The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 185: Very nonsensical

Chapter 185 is very nonsensical

  It is the children born between the nine families and the native mainland.

That is to say, people of each half bloodline can come in and out freely. Of course, this free entry and exit is only relative, but it is not restricted by the rules of heaven. Every time you come in and out, you have to pay a price. As for whether you can come in and out freely, it depends on your own strength. Not strong enough.

 In fact, it is also taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules of heaven.

 The nine families are actually families punished by the higher continent for making mistakes. Of course, there are also families who have not made mistakes and are framed. In any world, the existence of unjust cases cannot be ruled out.

Therefore, there are very few such people. Even if they are punished to come here, they still have the idea of ​​​​being superior to others. Each family has its own clan rules and does not allow marriage with people from the mainland.

Yan Xiangluo also understood why her mother and father were in such a difficult situation. Her mother's family would not allow it, and her father's family would like them to die. Under such a situation, you can imagine the pressure that two people who love each other must bear.

 These families without exception all have some talented bloodline, and any children with particularly good talents who appear in the family will achieve great achievements. Of course, not all descendants have such a talent, only a few, or even a certain one.

 The nine families are also named according to their own natural bloodline. Just like the Spirit Clan, their names are related to spirits.

 In the higher continents, there is a very sacred profession called Celestial Master, which is a profession that can see through the past, predict the future, and change destiny.

Now she also knows what her mother's ability is to separate her soul into one soul and one soul. Her mother is a heavenly master.

Although she has never been exposed to this profession, she has never met any other Celestial Master except her mother, and her mother has never shown her ability as a Celestial Master in front of her, but she knows that the Celestial Master who can separate her soul is Naturally, the ability will not be small.

 Thinking that the man said that his mother was the young master of the Spiritual Tribe, he became even more aware of his mother's talent.

 Because Yaoteng said that the heads and young heads of each family are not determined by blood, but by talent and strength.

Since a woman like my mother can become the young master of the Spirit Clan, it can be seen that her talent as a Heavenly Master is second only to the head of the family in the Spirit Clan.

 The other eight families include the Meng family, a swordsman family, the Xu family, a Xuanwen family, the Fang family, an weapon-refining family, and the Huang family, an alchemy family. The gifted bloodlines of the remaining four families, Qin, Jiang, Yu, and Ma, have not been passed down for several generations, so they chose to rely on one of the other five families, and became an inferior family among the nine.

 The nine aristocratic families do not marry with people from the mainland. In order to pass on their children, they can only marry each other.

However, in order to ensure the interests of each family, there is a clear rule that any girl from any family who marries into any family will have nothing to do with her natal family. The first item of the wedding is to make the decision in front of the heads of the two families and everyone. Vow to be loyal to her husband's family and sever ties with her mother's family.

Although it sounds ridiculous, there is no better way to protect your own interests.

 After all, although there are only nine families, they are still at odds with each other and do not live in harmony. Only in this way can the balance between the families be maintained as much as possible.

 However, every family marriage must ensure that there is no blood relationship within three generations.

 with the nine families talking openly about it, it didn't know the details. After all, as a plant, it cannot go to various families to inquire about these things, and it is not interested. These are known to the demonic beasts and demonic plants with strong spiritual consciousness in Wanghai Forest, so it knows about them.

Yan Xiangluo asked Yaoteng to practice first. She could see that Pangu Space seemed to be more friendly to plant spiritual pets. She could sense that Yaoteng was absorbing the spiritual energy in Pangu Space for cultivation when talking to her.

Maybe it’s because it is a divine plant with ancient aura, so it is very adaptable to the ancient aura in Pangu space.

  She is not stingy, she is already her spiritual pet, and the stronger and more powerful she is, the better for her.

After sorting out the information about the nine families that Yaoteng said, Yan Xiangluo was not in a hurry to go to the Spirit Clan. Since talent and strength are the top priority, then you must have the strength to impress them before going.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo was not in a hurry to go out. She got up and went to the kitchen to cook.

This battle with the demon vine made her understand that it was not difficult to untie the knot in her heart. At least this time, she was not so afraid when facing death.

As soon as the smell of the food came, the clouds came over.

 The demonic vine in cultivation noticed a fragrance it had never smelled before, and immediately stretched out its vines to look for it.

I saw that it was coming from the small house next to the house where the master lived. The master's aura and the aura of Big Brother Yun Tuan were also there. The demon vine immediately ran over with its roots upside down.

So Yan Xiangluo turned around and saw a vine at the door, stretching out the vine as if smelling it.

“Brother, what does this smell like?” Yaoteng’s voice sounded in Yun Tuan’s consciousness.

Yan Xiangluo could naturally hear it, but she had no words. The demon vine was asking about the clouds, so let them communicate.

“Didn’t you see the master cooking? This is the smell of the food cooked by the master.” Yun Tuan said proudly.

 As if it cooked the food.

The demon vine was stunned for a moment. This was the smell of food. It had also smelled the smell of human cooking. How could it be so fragrant?

I remembered that Brother Yun Tuan said before that the food cooked by the master is delicious. It turns out that the food cooked by the master is really so delicious!

The vines stretched into the kitchen again and appeared directly above the pot, watching Yan Xiangluo stir-fry.

The fragrance became more and more fragrant, and the vines went lower and lower. Yan Xiangluo saw that the vines were about to enter the pot and patted it, "Get up, do you want to get into the pot and be fried?"

The vine immediately lifted up. It didn’t want to become a dish in the master’s hands. “Master, I want to eat it.”

Yan Xiang dropped the spatula in her hand and glanced at the demon vine, "How do you eat it?"

 One word made the demonic vines suddenly wither, and the vines also shrank back.

Looking at Yun Tuan's fist-sized body on Yu Xiangluo's shoulder, she was extremely envious. Although the body is a little small, it has all the internal organs and a mouth, so it can eat the delicious food cooked by the master!

 At this time, the benefits of the mythical beast are revealed. Yaotou, who had never envied the mythical beast before, now even envied the mythical beast Dango.

Yun Tuan was very happy, hum, only he could eat the delicacies made by his master.

However, seeing Yaodeng's aggrieved look, his heart softened again, "You should practice hard and reach the **** level as soon as possible. Then you can transform and eat the food cooked by the master."

 (End of this chapter)

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