The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 186: Not a demon vine

Chapter 186 It’s not a demon vine

The demon vine clicked on the vine, withered and retreated, resigned to its fate and went to practice. It couldn't just watch its master and big brother eat here, it must be greedy.

 There is Pangu's aura here, and its cultivation speed will be much faster.

  It has not succeeded in cultivating to the **** level in two reincarnations. This life is its last chance. With the blessing of its master Pangu Space, it must succeed. In order to eat the meals cooked by its master earlier, it must succeed sooner.

Yao Teng went to practice, and Yan Xiangluo prepared the meal. She and Yun Tuan ate the meal in the kitchen. She didn't think it was troublesome, so she didn't bring it into the room.

 Yun Tuan had a great time eating. The day had been thrilling and exciting, and now he is bubbling with happiness.

After eating and drinking, Yan Xiangluo saw that it was still early and she was ready to go out and continue her training.

Thinking of the danger outside, I’d better prepare to communicate with the demon vine first.

Although Demon Vine said that it was ensuring her safety in Wanghai Forest, there were many monsters with powerful cultivation in Wanghai Forest. Demon Vine was not the strongest. There would always be accidents, and Demon Vine was nowhere to be found. It can really ensure her safety.

 Besides, she came in with the task of untying her heart knot. How can you untie the knot in your heart when you are always protected by your own spiritual pet?

Since you want to untie your heart knot, you must first improve your strength. If you want to take advantage of this opportunity to improve your cultivation as soon as possible, you need to practice. But she had only been here for a day and it was not over yet. First she met piranha flowers, and then she met demon vines. Each one was stronger than the other, but they were not as strong as those demonic beasts. It seemed difficult for her to find a target for training.

 “Demon Teng, come here.” Yan Xiangluo shouted.

After shouting, Yan Xiangluo realized that she hadn’t given the demon vine a name yet.

Looking up, he saw Demonic Vine running over, and at the same time, its aggrieved voice sounded in Yan Xiangluo's consciousness, "Master, why did you call me Demonic Vine?"

Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you a demon vine?"

"Master, I am not a demon vine." The demon vine's voice became even more aggrieved. The emotional master always thought it was a demon plant.

 “Huh?” Yan Xiangluo was a little embarrassed.

This misunderstanding is a bit heartbreaking. Yan Xiangluo subjectively thought it was a demon plant, and Yun Tuan didn't correct her, so she thought it was a demon vine.

"Master, I am a spiritual plant now, and my inheritance is a divine plant. I will become a divine plant in the future, not a demon plant." The vine waved to correct its identity. If it were a demon plant, it would have no chance to become a divine plant in the future.

Yan Xiangluo touched her forehead in embarrassment, "It's my fault for not asking you what you are first. Now I know that you are a spiritual plant and will become a divine plant in the future. Let me give you a name first."

  The vines suddenly started to vibrate, obviously feeling much better, "Okay, okay, master, what name do you want to give me?"

Even though it was a divine plant in its first life, it has never recognized its owner and has no name. Most of the time, its opponents like to call it strange vine, but it doesn't like this name at all.

 Now that it has an owner, the owner wants to give it a name, and it is looking forward to it. Yan Xiangluo suddenly flashed her big apricot eyes, thinking about what to name the demon vine. Oh, no, it is not a demon plant, but a spiritual plant.

Since it will cultivate into a divine plant in the future, I think of the huge vine network that covered the sky when I fought it before, which has the effect of blocking out the sky. If one day it really cultivates into a divine plant, will its strength be real? Can it cover the sky and the sun?

Then let it cover the sky!

"When we were fighting, I saw that you were in such a strong state that you could block the sky. How about I ask you to block the sky?"

Even though it has decided on a name, Yuan Xiangluo still wants to hear its own opinion. If it doesn’t like it, Yuan Xiangluo can think of other names.

“Zhetian, Zhetian, Zhetian, Zhetian, I like it very much, master.” Zhetian danced the vines excitedly. After four generations, it is also a sacred plant with a name!

Yun Tuan squatted on Yan Xiangluo's shoulder and said aggrievedly, "Master, why is his name so domineering?"

 And its name has nothing to do with domineering.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Yun Tuan’s aggrieved eyes, held it in her hands, and rubbed its soft little body.

“Because Yun Tuan is my treasure, it must have a cute name. Besides, didn’t you have a name originally? I just didn’t remember it, so I’ll call you by your original name when I remember it.”

Yun Tuan, who was rubbed very comfortably, suddenly felt that it didn't matter whether the name was domineering or not. Besides, it did have a name, but I just couldn't remember it. For now, just call it Yun Tuan, as long as the owner likes it.

Yan Xiangluo breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Yun Tuan being coaxed. It only took two spiritual pets to appease Yun Tuan who was competing for favor. This was because Zhe Tian would not compete with Yun Tuan for favor. If there were more, she would definitely have a headache. .

One divine beast and one divine plant is enough. I will never contract a spiritual pet again in the future, just the two of them.

The controversy over the name was over like this, and Yan Xiangluo brought the topic back to where it had gone.

“Zhetian, I want to gain experience and improve my cultivation, but the monsters in Wanghai Forest are too strong in cultivation, and they don’t seem to be suitable for my current cultivation. Do you have any good ideas that can help me gain experience?”

Zhetian looked at his master who was too weak and struggled for a long time before saying, "Master, look deep into the sea and deep into the forest. Because of the rules of heaven, the monsters, spirit beasts, spiritual plants, and monster plants born inside cannot get out. And because The spiritual energy inside is particularly strong, and the unique cultivation environment makes it much easier to practice than outside, so the cultivation level is much faster. Monster beasts, spiritual beasts, spiritual plants, and demon cultivation levels are all very high. If you encounter someone with a low cultivation level, It must have come from outside, because there have been no locally born monster beasts and spirit beast cubs for more than a thousand years. Even the monster plants and spirit plants have not developed spiritual consciousness in the past thousand years. I don’t know why.”

Yan Xiangluo was stunned. She didn't expect that the situation inside was even worse than she thought.

How come there haven’t been any new monsters or spiritual beasts born in a thousand years?

"The number of encounters with masters of foreign spiritual beasts is too small. Once such a monster comes in, it can hardly survive for half an hour, and it will become the delicacy of other monsters. This is just talking about monsters. There are also other monsters in Wanghai Forest. There are many spirit beasts. Because spirit beasts have very high requirements for their own cultivation, they usually practice in seclusion in their own caves. Even those monster beasts with high levels of cultivation do not dare to provoke them. With the strength of the master, if you want It’s not suitable to improve your cultivation by fighting monsters, and it will be even worse if you encounter spiritual beasts.”

Yan Xiangluo was not unhappy after hearing what Zhe Tian said. Even if Zhe Tian did not say that through the battle with Piranha and Zhe Tian, ​​she also knew her own strength and was the best here.

“Do you have any suggestions for Zhe Tian?” Yan Xiangluo asked calmly.

 (End of this chapter)

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