The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 190: Encounter with Soaring Leopard

Chapter 190 Meeting the Soaring Leopard

In Yan Xiangluo's heart, this experience is more important than entering the secret realm of Lingquan to experience and obtain the divine beads.

 Without the divine beads, she can still go a long way on the road of cultivation, but if the knot in her heart cannot be untied, her road of cultivation may already come to an end.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo stretched, waved his hand to Zhe Tian and Yun Tuan, and said, "Let's start the challenge."

Looking at their excited master, Zhe Tian and Yun Tuan glanced at each other. They had a bad feeling that the next challenge might make them nervous.

However, they also know that they cannot stop the master's decision, and they will not stop it. The master also needs to be strong.

 Because they know very well that nothing can make you stronger faster than through a battle that exceeds your own strength.

The human race is different from their divine beasts and divine plants. They are strong enough even if they do not have to practice cultivation to reach a certain level.

 But for the same level of human strength, a person who has experienced beyond his own strength will definitely be stronger than a person who has not experienced it.

Some of the monsters in Wanghai Forest are indeed very suitable for the master to practice. It is almost like a training ground tailor-made for the master.

As long as you don't touch those secluded spiritual beasts and don't like to fight, your life is not in danger.

Besides, if it really doesn’t work, why don’t you still have to cover the sky? Anyway, it will leave Wanghai Forest with its owner in the future, so the favor will be wasted if it is not used.

Yuan Xiangluo was not walking around without a purpose. He first asked the direction of the Zhetian Spirit Clan, and prepared to walk towards the Spirit Clan while practicing along the way.

Zhetian is quite familiar with Wanghai Forest and knows the locations of the nine families very well. Pointing in one direction, he said to Yan Xiangluo, "Master, the Spirit Tribe is in that direction on the left front. It's quite far away. It's suitable for Master to walk while practicing."

What it didn’t say is that the road it points out is not the only road leading to the spirit tribe. It’s just because there are no spirit beasts practicing in seclusion on this road. As for the levels of the monster beasts, except for one that cannot be provoked, the others are just suitable for the master’s experience.

Yan Xiangluo didn't know what Xiao Jiujiu was in Zhetian's heart, and she had no idea about the path it pointed to. She had no interest in the other eight families, as long as she could gain experience and reach the Spiritual Clan.

 Hence, without hesitation, he walked in the direction pointed by Zhe Tian.

  Specially told Zhe Tian not to interfere with the monster's attack on her. She wanted to see what level her strength was now.

Seeing this, Zhetian reduced herself to her smallest form and inserted it into her bun as a decoration. She tried her best to restrain her aura so as not to affect her master's experience.

Yun Tuan consciously entered the Pangu space. He was still unable to fight with his master and felt a little aggrieved. After entering the space, he began to sleep and practice.

 There is something more powerful than it is to cover the sky outside, so it can feel more at ease.

Now that I think about it, letting the master contract to cover the sky was the right idea.

Less than half an hour after leaving Wuxi Linghu Lake, Zhe Tian also brought back a 2,000-year-old medicinal plant for Yan Xiangluo.

At this moment, a strong pressure from the monster beast came over, causing a fishy smell to well up in Ruan Xiangluo's heart. He quickly mobilized his spiritual energy to resist the pressure of the monster beast, suppressed the discomfort, and then ran in the direction from which the pressure came.

 Zhe Tian quickly returned to her bun and used it as a hairpin.

The demonic beast sensed its own pressure, and instead of letting the opponent retreat, it ran towards it at a faster speed. It suddenly became angry and thought to itself: This little human race is very courageous. Since you are here to die, I will help you. .

 He jumped into the air and landed in front of Yan Xiangluo after a few ups and downs. Only then did Yan Xiangluo see clearly that the opponent was a soaring leopard monster.

The leopard family is famous for its speed, and the soaring leopard is the best among them. It is described as being as fast as lightning.

Yu Xiangluo's apricot eyes stared closely at the soaring leopard, not daring to slack off at all.

She raised her slender hand, and the long diamond spear appeared in her hand. The tip of the spear was pointed directly at the soaring leopard. The golden and heavy long diamond spear was like a toy in her hand.

Such an arrogant attitude made the Sky Leopard even more angry. It was unbearable for the little human race to dare to despise it like this.

With a roar, he stepped back and rushed forward. The powerful demonic force rushed toward Yuan Xiangluo overwhelmingly.

 Sensing the powerful demonic power that oppressed her and made her feel suffocated, Yan Xiangluo narrowed her eyes and saw that it was indeed very strong.

The long caltrop spear in her hand started to dance, and at the same time, she used the power of the metal system to form a protective shield around her, and took the initiative to meet her.

 The spiritual power of the sixth-level cultivation level and the powerful demonic power collided together, making a thunderous roar. Both Sky Leopard and Yan Xiangluo were knocked away by each other's strength.

 Because she was prepared, although Yan Xiangluo was also knocked away, she was not injured.

 Sky Leopard did not use her strongest strength, and she also did not use all her strength. But she has already used the ninth level, and the Sky Leopard may not have used the seventh level. Therefore, in a real comparison of strength, the Sky Leopard is stronger than her.

 Therefore, she did not dare to be careless at all, and at the same time, her fighting spirit became stronger. This kind of strength was just suitable for her to stabilize her cultivation and improve her combat power.

At this time, she also understood that Zhe Tian's words were not exaggerated. She did have the strength to fight against the monsters here, but there was no hope of winning. It would be good if she could save her life.

However, her purpose is to experience and steadily improve her cultivation level, not to fight tooth and nail, but to retreat when the time comes. The Sky Leopard will not use all its strength just to kill herself.

After all, this is Wanghai Forest, and powerful monsters are everywhere. If it doesn't retain its strength, the monsters that want it to be eliminated from here will soon appear.

There are many monsters waiting to seize the territory.

Yan Xiangluo mobilized her spiritual power, and this time she used a lot of strength. She used the defensive shield and the long rhombus spear together to face the Soaring Leopard again.

Sure enough, her guess was correct. The Sky Leopard still used its seventh level of strength, but she was knocked out again, but the Sky Leopard quickly dodged and attacked again.

Yan Xiangluo sighed repeatedly in her heart. She was indeed known for her speed. There was no pause between her reaction and her next attack. If she hadn't expected it, she would have suffered a big loss this time.

When the Sky Leopard attacked, he discovered that there were two more defensive shields in front of the girl in red dress who fell to the ground, and they were different. One was a gold defensive shield, and the other was an earth defensive shield. Although they were different, the defense The intensity is equally strong.

It was extremely surprised. This girl actually had the power of both metal and earth elements. The most important thing was that she had mastered the power of both elements equally well. She was definitely a genius among the human race. Not to mention humans, even they had the experience of monsters and beasts. limited.

It has seen humans who came in looking for opportunities before. Without exception, they were all humans in their thirties or forties. Their cultivation levels were all above or below the senior level, and they were all vulnerable.

But she is the first woman to reach the sixth level of cultivation at such a young age.

 (End of this chapter)

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