The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 184: nine families

Chapter 184 Nine Families

"Master, please detoxify me first." Yaodeng said immediately after noticing the contract connection.

Yan Xiangluo really didn't know how to detoxify it, so she decided to let it figure out a way on its own, and threw out an antidote pill. The demon vine immediately wrapped it in vines, and the detoxification pill quickly became smaller and disappeared in a moment.

 “Master, it’s not enough.” Yaodeng shouted.

"How many are needed?" Yan Xiangluo herself was poisoned by three poison pills, but it was impossible for all the poison to be absorbed by the demon vine, so she asked how many more pills were needed. She judged that one more pill should be enough.

"One is enough." Sure enough, Yaoteng said the number, just as she guessed.

He threw out another antidote pill. After the demon vine absorbed it, he immediately regained his energy and danced the vine excitedly.

"Be careful, don't hurt the master." Yun Tuan shouted immediately.

 Yao Teng immediately calmed down and said, "No, how could I hurt the master?"

After finishing speaking, he said with a smile, "Master, can you let me go into Pangu Space to have a look?"

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the pile of medicinal materials that were ten thousand years old on the ground and said, "You will have many opportunities to enter Pangu space in the future, and you can live in it. Answer my questions first."

"Master, just ask, I will tell you everything I know." Yaoteng immediately promised.

Yan Xiangluo twitched the corner of her mouth. It turned out to be Shenzhi who had lived for several lifetimes. Look, what he said was very literate.

“Were you able to find these medicinal materials because you knew they grew here, or could you sense their existence?” Yan Xiangluo asked.

The demon vine glanced at the medicinal materials and said, "Master, I am the spiritual power of a divine plant. I have the innate ability to communicate with plants. I can find them as long as I want. If you need any medicinal materials, master, just leave it to me. Just here Yes, I promise to find it and bring it back to the owner."

Yan Xiangluo's eyes suddenly burst into bright light. Sure enough, Yaoteng is really a little expert in treasure hunting.

"I am an alchemist and a poison refiner. There is no upper limit on the demand for medicinal materials and poisonous herbs." Yuan Xiangluo said.

Demonic Teng understood immediately, "Master, I'm going to find medicinal materials right now."

"That's not necessary. You can pick them up from places we pass by in the future." No matter how much Yan Xiangluo likes medicinal herbs and poisonous weeds, she will not deliberately enslave her spiritual pets.

 Yao Teng suddenly felt that this master was so kind and gentle.

It immediately collected the medicinal materials on the ground and handed them to Yan Xiangluo, "Master, collect these first, and then you can collect them for your master when you meet me."

 I have made up my mind to collect more medicinal materials and poisonous weeds for my master in the future. This is a good way to please my master, and it is not difficult at all for it.

Yan Xiangluo was not polite and directly brought the medicinal materials and two spiritual pets into Pangu space.

Ignore the demonic vines that are stunned as soon as they enter the space. Plant these medicinal materials that are thousands of years old first. Maintaining the effectiveness of the medicine is the most important thing.

Here Yan Xiangluo was busy planting medicinal materials, and the demon vine finally came to his senses and jumped excitedly in the space.

Yu Xiangluo and Yun Tuan's consciousness are filled with its excited shouts.

“Oh my God, it’s really Pangu Space, my luck is so good, this poison is so good, hahahaha…”

Yan Xiangluo was speechless. She looked at Yun Tuan and saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

But no one said anything, nor did they stop the demon vine from going crazy. After all, they didn't want to let it release its emotions before they suppressed it. After Yan Xiangluo planted more than a dozen kinds of medicinal materials, the demon vine finally calmed down.

“Master, can I stay in Pangu Space to practice from now on?” Yaoteng ran up to Yan Xiangluo and asked.

Yan Xiangluo always felt a little mysterious when she saw that a vine was no longer growing in the soil, but instead running everywhere with its roots.

 Sigh, I still have to adapt to life in a fantasy world.

After all, this vine will appear in front of her like this before it can transform. She must love her spiritual pet, no matter how weird it is.

“Yes, but not now, I want to cross Wanghai Forest.” Yan Xiangluo patted the dirt on his hands and stood up.

After hearing her words, the demon vine paused and said, "The master has the blood of the spirit clan. Does the master want to go to the spirit clan?"

“How do you know that I have the blood of the Spirit Race on my body?” Yan Xiangluo looked at Demon Teng in surprise.

The demon vine shook its vines, "This is my ability as a divine plant. No breath can hide it from me. The purpose of people who cross Wanghai Forest is to go there. Although there is the sea over there, the purpose of these people is not to go there. Fishing for food is the special power of those mysterious families over there.”

"Mysterious family? Special powers? Those? Do you think there are more than just Spirit Clan families there?" Yan Xiangluo immediately grasped the information revealed in Yaoteng's words.

"Of course, the Spirit Tribe is just one of them." Although Yao Teng calls himself his little brother to Yun Tuan, it is still in its infancy and its voice is still full of milk. It sounds cute to speak so seriously.

“How many families are there?” Yan Xiangluo asked curiously.

“Nine.” Yaoteng said matter-of-factly.

 How many? Yan Xiangluo was a little surprised.

“These families all have special powers?” Yan Xiangluo thought that since she was going and someone was here to help her answer her questions, she wanted to know more about it in detail.

"Actually, it's not a special power. It's just a high talent passed down from the family to learn the same skill." Yaodeng said indifferently.

It is a Shenzhi. Counting Shenzhi's life and the three lives in which it was reborn, it has lived four lives. Although it cannot have all the memories of its life as a Shenzhi, it still knows a lot.

Although these families are very powerful here, they are really nothing in the higher continent.

“Tell me everything you know.” Yan Xiangluo walked towards the room that was converted into a training room. The demon vine followed her, chattering about what it knew about the nine families.

"These families are between the lower continent and the higher continent. They are all punished families. The rules of heaven are very strict. Only by relying on your own ability to break through the rules of punishment of heaven and return to the higher continent can you truly get rid of punishment. , become a normal monk..."

The demon vine kept talking for more than an hour before it finished telling what it knew about the nine families.

Yu Xiangluo also figured it out.

Wanghai Forest is actually the existence that binds the nine families. In order to integrate more perfectly on the mainland, there is a forest that foreign aid mainlanders can enter, and there is a rule of no return in the depths.

At the same time, Wanghai Forest also has a two-way restriction. It not only restricts mainlanders from coming in, but also restricts people from the nine families from entering and exiting at will. People from the nine families have to pay a price for entering and exiting.

 But there is a kind of person who can come and go freely without paying any price.

 (End of this chapter)

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