The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 195: Start sparring

Chapter 195 Start sparring

Zhe Tian explained to Yan Xiangluo, "Master, Bai Fei is taking us to find a suitable place for Master to train with us."

Yan Xiangluo nodded. It was really not good to fight in front of someone else's house. Not to mention Bai Fei's strength, even with her current strength, she could completely destroy someone else's cave in one round.

Follow Bai Fei without any objection.

Bai Fei jumped up and down in front, and Yan Xiangluo followed calmly behind it. Looking at its cute movements, she felt that it was a bit incompatible with its strength.

Soon, Bai Fei took Yan Xiangluo to an open field and stood opposite Yan Xiangluo, indicating that she could start.

Yan Xiangluo said directly, "You come and attack me to counterattack."

 If you attack the White Rabbit yourself, you will inevitably be merciless. You will not get any training or improvement. It is better to be direct and let the White Rabbit attack and she will fight back. This will be more effective.

White Rabbit was stunned, and then said to Zhe Tian, ​​"I won't kill her, but injuries are inevitable."

Bai Fei wanted to tell Zhe Tian that since it was a battle, injuries were unavoidable. After all, there was a huge disparity in strength. Don't let your master get injured and you would settle the score with me.

 It’s better to say ugly things first.

Zhetian doesn't care about this. Even if it is a plant, it has been injured many times, even life-threatening injuries.

Therefore, it didn’t even need to ask Yan Xiangluo’s opinion, and said directly, “Don’t worry, my master is taking action to improve his own strength. Injuries are inevitable and I won’t blame you.”

Yan Xiangluo could hear what Zhe Tian said and said, "What Zhe Tian said is what I mean. In a real battle, no one will care about the life or death of the other party."

After receiving their assurance, Bai Fei was relieved. The aura on his body changed, and his figure suddenly grew several times. The cute white rabbit instantly turned into a giant overlord rabbit, with ruby ​​eyes like two little suns, and his demonic power also changed from Its body erupted and rushed towards Yan Xiangluo to attack.

Yan Xiangluo was also ready to fight. She did not take out the Changling Spear, but was ready to fight the white rabbit monster with her bare hands and spiritual power.

Bai Fei obviously did not use all his strength, only five points of force at most. Yan Xiangluo knew how much force Bai Fei used when she took action, so she only used five points of force.

 The demon power and the spiritual power collided. Bai Dunzhu's body did not move at all, but Yan Xiangluo's body was knocked out and fell heavily to the ground.

Bai Fei looked at Yan Xiangluo and thought that it wouldn't work if he didn't know how to move, right? I saw the fiery red figure leaping up from the ground and attacking again, faster than last time, with more spiritual power than last time, and Bai Fei's eyes like little suns gleaming with light.

 Praise secretly in my heart: Yes, she looks like a delicate little girl, but she is very tenacious.

Has also begun to take sparring seriously.

 It was because of the elixir trade before. Although it was a sparring partner, it was very careful and just had to deal with it. But now it is somewhat serious. No one dislikes people who work hard to make progress. Even if it is a monster, it has never given up on strengthening itself. Therefore, I admire this little human girl in front of me who has the talent of being a monster and is dedicated to becoming powerful.

However, appreciation is appreciation, Yan Xiangluo was knocked out again, her red dress was dirty, and she also suffered some minor injuries, but Yan Xiangluo got up from the ground again.

Bai Fei took the initiative to attack this time. Yan Xiangluo said that it needed to attack, and it also knew that its own attack would be more effective than Yan Xiangluo's attack.

Just like that, the battle between one man and one giant rabbit began. The other monsters on the territory who had received the news were all watching, quietly observing their battle with their spiritual senses. At this time, they didn't know that Bai Fei had made a deal with Yan Xiangluo to become a sparring partner, and they were still wondering why Bai Fei took the initiative to be a sparring partner if he didn't avoid it.

  After all, they can see from the fighting situation that Bai Fei did not use all his strength. It was not a one-sided crushing, but more like a sparring match. Zhetian has been watching quietly from the sidelines since the battle began. Even though he knows that Bai Fei will not hurt his master's life, he will still be cautious, not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

 Its consciousness is the spiritual power of Shen Zhi, and it clearly feels that there are many monsters observing here.

In this way, Bai Fei sparred all day long. Yan Xiangluo never used any weapons, but he forced Bai Fei to use his strength from five points to eight points.

Although Yan Xiangluo was injured more and more seriously every time, she didn't show any fear at all. She didn't even take elixirs for minor injuries. She took elixirs for serious injuries and continued fighting after recovering.

 However, what surprised Bai Fei was the speed of her progress. At this rate, it seemed that she wouldn't be able to practice for long.

 Originally, she planned to practice sparring for a month or two.

After the sky completely darkened, Yan Xiangluo finally stopped and waved to Bai Fei, "That's it for today. We will still be here tomorrow. You can probably practice with me for another day tomorrow."

Bai Fei's mood was shocked and complicated. He still underestimated the little girl in the red dress. No wonder Zhe Tian recognized her as his master.

 He nodded, shrank his body back to its original size, and returned to its cave.

 This is also good, it can end the sparring session as soon as possible.

When Bai Fei returned to the cave door, she saw several monsters waiting in front of her cave. It seemed that they were not here to grab territory.

“Bai Fei, why are you willing to be a sparring partner for humans?” a monster asked. Of course, they were talking with their spiritual senses.

“She traded with me a sixth-grade perfect quality elixir, and I also gave her a treasure. She will probably have another day of training tomorrow.” Bai Fei didn’t hide it, they would know it sooner or later anyway.

 Once you know it, you won't want to take the pill from her. If you want to exchange it with her, just go and exchange it with her.

The monsters were all shocked and said in disbelief, "A sixth-grade elixir of perfect quality?"

"Yes, she made it on the spot. She is a sixth-grade alchemist, much more powerful than those from the Qu family." Bai Fei made no secret of her appreciation and admiration for Yu Xiangluo.

The monsters did not see Yan Xiangluo refining elixirs on the spot, so they did not know that Bai Fei had made a deal with Yan Xiangluo using elixirs, treasures and sparring partners.

"You said you gave her a treasure? Can we also use the treasure to trade pills with her?" A monster asked thoughtfully.

Bai Fei shook his head and said, "She is mainly looking for a sparring partner. I don't know if she is willing to do a direct transaction. You can ask her directly, or I can ask you when I am sparring again tomorrow."

The monsters thought for a while and decided to let Bai Fei question them tomorrow.

Bai Fei thought the same thing in his heart. He still had a few treasures, and if Yan Xiangluo was willing, he would like to exchange them for a few more pills.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo didn't know that Bai Fei had already begun to promote business for her. She looked at her embarrassed appearance, but she was in a good mood.

 (End of this chapter)

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