The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 183: Contract Demon Vine

Chapter 183 Contracted Demon Vine

Yao Teng blinked. If it is not this person's spiritual pet, it cannot enter Pangu Space. If he is her spiritual pet, it can enter. The most important thing is that if he is her spiritual pet, he does not need to ask her. Will she detoxify herself?

If the demonic vine had a physical form now, Yan Xiangluo could see it looking so proud because it had figured out a way.

It’s a pity that Yan Xiangluo could only hear Yun Tuan’s words but not Yao Teng’s spiritual consciousness. Otherwise, she would have known that her family Yun Tuan had successfully abducted Yao Teng back at this time.

Yes, it was abduction. Although Yun Tuan told the truth, the intention of deceiving Yao Teng was also obvious. Although Yao Teng was very smart, he was still caught by the Pangu space and the poison on his body.

Yan Xiangluo was still waiting to see how the clouds were fooling her. She felt the vines wrapped around her falling down, and the vines below formed a chair. Yan Xiangluo was put on the chair by the demon vine and sat down.

 The vines wrapped around her body also loosened, and her body suddenly relaxed. Although it didn't last long, she felt a sense of freedom that she had not seen for a long time.

Although the demonic vine let go of her, the vine did not leave, and kept its teeth and claws beside her.

 “Let’s discuss it?” Yaoteng arranged for Yan Xiangluo and then communicated with Yun Tuan.

"What are we discussing?" Yun Tuan saw that the demon vine had settled its owner properly, at least no longer pestering her, and knew that the demon vine had been persuaded by it.

"This is my third rebirth. The first two times I died before I could reach the level of a divine plant. This is my last chance. You can ask your master to accept me as a spiritual pet, and I can also protect you. At least she can be saved in Wanghai Forest. Regardless of me being a plant, if I am promoted to a divine plant in the future, I will be able to fight even a divine beast, and your master will not suffer any loss at all," Yaodeng said in a flattering tone. .

Yun Tuan knew that his goal was about to be realized, but he would not immediately agree to the demon vine. If it knew that it could become the master's spiritual pet so easily, it would not cherish it, let alone take the master seriously.

"My master said he would only take me as a spiritual pet." Yun Tuan looked helpless, and my master said he was very fond of me.

"I can be your companion. Your divine beast power cannot be restored here. You can only have a chance to restore it when the master goes to the higher continent. During this period, I can also protect the master and you. We can trust each other. How wonderful it is to be a companion. Just tell your master that you want a companion, and your master will definitely agree. "

Demon Teng tried his best to persuade Yun Tuan to detoxify and enter the Pangu space.

"You will protect the master and me from now on, and listen to my words?" Yun Tuan asked hesitantly.

"That's for sure. You are the master's first spiritual pet, I am the second, and you are the eldest brother." Yaodeng is free to say good things for free, but he is a good at flattering others.

"You must keep your word, or I will let the master punish you." Yun Tuan sounded convinced.

"Don't worry, I will definitely do it. You will be my big brother from now on." If Yao Teng had a human form, he would definitely be patting his chest now.

"Well, I'll talk to the master." Yun Tuan reluctantly agreed.

 “Brother, give me a lot of kind words for my little brother.” Yaoteng said in a dogged manner.

"Master, although it is a demon vine, it has ancient power and will become a divine plant in the future. It is still very strong. Master, if you want to contract it, it can also protect us." Yun Tuan communicated with Yan Xiangluo .

It still needs to be done. The demon vine's spiritual consciousness is a divine plant. It has strong mental power. You can communicate with it, and naturally you can also hear the communication between it and its owner.

Although Yan Xiangluo could only hear Yun Tuan's words during the conversation between Yun Tuan and Yao Teng, she could guess the content of the conversation between the two.

"I didn't want to ask for a spiritual pet anymore." Yan Xiangluo said directly without hesitation. Demonic Vine paused for a moment. It seemed that the beast was not lying. Its owner really did not want any other spiritual pets.

“Master, I don’t have a playmate, so I made a contract with it and let it practice and play with me, okay, master?” Yun Tuan said in a pleading tone.

Yun Tuan’s actions made Yaoteng immediately moved. From now on, he must protect this beast well. He was so miserable and yet he still helped him like this.

Yes, in the eyes of Yaoteng, the sight of the divine beasts turning into clouds can only be described as miserable.

If Yan Xiangluo knew what Yaodeng was thinking, he would definitely retract his previous praise of its intelligence. This is simply stupid. He was fooled by Yun Tuan so easily. The smart one is obviously Yun Tuan, okay?

"It wants to kill me." Yan Xiangluo didn't agree immediately.

After hearing what Yan Xiangluo said, Yaoteng immediately waved the vine, "I didn't mean to kill you, it's just that I like the aura in you, and I rarely kill people."

Yun Tuan rolled his eyes. What he said was, did he want to recognize his master?

"Master, it just likes the aura in the master. Now it knows it was wrong. The master will give it a chance to atone for its sins and let it protect the master in the future. This is Wanghai Forest. It grew up here and is familiar with it. Master will definitely be of great help." Yun Tuan continued to say good things to Yao Teng.

Yan Xiangluo frowned as if she was thinking about it. The demon vine danced its vines nervously, for fear that Yan Xiangluo would not agree to the contract with it.

After a while, Yan Xiangluo said, "Since you like it, then contract it. From now on, it will be under your control. If it doesn't obey, you will take care of it."

Yao Teng ignored Yanxiang's words that you should deal with it if it falls behind and disobeys, and was only happy that it could finally be her spiritual pet.

"I will be obedient and protect my master. I am very familiar with Wanghai Forest. As long as I am here, my master will be safe." The demon vine immediately expressed its sincerity, but unfortunately, there was no contract yet, so Yan Xiangluo could not hear its loyal words.

Yan Xiangluo is now worried about how to make a contract with the demon vine. It is a vine. Should she drop her blood on the vine to make a contract? But the drops are on the vines?

“You haven’t released the demon pill yet.” Yun Tuan noticed his master’s doubts and immediately shouted to the demon vine.

The demon vine danced a vine and stretched it out in front of Yan Xiangluo. The vine split open, and inside there was a green demon pill as big as Yan Xiangluo's fist.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely surprised. No wonder he was so strong. The demon vine's demon elixir was much larger than that of the piranha.

She cut her finger and a drop of blood fell on the demon elixir of the demon vine. A red light fell, and the master-servant contract was established.

 Suddenly there was a connection in his consciousness.

Yan Xiangluo only used the most common master-servant contract to contract the demon vine. There was no soul contract. Although Yun Tuan made the contract accidentally, it was also the most common master-servant contract.

 She will not bind her soul to any spiritual beast, no matter how much she likes it.

 (End of this chapter)

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