The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 187: Five Series Spirit Lake

Chapter 187 Five Series Spiritual Lake

Since Zhetian has clearly told her that it is unwise to fight monsters to increase her strength with her current cultivation level, let's see if there are any other ways.

Zhetian thought for a while and said, "Master, given the current situation, you should find a place with rich spiritual energy suitable for cultivation, and then practice in seclusion and improve your cultivation level. I really know that there is a place in Wanghai Forest that is particularly suitable for Master's cultivation. There are The power of the five elements is suitable for the cultivation of the master’s entire spiritual root physique.”

Yan Xiangluo looked at Zhe Tian in surprise, "How do you know that I have all spiritual roots?"

Shaking the sky and shaking the vines, "Whether it's a monster or a spiritual beast, or a human being, a monster plant, or a spiritual plant, I can know the opponent's type by sensing their aura, and I've never made a mistake."

Yan Xiangluo looked at Zhe Tian in surprise. What kind of treasure had she contracted?

 Taking a deep breath, he asked, "How far away is the place with the power of the five elements you mentioned?"

I have to say that Zhe Tian gave her a good idea and found a place for her. He has all the spiritual roots. If he can absorb the power of five systems at the same time, his cultivation level will obviously advance five times faster than before.

"It will take three days to arrive at Master's speed." Zhe Tian did not mention the specific place, but estimated the arrival time based on Yan Xiangluo's cultivation strength.

“We can get there in three days. In these three days, we will encounter many monsters.” Yan Xiangluo frowned.

Since she is not strong enough to fight monsters, how can she arrive safely?

"Master does not have to worry about encountering monsters. The monsters with strong cultivation in Wanghai Deep Forest all grew up from weaklings. Which one is not injured? They have all received my favor and asked me to help find medicinal materials for healing. "They won't hurt their master as long as I'm here." Zhe Tian understood the meaning behind her words and promised.

However, it can only ensure that they will not hurt Yan Xiangluo, but it is impossible to let them sparring, and no one has any self-respect.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo feel relieved.

 I also felt deeply that Zhe Tian was not only a treasure hunter but also a social expert. Using his own skills to sell the favor of the entire Wanghai Forest monster is not half social.

“Okay, just do as Zhe Tian said, we’ll set off now.” Yan Xiangluo didn’t want to delay for a moment.

Although Zhetian really wants to stay in Pangu space to practice, he also knows that he must put his master first. Its life and death are bound to its master from the moment the contract takes effect. Only when the master becomes stronger can its safety be guaranteed. Even if it sincerely protects its master, it will inevitably be negligent.

 The best way is for it to become stronger together with its owner.

Yan Xiangluo left Pangu Space with her two pets and walked in the direction pointed by Zhe Tian.

The sky-covering sky turned into a small vine and was inserted into her bun. For those who didn't know, they thought it was a hairpin.

For three days in a row, I passed by the territory of six powerful demonic beasts. Every time the demonic beasts used their spiritual consciousness to communicate with each other as soon as they sent out their pressure to cover the sky, the pressure disappeared immediately.

Zhetian also found hundreds of thousands of years of medicinal herbs for Yan Xiangluo in the past three days, and they were all planted in the space by Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo finally understood that it was not that there were no young herbs in Wanghai Forest, but that the young herbs were so obscured that they could not be seen.

She was also curious about how Zhe Tian knew so many medicinal materials. After asking Zhe Tian to find out the reason, she was speechless.

He is a divine plant, and this ability is born with him. Any plant in front of him can be distinguished by the smell of the plant whether it has medicinal value. It is even easier to distinguish between medicinal herbs and poisonous weeds.

Looking at the poisonous weeds gathered by Zhe Tian, ​​Yan Xiangluo remembered that her poison seemed to have no killing effect on Zhe Tian. The poison she used was already the most toxic poison elixir she had refined. "Zhe Tian, ​​do your spiritual plants have great resistance to poison?" Yan Xiangluo asked her doubts.

"Not all spiritual plants are resistant to poison. I am the only one in the entire Wanghai Forest who has this ability." Zhetian's tone was a little arrogant.

After hearing what Zhe Tian said, Yan Xiangluo understood that it was probably because it was the reincarnation of Shen Zhi, and felt relieved. If all spiritual plants are resistant to his poison, then she won't be able to use poison as a sure-kill method in future battles with demonic and spiritual plants.

“Master, we are almost here.” Zhe Tian said excitedly.

Yan Xiangluo also sensed the power of the five elements, and the Nascent Soul in her Dantian became excited. She stood up and spun around, and the Pangu flower above her head also floated above the Nascent Soul.

Yan Xiangluo is very familiar with this situation. This is a sign that she will start to absorb a large amount of spiritual energy when she encounters it.

This time because it was a five-element power, Nascent Soul was even more excited and had already begun to absorb the five-element spiritual energy around it which was not too much.

Yan Xiangluo's pace involuntarily quickened. Through the woods, a colorful lake appeared in front of her.

 The five colors dissolve in the lake water without interfering with each other, each occupying one side. Therefore, when viewed from above, the entire lake looks like a flower with five-color petals.

Yan Xiangluo never expected that this would be the case. She felt as if she was connected to the flowers.

 Pangua flower, piranha flower, five-series power flower lake.

"Zhetian, since there are five elements of power here, why are there no monsters, spirit beasts, monster plants, or spirit plants to practice?" Yan Xiangluo checked with his consciousness and found that there were no monsters or spirit beasts within dozens of miles around the lake. .

"Master, we call this place the Five Elements Spiritual Lake. Although it has the strongest power of the five elements, these powers can only be absorbed at the same time. In other words, only people with all the powers of the five elements can practice here. There is no such thing in Wanghai Forest yet. It is impossible to have all types of monster beasts, spirit beasts, demon plants, and spirit plants. They are all wood types. Even I can't practice here," Zhe Tian said in a helpless tone.

Yu Xiangluo understood, so she just said, how could she get such a huge advantage? It turns out that the five elements of power here must be absorbed together.

"Has no power been absorbed by anyone here?" Yan Xiangluo asked again. She just wanted to know if there were people with all spiritual roots in the nine families.

"There was a little boy who came here eleven years ago. He also had all spiritual roots. He advanced to a big level in ten days." Zhetian said.

“He is from nine families?” Yan Xiangluo was stunned. There really are people with all spiritual roots. It seems that he is not the only genius with all spiritual roots.

"Let's be honest, he has half of the blood of the Xu family." Zhe Tian knew quite a lot.

“Oh, it seems that the closed guardian bloodlines of the nine families are not as talented as those with low-level continental bloodlines.” Yan Xiangluo curled her lips.

 She is an example, and now there is another one in the Xu family.

 No wonder the Long family would send people out to look for him.

 (End of this chapter)

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