyond her imagination, and she couldn't take back the long caltrop spear from its hands by force.

 She immediately summoned her energy, held the lance with both hands, kept her body in a straight line with the lance, and then spun quickly in the air.

The power suddenly changed, but it was still a powerful vitality. In addition, Yan Xiangluo's body quickly rotated to double the burst of vitality. The part of the demonic vine wrapped around the Changling Spear was strongly repelled by the rotating vitality. Yan Xiangluo noticed that as soon as the demon vine's vines left the Changling Spear, she took back the Changling Spear with her mind.

 Her unsupported body stopped rotating and fell downwards. Enduring the dizziness caused by the rapid rotation, I turned over in mid-air and landed on the ground. Although my body was swaying, fortunately, I was not dizzy enough to fall directly to the ground.

However, the dizziness and discomfort relieved only for a moment. Although this process did not last long, it was enough for the vines of the demon vine to leave the big tree.

 The demonic vine that had left the big tree was now showing its teeth and claws, as if it had been completely liberated and was not afraid of the fragrance falling.

What was originally one vine turned into countless vines, densely packed, as if weaving into a giant net in the air and rushing towards the fragrance.

Xing Mu's eyes turned cold. The branches of the demonic vine were as hard as metal, and his own attacks had no effect on them. And even if she had three heads and six arms, she couldn't resist the attack of the demonic vine. If she hid in the Pangu space, her knot in her heart would probably deepen.

 But in a confrontation, if you dodge one blow, can you dodge the second one? What else can I do?

 Suddenly, her eyes lit up, why had she forgotten her best skill, using poison!

In the past three years, although she has learned to make poison from her master, she has never used it. The main reason is that her training process does not require her to use poison.

 But what could be more useful at the moment than poison.

No matter how hard the branches of the demonic vine are, they still need to absorb spiritual energy nutrients. What about poison, can they also absorb it?

With just a thought, she immediately threw an antidote pill into her mouth, then took out three poison pills, crushed them into powder with her spiritual power, and then, with herself as the center, she used her spiritual power to send them to the whizzing demon vines. The huge network formed by the vines goes up and covers a wide area.

 You make a vine net, and I will give you a poison net in return. Let’s see who can beat the other.

At the same time, she used her gold power to form a gold defensive shield in front of her head to resist the attacks of vines coming from the sky.

It takes time for the poison to soak in, so the vine's attack accurately landed on the gold defensive shield formed by Yanxiangluo.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that the strength of the vine was much stronger than hers. The golden defensive shield formed by her strongest spiritual power instantly shattered when it encountered the vine, but the attack power of the vine did not weaken at all. Running towards her in the defensive shield.

She immediately took out a counterattack mysterious pattern, input spiritual power and stuck it on her body. The attack power of the vine also fell on her body, and it was almost too late.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the power of the vine was swallowed back by the counterattack mysterious pattern, running towards the vine itself.

Yan Xiangluo was not in a good condition at this time. Although the backlash mysterious pattern helped her block the blow, she could not bear the force of the attack. The body that was attacked flew out, and then fell down in embarrassment. on the ground.

She grinned and moved her body, as if all the bones in her body were shattered by the force. She quickly took out a recovery pill and drank it.

 The elixir began to repair her body as soon as she took it into her mouth. Fortunately, the elixirs she refined were of perfect quality and took effect quickly. It only took a few breaths for her injured body to recover as before.

She stood up with lingering fear. This was the result of being blocked by the counterattack mysterious pattern. If she had actually received this blow, she would have been completely dead.

 (End of this chapter)

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