The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 193: It’s hard to fool

Chapter 193 It’s hard to fool

 The rabbit monster's ruby-like eyes suddenly lit up, but it couldn't speak and couldn't communicate with Yan Xiangluo.

Yan Xiangluo naturally knew this and said to Zhe Tian, ​​"Zhe Tian, ​​please communicate with it."

 The implication is to see what requirements it has, and as long as she can do it, she can trade.

Zhaotian, who had been serving as a hair accessory on Yan Xiangluo's head, then spread out his vines and appeared in front of the rabbit monster.

The rabbit monster was very surprised when it saw Zhe Tian. It looked at Yan Xiangluo and then Zhe Tian, ​​then at Zhe Tian and then at Zhe Xiang Luo, before confirming their relationship and why in their eyes the little treasure hunter Ling was. The vine was used as a hair accessory on the head of the girl in the red dress, and she didn't notice it even though her breath was restrained.

"Bai Fei, she is my master. She has just absorbed the power of the Five Elements in the Five Elements Spiritual Lake. She needs to practice, but she will not let you train with her for free. She can give you healing pills as a reward. What do you think?" Zhetian Use your spiritual consciousness to communicate with rabbit monsters.

Bai Fei is the name of the White Rabbit monster. It is also one of the few monsters with names. It heard that there was a girl in the nine families named Fei. It thought it sounded very good, so it used it for itself. , add the word "Fei" to the color of its fur, and it's called Bai Fei.

From this name, it can also be seen that the White Rabbit Monster is a woman.

"Zhetian, you actually recognize someone as your master?" Bai Fei was surprised, and a voice of surprise rang out in Zhetian's consciousness.

"What's the matter? What's wrong with me recognizing my master? After recognizing my master, I can leave here. Besides, my master is very powerful. Just tell me if you are willing to be my master's sparring partner." Zhe Tian has no regrets about accepting the title. Lord, it thinks its master is awesome.

Seeing that Zhetian's attitude was so resolute, Bai Fei didn't ask why it recognized its master. He glanced at Yan Xiangluo and asked, "There are levels of alchemists in the human race. Not all elixirs are useful to us monsters." , What level of alchemist is your master? Are her elixirs really of perfect quality?"

Zhetian really doesn’t know the level of his master’s alchemy. As for whether it is of perfect quality, as long as the master says it is, then it must be.

“Master, what level of alchemist are you?” Zhe Tian asked.

Yan Xiangluo spit out two words, "Sixth Grade."

Zhetian continued to talk to Bai Fei, "You heard it, my master is a sixth-grade alchemist. You should know that this is a low-level continent, and a sixth-grade alchemist is already the highest level."

Bai Fei said with some disbelief, "The sixth-grade alchemists in the lower continent are all old men and old ladies. Your master looks like he is only a teenager. How can he be a sixth-grade alchemist?"

Zhe Tian was a little annoyed by Bai Fei's distrust, "My master won't lie. She said she is a sixth-grade alchemist. She is a sixth-grade. The power of the entire five-system spirit lake will be absorbed by my master. She is a sixth-grade alchemist. What’s so strange, my master is a pervert-level genius.”

Xiangluo could hear Zhetian speaking with his spiritual consciousness. The corner of her mouth twitched. She was a genius at the level of pervert. Is this a compliment to her?

But I also understand, it seems that this white rabbit monster does not believe that she is a sixth-grade alchemist.

“Ask what type of healing elixir it needs, and I will refine it on site.” Yan Xiangluo said to Zhe Tian, ​​there was no other way, the monster was too difficult to fool. Zhe Tian became more confident after hearing what Yu Xiangluo said, waving the vines arrogantly, "Bai Fei, did you hear that? My master said, tell me what kind of healing elixir you need, and my master will refine it for you on the spot." , you will know whether my master is a sixth-grade alchemist and whether the elixirs he refines are of perfect quality."

When Bai Fei heard this, it was okay. As long as she could really give it a perfect quality sixth-grade healing elixir, it didn't matter whether she refined it or not. Just practice as a sparring partner. There's nothing wrong with it. A man can still bend and stretch. Well, what is there to be taboo about as a woman?

"Okay, I need a pill to treat the congestion of my meridians due to injuries. As long as your master can give me such a pill, I can train with you." Bai Fei agreed.

After Zhetian conveyed Bai Fei's words to Yan Xiang, Yan Xiangluo glanced at Bai Fei. Her meridians were blocked. The body structure of monsters is different from that of humans. I wonder if she can treat monsters?

 However, the white rabbit monster would not trust him, let alone let him treat it.

Xingmu blinked and said to Zhetian: "Zhetian, would you like to ask if the elixir used by White Rabbit people to treat blocked meridians is effective on you monsters? My medical skills are also good. I can give it a look and then refine it specially. Give it a suitable elixir."

Zhetian glanced at Bai Fei and said, "Master, it doesn't trust its master, and it's impossible for him to get close enough to show it its body."

“Then just pretend I didn’t say anything.” Yan Xiangluo just wanted to give it a try. Since Zhe Tian thought White Rabbit wouldn’t agree, forget it.

She waved her slender hand, and the medicinal materials for refining the meridians-blocking elixir were suspended in front of her. With a thought, the stone nest appeared in front of her eyes, and her own fire flames fell to the bottom of the stone nest. Then, the medicinal materials were thrown in one after another. Go in.

Bai Fei and Zhe Tian were both stunned. They had also seen the Huang family, a famous alchemy family among the nine families, refining elixirs. It took a while just to prepare, and then they had to weigh themselves before they could start refining the elixirs. In comparison, they felt that Xiangluo alchemy is just like playing. Where are the nervous and solemn expressions of the alchemists of the Huang family?

 Can this really refine the elixir of perfect quality, or is it a sixth-grade elixir?

 Are all the children from lower continents so powerful?

Although they were all confused, Zhe Tian was after all the plant spiritual pet of Yan Xiangluo. After a moment of doubt, he soon believed that Yan Xiangluo was really capable. Otherwise, how could Pangu Space recognize its master? .

But Bai Fei didn't know that Yan Xiangluo had the Pangu dimension, but although she still doubted it, she knew in her heart that she wouldn't make elixirs in front of it without any real ability.

Just wait with peace of mind. This elixir to heal blocked meridians is not something that I asked for, but I have always wanted to ask for it but never got it. If he could really get it today, he would be willing to be a sparring partner.

A quarter of an hour later, an elixir was suspended from the stone nest, and the rich fragrance of elixir filled the air. Bai Fei couldn't help but close her eyes and stick her head out to sniff hard.

It's so comfortable that you don't even need to hold it in your hands to know that this is indeed a pill that can cure blocked meridians. As for whether it is a sixth-grade one, it actually doesn't know. However, it is of perfect quality that can be determined. Because it saw the golden lines on the elixir, it heard from the Huang family that perfect quality elixirs have golden lines.

As soon as Yan Xiangluo raised her hand, the elixir fell into her hand. Putting away the flame and stone nest, Yan Xiangluo motioned to Zhe Tian and asked, will this elixir work?

Zhetian knows it will definitely work, but it wants to give its owner more benefits.

 (End of this chapter)

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