The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 192: Looking for a sparring partner

Chapter 192 Looking for a sparring partner

"Master, aren't you an alchemist? The master has the healing elixir that the demonic beasts need most. It's useless to start early. The master uses the elixir to exchange fighting opportunities with them and let them train with them. This way, the master's safety is guaranteed. Being protected and getting experience at the same time, isn’t this the best of both worlds?”

 Zhe Tian wanted to applaud himself for coming up with such a good idea and then start praising himself.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes lit up, this was a good idea, and then she thought of her own knot in her heart and sighed, "What about my knot in my heart?"

"The master has a knot in his heart? What knot?" Zhe Tian was so surprised, why didn't he see that his master had a knot in his heart?

Yan Xiangluo briefly told Zhetian her experience, "That's it, because my desire to have a healthy body and live for a long time has made me fear death. When I came here, I mainly wanted to Untie this knot."

Zhe Tian looked at her speechlessly, "Master, do you have a fear of death? Why didn't I see it?"

Although what the owner said must be true, it really didn’t see that the owner had any fear of death.

Seeing the Sky Leopard, a monster that was so much stronger than her, she didn't hesitate at all and just excitedly pampered him. Is this called fear of death?

What kind of person is he who is not afraid of death?

Zhe Tian's words made Yan Xiangluo startled, and then she looked at herself in disbelief.

 Looking at his hands, looking at his body, he realized that he had no fear of death when he faced the Sky Leopard. It turned out that unknowingly, the knot of fear of death had been untied, and she didn't even notice it.

 “Hehehe.” Yan Xiangluo laughed, and the knot in her heart was relieved. It was great.

“Hahaha.” The laughter became louder and louder. It turned out that her fear of death was far less deep-rooted than she thought. It seemed that he had scared himself.

When Zhetian saw his master who was laughing from hehe to laughter, he felt that his master not only had no fear of death, but was actually very bellicose.

 It could already hear the unconcealed fighting spirit in its master’s laughter.

Sure enough, as soon as its thought came to an end, Yan Xiangluo waved her hand and said, "I'll do as you said. Let's go and negotiate a deal with the monster."

After saying that, Yan Xiangluo discerned the direction and continued walking towards the direction of the Spirit Clan that Zhe Tian said.

Zhe Tian didn't stop it. Although there was a powerful monster on the path it chose, the current owner was no longer the previous owner. The owner was an alchemist. As long as there were pills that could heal the monster's injuries, there would be no monster. The beast is not tempted, but as long as it is tempted, there is no monster that cannot be defeated.

No matter how strong the monster is, it will encounter bottlenecks. Monster beasts are different from spiritual beasts. When spiritual beasts encounter bottlenecks, they will only need to retreat for a period of time before they can figure it out and overcome the bottleneck. Monsters are also different from humans. Humans have alchemists to help. Things that can be solved with just one pill may take hundreds of years to break through with monsters, or even longer.

 This is also why beasts are so crucial in forming spiritual consciousness. A single thought can make a huge difference.

Yan Xiangluo didn't go looking for the Sky Leopard again. She had already fought with it just now. She was no match for the Sky Leopard in another fight. In fact, even if the Sky Leopard didn't escape just now, she would still find a chance to escape.

There are so many monsters in Wanghai Forest, so there is no need to catch just one to practice, just use whoever you meet.

Yan Xiangluo absorbed the spiritual energy as she walked, and then let go of her consciousness, which looked down from the sky again.

Yan Xiangluo suppressed the excitement in her heart and slowly spread her consciousness. The consciousness spread over Wanghai Forest. The boundless green filled her entire consciousness, like a vast green sea, like the entire forest. All under the control of her consciousness.

Until she encountered a powerful spiritual pressure, which was different from the pressure of monster beasts, Yan Xiangluo knew that she was encountering a powerful spiritual beast. She suddenly stopped her spiritual exploration and immediately took back the control of her spiritual consciousness. Within a radius of five miles around her, the pressure of the spiritual beast's consciousness disappeared as expected. She breathed a sigh of relief and controlled her consciousness to explore into the forest. She can clearly detect the movement of every plant and tree within the range of her consciousness, and she can clearly sense even the young caterpillars hidden in the grass.

She continued to walk forward, checking as she walked, keeping her consciousness within five miles of her. Soon, she sensed the power of a monster in front of her. Its strength was about the same as that of the Sky Leopard. To be precise, it was slightly inferior. .

 This is suitable for being her sparring partner.

Yan Xiangluo walked excitedly towards the location of the monster, thinking in her mind which of the elixirs she had refined would be liked by the monster.

She was getting closer and closer to where the monster beast was, but there was no movement from the monster beast at all. Her reaction was completely different from before when she just stepped into the Sky Leopard's territory and the Sky Leopard threatened her with force and then came out to attack her very quickly. It was like It’s like no monster exists.

It seems that Zhe Tian is right. The Sky Leopard has already told the nearby monsters about her. In less than a day, I am afraid that all the monsters in Wanghai Forest will know about her existence.

 Fortunately, I planned to use the elixirs to trade with the monsters, otherwise I wouldn’t have even thought about practicing.

Soon, she came to a cave. The area around the cave was very clean and there were no weeds at all. For those who didn’t know, she thought someone lived here.

 It seems that this monster is very tidy.

“The monster inside, can I negotiate a deal with you?” Yan Xiangluo shouted loudly.

 The monsters inside paid no attention to her, and they didn't even change their breath.

Yan Xiangluo seduced without giving up at all, "I have various healing elixirs in my hand."

Sure enough, as soon as these words were spoken, the aura of the monsters in the cave suddenly changed. It fluctuated greatly, but then calmed down. It was obvious that he did not believe her.

"They are all of perfect quality." Yan Xiangluo didn't believe it. The monsters in the healing elixir of perfect quality would not be tempted.

Sure enough, just as she said these words, a monster jumped out of the cave, and Yuan Xiangluo's eyes lit up.

 What a beautiful rabbit!

It turns out that the monster living in this cave is a snow-white rabbit. It is not very big, but it is twice the size of an ordinary rabbit. Its snow-white fur is shiny, and it looks like it is extremely well-nourished.

Her eyes were like two rubies, staring closely at Yan Xiangluo, as if to confirm the accuracy of her words.

Yan Xiangluo knew that monsters could not speak, but their spiritual consciousness was very strong and they could understand her words.

Yan Xiangluo didn't hesitate and said directly to the beautiful rabbit monster, "I need some training. I'll exchange elixirs with you. You can be my sparring partner until I use all my strength. How about that?"

 (End of this chapter)

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