The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 188: absorb promotion

Chapter 188: Absorption and Promotion

Standing by the lake, Yan Xiangluo no longer thought about messy things. Since she had such an opportunity, she would seize it.

But the Five Elements Spiritual Lake is so big, where should she practice best?

“Zhe Tian, ​​do you know where the best training location of the Five Elements Spirit Lake is?” Yan Xiangluo continued to ask without shame.

"Eleven years ago, that boy practiced by the lake." Zhetian didn't know if there was the best place to practice here, and it couldn't absorb the five-element power in the five-element spiritual lake.

Hearing this, Yan Xiangluo closed her eyes and tried to absorb the five-element power in the spiritual lake. Although she was currently standing on the side of the gold-element power, what she absorbed into her body was a balanced five-element power.

 It seems that it is indeed the same to practice there, as long as it is close to the lake.

Opening her eyes, Yan Xiangluo looked around, found a huge bluestone and walked over.

She has to absorb the power of the five elements here until she can no longer absorb it before leaving, so the time will not be short, so she naturally has to find a comfortable position to practice.

Watching Ruan Xiangluo walking towards the big blue stone, Zhe Tian felt a little puzzled. Eleven years ago, that boy also sat on that blue stone to practice. He sat there for ten days, and after ten days he started to advance to the next level. A big level.

Now the owner has also chosen that big bluestone. Does this bluestone have any appeal? In such a big lake, there are more than one big bluestone. They both chose the same one.

Thinking in his mind, Zhe Tian hurriedly followed the master. The master was about to start practicing. It is very safe here. Other spiritual beasts and monster beasts will not come here. Those who do not come here with all the strength will have a lot of trouble. The huge repulsive force makes them very uncomfortable. Didn't you see that Brother Yun Tuan entered the space as soon as he arrived here?

The master started to practice, and it also went into the space to practice. The master has opened the space permissions to it. It cultivated in the space, leaving a trace of consciousness outside. If there is any danger, it will know immediately.

Yan Xiangluo looked at the bluestone, took out a cushion, sat cross-legged on it, closed her eyes and began to absorb the power of the five elements wholeheartedly.

Zhetian saw that his master had begun to absorb the power of the five elements, leaving a trace of his spiritual consciousness behind and went into the Pangu space to practice.

The best place to practice for Yan Xiangluo, but it is an intolerable place for these two spiritual pets.

After Yan Xiangluo started practicing, the calm Five Elements Spiritual Lake rippled. If Yan Xiangluo had seen it, she would have known that it was the power fluctuation caused by her absorbing the power of the Five Elements.

 Time passed little by little, and at night, the waves in Wuxi Ling Lake became bigger and bigger, which can be described as waves.

Even Zhe Tian who was practicing in Pangu space was alarmed. There was no such big movement when that boy was practicing eleven years ago?

 Is its owner more talented than that boy? Why didn't it sense it?

 The next day, the waves had already hit the edge of the bluestone where Yan Xiangluo was practicing. On the third day, the waves were bigger again, almost reaching the cushion where Yan Xiangluo was sitting.

After that, the waves stayed at this level, hitting her one after another, just enough not to wet the cushion of Xiangluo.

Zhetian, who was watching with fear in the space, finally relaxed and continued to practice.

If this practice continued, ten days passed in a flash. During this period, Yan Xiangluo did not move. She could no longer sense the situation outside. Her only thought was to absorb the power of the five elements. In her entire consciousness, there were only five colors of aura. strength.

 She couldn't even feel the Nascent Soul in her Dantian, as if she was isolated by something.

In other words, she doesn't even know what's going on in her dantian now. It has been ten days since Zhetian met, and she is still absorbing the power of the five elements. She is even more confused, how can the master absorb so much power of the five elements?

 Has the Dantian been affected?

Zhe Tian looked at the five colors of the Five Elements Spirit Lake outside and all became lighter, which meant that the power of the Five Elements in the Spirit Lake was decreasing.

 But its owner is still absorbing it. Does it mean that he still needs to absorb all the power of the five elements in the spiritual lake?

Zhetian came out of the space and sensed it. The power of the five elements was indeed much less. It was not as repelled outside as before, and it was not as uncomfortable.

 This also shows that other spiritual beasts and demonic beasts will not feel uncomfortable, so there is no guarantee that no demonic beasts or spiritual beasts will come here.

 Zhetian returned to the space and stopped practicing. He devoted himself to guarding the vicinity of the spiritual lake to prevent any monsters or spiritual beasts from harming his master.

In this way, Yan Xiangluo practiced for another ten days. On the morning of the twentieth day, the color of the water in Linghu Lake was already so pale that you had to look carefully to vaguely see five colors. The five-color flowers that you saw at a glance had completely disappeared. Well, if you didn’t know it, you would never imagine that this was a lake of five colors before.

 A golden light enveloped the sky, which was the light of Yan Xiangluo's advancement.

When the light of promotion fell, Zhetian and the clouds came out of the space. The master was about to advance, so they naturally had to go out to protect the master. They could not be disturbed at this time.

Only then did Yan Xiangluo see clearly the situation in her Dantian. The entire Dantian had turned into five colors. She didn't know if it was because the power of the five elements was absorbed too much. Each of the five colors was particularly strong in one area. If she hadn't sensed it, The location of the Nascent Soul and the Spirit Root Tree makes it impossible to find the Nascent Soul and the Spirit Root Tree just by looking.

 The most important thing is that the five colors are evenly divided into five points in the Dantian, forming another five-series power flower around the spiritual root tree.

At this time, she began to advance, and the five colors of spiritual power were pouring into the spiritual root tree. At this time, she looked inside her dantian and felt that her spiritual root tree was like a gluttonous beast, crazily devouring the power of the five elements.

And the five elements of power in the Dantian seemed to be absorbed in endlessly. A quarter of an hour passed, and the light of promotion was still there, but the promotion still had not started.

However, being shrouded in the light of promotion, Yan Xiangluo felt very comfortable.

 It just makes Yun Tuan and Zhe Tian worried. How can anyone advance? Who hasn’t advanced after so long?

Especially Zhetian, it remembered that the boy was promoted in just a few moments.

Yun Tuan squatted on the vine covering the sky and communicated with it with his spiritual consciousness, "Zhe Tian, ​​why hasn't the master advanced? Is there something wrong?"

Zhetian sighed, "This is also the first time I've seen this happen."

Even Zhe Tian didn't know what was going on, Yun Tuan was even more worried, his dark eyes fell on Yan Xiangluo's body, and he didn't move away for fear of something happening to her.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and the color of the five elements of power in the Dantian finally began to fade. After half an hour, the five colors completely disappeared. The spiritual root tree grew thicker again, and the leaves became thicker. The promotion had really begun. .

 (End of this chapter)

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