The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 191: No way to go

Chapter 191 No Way Out

 Another person who is young and strong, and the monsters and beasts would avoid him when they see him, is a man.

Thinking of the man punching the leopard in the sky, why did the girl in front of him look so similar to the man when he first approached them to fight? Could it be that the girl in the red dress is also a pervert? The more you fight, the stronger you get. In the end, beating them is just like playing?

When the Sky Leopard thought of this, its two defensive shields were also broken by its attack. He cautiously looked at the girl in the red dress who had taken the opportunity to avoid it. He looked more and more like that man.

  That man was only ten years old at the beginning, but he grew older every time he came, and became stronger and stronger. Almost all the monsters in the depths of Wanghai Forest were trained by him.

 So much so that as soon as they sensed his aura, they automatically fled away. The most important thing was not to be beaten as a sandbag or badly beaten.

Even though they are monsters, no matter how thick-skinned or thick-skinned they are, they can't resist his violent beatings.

 They are already very miserable if there is one of them. If another one comes out, they will not be allowed to cultivate and live a good life.

  Could it be that they have cultivated to this level just to be a sparring partner?

Yan Xiangluo looked at the Sky Leopard in confusion. It was originally attacking very fiercely, but why did it suddenly become stunned?

No matter why it was in a daze, she would not miss this opportunity. She raised the long rhombus spear in her hand again, and this time she still attacked it with full strength.

However, while fighting, she had begun to absorb spiritual energy to replenish the consumed spiritual energy. Otherwise, if this continues, her spiritual power will be exhausted after a few rounds.

 As soon as she started to absorb the spiritual energy, she suddenly discovered that the speed of absorbing the spiritual energy was actually several times faster than before.

Is it because she absorbed the five-system power from the five-system spirit lake before?

She didn't check her body carefully after she was promoted. She looked inside her meridians and found that they were indeed wider. The spiritual energy entered her body without any hindrance. When it entered the Dantian, it was directly affected by Pangu Flower. Convert it into spiritual energy and store it.

After sensing her consciousness again, she found that with a slight movement of her consciousness, she could easily raise her consciousness to the top of Wanghai Forest, look down at the forest, and spread it to the surrounding areas.

This feeling only occurred in the Valley of Fire, the secret realm of Lingquan. Once when she broke the Gentleman's Formation, her consciousness was above the Valley of Fire, and she easily saw that the roads in the Valley of Fire were the Gentleman's Formation.

She also tried it later, but she never had her consciousness appear in this way again. Now you can actually do it easily.

Even if it is not because of absorbing the power of the five elements in the Five Elements Spiritual Lake, it is also because of the improvement of cultivation.

 She is now a senior level cultivator.

By the way, speaking of Zun-level cultivation, she can now transmit sounds through the air.

 King level, you can fly in the air, and Zun level, you can transmit sounds through the air. This is the benefit of low-level continental monks after being promoted.

However, she has no chance to verify the sound transmission right now.

These thoughts are long to talk about, but they only appeared in her mind for a moment, and checking the meridians and consciousness was just a thought.

At this time, her attack had already reached the Sky Leopard. This time she did not use a defensive shield. Instead, while attacking with the chameleon spear, she turned the gold power into an attack wave. She used the space left by the chameleon spear to attack, closing the loopholes in her chameleon spear attack.

Sky Leopard was so stunned that he saw the girl in the red dress changing her attack tactics. He was even more sure that she was definitely another little pervert who was looking for him as a sparring partner.

 This can also explain why she ran towards him instead of running because his pressure was so strong at that time.

With the girl's cultivation level, it was impossible for it to kill her, but it would have to devote nine levels of cultivation strength to do so. In that case, it will also become the weakest state, and it will take time to restore its cultivation. Although only one day is enough, if a monster that is not on its side comes to seize the territory in this day, I will definitely not be an opponent. He couldn't even save his life.

After thinking about it, Sky Leopard immediately made a decision. Whoever wants to practice with her can do it. He will not accompany her.

 Therefore, after blocking Yan Xiangluo's attack, he found an opportunity to turn around and run away.

Yan Xiangluo was still in an offensive stance when she saw her powerful opponent running away. Question marks filled her head. What was going on?

 Shouldn’t she be the one who should run?

We have only fought for a few rounds, why did the stronger side run away instead? If she hadn't known about Zhi's strength, she would have thought that she was strong enough to crush the Sky Leopard's cultivation.

He was stunned for a while, then he took back his long spear, touched his forehead, and then asked Zhe Tiandao, "What's going on with it? Why did it run away?"

 Zhetian was stunned for a moment at first, but he soon understood the reason.

It is a little speechless. If this is the case, if the owner wants to experience it, can he just knock on the door himself?

"Master, the little boy who absorbed the power of the Five Elements from the Five Elements Spirit Lake once used this method to find monsters to train with. That boy came once a year since he was ten years old. Five years later, he fought all over Wanghai Forest. Invincible. These monsters ran away when they saw him, even losing their territory, so that when he came back to Wanghai Forest, he couldn't see a single monster. The Sky Leopard just now probably imagined you and that boy. We are the same people. The price to pay for killing you is too high. I don’t want to waste my strength on sparring, so I can only run away.”

After hearing Zhetian’s explanation, Yan Xiangluo was speechless. Someone had already gone through her emotional path, and now she had no way to go?

 If all monsters think like this, how can she still practice?

 “Are all monsters so smart?” Yan Xiangluo said decadently.

"The monsters all have spiritual consciousness. The monsters here have lived for more than a thousand years. There are quite a few who have lived for thousands of years. The Sky Leopard just now has lived for more than 1,800 years. No matter how stupid you are, you can learn from it." Smarter."

Zhe Tian was born and raised here, so he naturally knows these monsters very well. The world of monsters is more cruel than their plant world, and monsters that have survived to this day with a high level of cultivation have a hard-working brain.

"Then how can I practice?" Yan Xiangluo was a little speechless. When she first came in, she was worried about her life. Now, after only twenty days, she can roam the depths of the sea and forest?

 And not by relying on his own strength, but by borrowing the light of another unknown person.

“Let me think about it.” Zhe Tian was also thinking of a solution.

The master must have experience, but after the Sky Leopard ran away, soon all the monsters in Wanghai Forest knew about it.

If you want your master to gain experience, it’s not a good idea to just knock on the door. Hey, yes, you can’t knock on the door, but you can go to the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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