The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 180: ancient power

Chapter 180 Ancient Power

At this time, Yan Xiangluo truly understood why Yun Tuan didn't want her to come in. Although the demon vine was stronger than the piranha, it was not the strongest here.

Even so, I have been forced to use a trump card poison that I have never used before, and also added the counterattack mysterious pattern. If I hadn't been more capable, today would have been really unlucky.

At this moment, she didn't dare to let down her guard anymore. When she stood up, she immediately looked at the demon vine opposite. He wanted to know whether the poison he had given had any effect, and at the same time he also wanted to know how he should deal with the attack of the demon vine next if the poison had no effect on the demon vine.

 But when she saw the demon vine, she realized that she had underestimated the poison she had concocted, and she also understood why the mainlanders were so afraid of her master.

At this time, the vines all over the sky were twitching irregularly, and it looked like they were struggling painfully.

The poison had taken effect, and Yan Xiangluo felt a little relieved, but she did not relax her vigilance, and the attack that broke out in her dying struggle would only become more fierce.

Soon, the vines that the demon vine stretched out shrank back, and finally only one vine was left twitching in pain.

The fragrance is speechless. Isn't it going to struggle to its death? Aren't you going to kill yourself and be buried with it?

You must know that since the poison has taken effect, it will only make it weaker and weaker. Only when it is first poisoned will its strength be closest to that before it was not poisoned.

I will never detoxify it. If it were me, I would die anyway, so I would try my best to drag the other person to be buried with me.

Even if the demon vine has poor intelligence, it will still do this instinctively.

Yan Xiangluo slowly backed away, preparing to run away. She is not so arrogant that she can defeat the poisoned demon vine, so it is important to recognize her own strength.

Hurry up and run away before it wants to take you to the funeral.

“Yun Tuan, do you know what kind of plant this demon vine is?” Yan Xiangluo retreated while using her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yu Tuan in Pangu space.

She knew all the herbs in another life, and when she came back here, she recognized all the herbs she didn't know here. She already had a complete understanding of plants, but she really didn't know what kind of plant this demonic vine was. .

Although she has never seen the piranha with her own eyes, at least she has seen pictures in another life, so it is not unfamiliar. She really doesn’t know what this demonic vine is.

Yun Tuan looked at the demon vine outside and said, "Master, I don't know what kind of plant it is, but I feel the ancient power in it."

“Ancient power?” Yan Xiangluo was stunned.

Although this demonic vine is much stronger than her, compared to the demonic beast that she ran away without seeing before, its strength is still too weak, and it doesn't look like an ancient plant at all.

 “Are you sure?” Yan Xiangluo asked again with some disbelief.

Yun Tuan said with certainty, "Master, you are not wrong. We divine beasts all possess ancient power. Even if we die, we will be reborn again. We just have to grow from scratch, but we still have the blood of the divine beasts. The same goes for ancient plants. As long as they become divine plants, they can be reborn. After rebirth, they will also have the breath and power of ancient times, but they will also need to grow from scratch. "

When Yun Tuan explained this, Yan Xiangluo understood. It was a pity to look at the demon vine. This is a demon vine with ancient power. It has become a divine plant in its previous life. It is not easy to be reborn. It will be destroyed in one's own body. Poisoned. "After being poisoned by my poison, will it be reborn again? Will it continue to have ancient power?" Although Yan Xiangluo felt sorry, she would not show mercy regardless of the situation. The demon vine wanted to kill her, so she But I don’t have that much stomach capacity to detoxify it.

 But I still want to know if I can’t grow up after rebirth, can I still be reborn and continue to have the ancient power?

"Those who can be reborn with ancient power are all divine beasts. Whether they are plants or animals, rebirth is conditional, not unlimited. Whether it is a divine beast or a divine plant, if you have not cultivated a divine beast or a divine plant after rebirth, you can still do it. There are only three chances to be reborn. If you fail to grow into a divine beast or divine plant three times, you will have no chance to be reborn. However, if you cultivate to a divine beast or divine plant after rebirth, you will still have three chances to be reborn. "

Yun Tuan is like an encyclopedia. It can answer almost all of Yan Xiangluo's doubts. The ones that cannot be answered should be due to the restrictions of mainland rules.

“What about you, is this the same situation for you?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

Yun Tuan shook his head, "No, I was severely injured and returned to the state I was in shortly after I was born. I need an opportunity to return to my peak little by little."

Although it didn’t know why it was so severely injured at the time, it still knew that it was the true form of a divine beast.

Yan Xiangluo had already retreated more than ten steps away. The demon vine was still struggling painfully. She turned around and ran away. How long would it take if she didn't run now?

Yuan Xiangluo ran away, and the demonic vine over there immediately discovered it and chased after it. No, it should be chased by pulling out the roots. That look is very similar to when a piranha is running away, running with countless roots.

“Master, it’s coming.” Yun Tuan shouted anxiously in the space.

Yan Xiangluo was not surprised. She had already poisoned it, so it was strange that it would let her go. She was wondering in her mind, when would the poison she had administered kill the demon vine, and how long would she have to run?

Just like that, a little girl in a red dress ran as fast as she could in the forest, with a vine chasing after her crazily.

After running for half an hour, Yan Xiangluo was speechless. How come the demon vine is still so energetic and its speed is not much slower?

If the demon vine had not been poisoned, Yan Xiangluo would have suspected that the demon vine was teasing her. How could she still be so alive after being poisoned for half an hour? You must know that she was poisoned with the most poisonous poison.

 Are plants, unlike human and animal bodies, unable to die if poisoned? Or is it because it possesses ancient power?

At this moment, the demon vine that had been chasing Xiangluo for half an hour lost his patience. Several more vines grew out and penetrated into the ground. Once they entered the ground, their speed became much faster. In an instant, they were gone from Xiangluo. The front of Xiangluo broke through the ground, forcing Xiangluo to stop.

Just when she stopped, the vines of the demonic vine spread out quickly, wrapping her around extremely quickly and lifting her up.

Yanxiang, who was tightly entangled, fell and swayed in mid-air, and her heart suddenly sank. Is this the real strength of Yaodeng?

It seems that the demon vine has not used its full strength before. If it was not poisoned by himself, I am afraid it will not roll up itself, but it will tear itself apart.

Yan Xiangluo's arms and body were tightly entangled by the vines of the demonic vine. She could not move at all. She calmed down and looked at the main body of the demonic vine with her bright almond eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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