The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 189: a big level

Chapter 189 A level

 The two spiritual pets finally felt relieved.

I felt a sigh of relief in my heart, what a weird master! At the same time, I was looking forward to how many levels their weird owner could advance to.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo was also looking forward to how far he could advance. After all, Zhe Tian said, the boy eleven years ago had advanced to a big level.

He only absorbed ten days of five-element power, but she absorbed twenty days of five-element power. No matter what, she couldn't be worse than him.

She is currently at the sixth level of King level cultivation. If she can advance to a higher level, she will be at the sixth level of Zun level cultivation. She will be very close to leaving the mainland sect level.

 Therefore, only she herself knows how nervous she is feeling now.

 Since returning here, she has never been so nervous about promotion.

 The promotion process has begun even though it takes a long time to brew. The promotion is very fast. King level seven, eight, nine... The promotion is just like playing, one level is reached in the blink of an eye.

She was promoted directly to the honorable level without even getting stuck, which was much smoother than her advancement to the king level. When she reached the sixth level of the honorable level, the promotion stopped, and the light of promotion that shrouded her body also disappeared. Yan Xiangluo's long eyelashes trembled a few times and she slowly opened her eyes.

 What catches the eye is the Five Elements Spiritual Lake, which is so pale that the color cannot be seen.

 What about the color?

 The Five Elements Spiritual Lake returned to calm when she started to advance, so she didn't even know that the lake had been turbulent.

“Zhe Tian, ​​what’s going on with this Linghu Lake?” Yan Xiangluo asked as she turned around and saw Zhe Tian and Yun Tuan.

Zhetian said excitedly, "Master, you almost absorbed the power of the five elements in the spirit lake."

Although there is still a little bit left, it is not much different from nothing left, and it is not enough for the master to advance to the first level.

“Huh?” Yan Xiangluo never expected that she had absorbed so much power from the five elements.

She usually absorbs pure spiritual energy when she advances, but she has five spiritual roots, so the spiritual energy is evenly distributed to the five spiritual roots. Although her advancement speed is still not slow, it is still not comparable to absorbing the power of five systems at the same time this time. Yes, this time five times faster.

In other words, if she encounters such an opportunity, she will advance quickly. It's a pity that such an opportunity is extremely rare. If you encounter it once, you're lucky.

She tried it, but although there were still five types of power in the spirit lake, she could no longer absorb it.

 Is it because she has been saturated? She's not greedy either, that's enough for now.

The boy eleven years ago only absorbed ten days of five-series power and advanced to a major level. She absorbed twenty days of five-series power and only advanced to one major level.

  Does this mean that no matter how much power you absorb from the five elements, you can only advance to one major level at most.

Zhetian can be described as a boy. He must be about ten years old. He has been promoted to a big level at such a young age, and he has not absorbed much power from the five elements. Yan Xiangluo feels that his talent is I'm afraid it's very perverted. "Zhetian, was that boy like me when he absorbed the power of the five elements in the spirit fox?" Yan Xiangluo thought for a while and asked.

Zhetian shook his head and said, "Master, after the boy absorbed the power of the five elements in the spirit lake, his color did not change much."

“Then why did I only advance to a higher level after absorbing it for twenty days? Could it be that the five-system power I absorbed in twenty-days was the same as the five-system power he absorbed in ten days?”

"The power of the five elements in the Spiritual Lake back then was much richer than it is now, so it was absorbed faster and the absorption was not obvious. Although the time spent by you is different, the difference in the power of the five elements absorbed should not be very big. ." Zhetian explained.

It's not that it's talking nonsense. It has a very strong sense of breath. Eleven years ago, before the boy absorbed the power of the five elements, it didn't dare to approach the Spirit Lake, let alone other monsters and spiritual beasts. Closer.

It felt like it was killing them.

But after the boy absorbed the power of the five elements in the spiritual lake, although the surface of the lake did not appear to have changed much, he was very sensitive to the breath and could clearly detect that the power of the five elements in the spiritual lake had decreased a lot. It can endure the discomfort and walk to the lake.

After Yan Xiangluo absorbed the power of the five elements, although some of the power of the five elements still existed in Linghu Lake, it had no impact on it at all.

 This also shows that what repels them is the powerful five-element power. Now the five-element power has become extremely weak. Naturally, it has almost no influence on people or monsters, spiritual beasts, demon plants, and spiritual plants that are not five-element power.

Zhetian was born in Wanghai Forest. It has lived here for nearly three thousand years. It knows very well that the five elements of power in Linghu Lake are non-renewable. Now it seems that this five-series spirit lake is an opportunity prepared for the boy and its master.

Yan Xiangluo is very curious now, who was the boy who absorbed the power of the five elements eleven years ago? What level of cultivation is he now?

"Did that boy only come here once?" Yan Xiangluo asked, looking at the few remaining five-element power in the spirit lake. She wanted to determine whether she had just absorbed the five-element power and could no longer absorb it, or whether she had only been able to absorb it for the rest of her life. Can be absorbed once.

"I came here for the second time, but a person can only absorb the power in the spiritual lake once. The second time he came, he couldn't absorb the power of the five elements, and he never came again after that." Zhetian said.

Yan Xiang understood clearly. It seemed that she had guessed correctly. One person could only absorb the power in the Five Elements Spiritual Lake once.

There is no regret. After all, there is not much power in the five elements in the spiritual lake, so whether it can be absorbed is of little significance.

Feeling the feeling of endless strength after suddenly advancing to a large level, Yan Xiangluo asked eagerly, "Can I fight those monsters now?"

Zhetian nodded, "It's okay, it's okay. Although the master's current cultivation level is very high among the human race, he is still very weak in front of those monsters. Fighting with them is still very dangerous."

Yan Xiangluo understood what Zhe Tian said, that is, she could challenge the monster, but there would be great dangers, including the risk of losing her life.

 But she knew very well what the most important purpose was for her to enter Wanghai Forest. Going to the Spirit Tribe was only one of them. The most important thing was to untie her heart knot.

Her current state can be said to be the best time to untie her heart knot. She has the strength to fight against monsters, and at the same time, she also has relatively high risks. It is conceivable that after fighting against monsters for a period of time, not only can she stabilize her cultivation Because it can also completely relieve the knot in my heart.

For her, this trip to Wanghai Forest has been fruitful. It can be said that this is also the most beneficial experience in her cultivation journey.

 (End of this chapter)

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