The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 196: five elements water beads

Chapter 196 Five Elements Water Drops

Only Yan Xiangluo herself understands how much she gained from this day's battle.

Although the level of cultivation has not changed much, the cultivation level of the sixth level has stabilized, and the unsteady factors after advancing to a higher level have completely disappeared.

 In fact, she could continue fighting without stopping, but considering that she couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and she had to practice step by step, her speed was already scary enough, so she couldn't be greedy anymore. She planned to sort out her thoughts at night so that the fight would be better tomorrow.

 Furthermore, she was anxious to see if the blue bead was a water droplet among the Five Elements Beads.

After White Rabbit left, she didn't care that she was in a mess. She found a place to sit down, took out the blue bead, bit her finger and dripped a drop of blood on it, nervously waiting for the bead's reaction.

The drop of blood slid on the bead, and then disappeared into the bead. In an instant, the bead disappeared.

Perception with his spiritual consciousness, sure enough, this blue bead is embedded between the wooden bead and the fire bead. It is indeed a water bead among the five-element beads. Now there are four beads on the petals.

Three five-element beads, one divine bead, and the five-element beads are just two short of each other.

Yan Xiangluo couldn't believe it. When she got the fire beads, she thought it was a great opportunity. She really didn't expect that one day she would have so many five-element beads. She had already gotten three of the five.

Looking at it like this, she and the Five Elements Beads, no, maybe Panguhua and the Five Elements Beads are predestined, so she was able to meet one Five Elements Beads one after another by chance.

Now it seems that it is not a question of whether she thinks she can collect all the Five Elements Beads, but when she should think about when she can collect them. At this rate, could she collect all the Five Elements Pearls before leaving Tianqian Continent?

 It is really possible.

She was a little curious about what would happen if the Pangu flower was inlaid with five-element beads.

Also, about the dream she had on the day she got the divine bead, she always felt that her life would be even more bizarre after leaving Tianqian Continent.

 The reason why she uses "bizarre" to describe it is that the development of things always exceeds her imagination.

It is useless to think about it now. We have to wait until all the Five Elements Beads are collected to know. Now she wants to try the power of the water system.

 After all, the power of the Five Elements Pearl is incomparable to the power of the Five Elements she awakened. There is a difference between heaven and earth.

Twisted her slender fingers, a column of water spurted out, and Yan Xiangluo was stunned for a moment.

She just wanted to test the power of the water droplets and how much force they could use, but the water column was actually as thick as her arm. Although her arms are not thick, such water jets are scary enough.

Yan Xiangluo looked at her hands in shock, and suddenly thought that her cultivation level was now at the respect level, and the power of the five elements was promoted in a balanced manner. Therefore, her water power was now at the level of the respect level, plus the five elements pearl water With the power of beads, it's not surprising that so much water can be produced with just one thought.

She twitched the corners of her mouth speechlessly. It seemed that she would not be short of water in the future.

Moreover, the aura of the water was particularly strong. When the water column fell to the ground, she saw that the weeds on the ground became much more energetic and even grew a little. Although it is not as exaggerated as the wood-type power to directly grow a large area, after all, it is not a pure vitality, but it can also be seen that it is very different from the weeds next to it. In contrast, these grasses that have been watered by the water droplets have sufficient nutrition. , grows strong and green, and the grass next to it looks malnourished at first sight.

If people drink this, will it also have the effect of strengthening the body? Thinking of the fantasy books I read in another life about the spiritual spring water that cleanses scriptures and cuts marrow, I might as well look forward to it.

Thinking of this, she used very little strength to condense some water and put it into her mouth.

 After drinking some, smack it in your mouth. Well, it’s sweet, refreshing and delicious. After waiting for a while, I felt that my body had not changed at all. Is it that it has no effect or that I drank too little?

 She thought about it and drank some more, but there was no change. She continued to drink until she drank two large bowls of water, but her body still had no change. She sighed, alas, she was overthinking.

If the water power of the water beads does not have these effects, then what effect does the water beads of the Five Elements Pearl have? It cannot just be drinking, after all, water cannot be used for fighting.

I was confused and didn't think about it too much. Anyway, the water drops were already my own, so I had better clean up myself and understand the experience of today's training with the rabbit monster Bai Fei. This is the most important thing.

 She could sense that since the battle with Bai Fei, there had been many spiritual consciousnesses checking her, and she could not enter the Pangu space.

I found a tree with particularly lush leaves, climbed up the tree, used the cover of the leaves to change my clothes, then washed my face with water drops, combed my hair, tidied myself up, sat cross-legged on the tree, and meditated. , begin to understand today’s experience.

At this time, the place where the nine families live is very uneasy, just because the genius grandson of the head of the Xu family of the Xuanwen family has been back for nearly half a month, but no news about the Xu family has been spread.

In the past, every time this genius grandson came back, the Xu family would call the heads of the Qin family and the Yu family, which were affiliated with the Xu family, and some important figures the next day to have a meal and meet the grandson. Although it was not officially announced that he was the young master of the Xu family, he also told everyone what the Xu family meant. He was the next heir of the Xu family.

 But this time it has been more than ten days. Not only did the Xu family not ask the Qin family and the Yu family to come over for dinner, the Xu family even closed the door to thank guests, which attracted the attention of other families.

Some people went to the Yu family and Qin family to inquire about news, and the Yu family and Qin family also closed their doors to thank guests. This is too abnormal.

 As a result, other families became nervous, wondering what the Xu family was going to do.

 The nine families are the families who were punished from the higher continent. They are restricted by the law of heaven and cannot leave here. Every time you leave here, your cultivation level will be lowered by a large level. When you come back, your cultivation level will not be restored to its original state. It will take a year of seclusion to recover. If you don't come back, you will never be able to reach the level of cultivation in your family in this life.

 Therefore, people from their nine families would not go out unless they had no choice but to go out.

In order to maintain the talent of the bloodline, they do not marry local mainlanders. However, in the past twenty years, young people's hearts have grown like grass, and they all want to go out and have a try.

 Just because no one from the nine families has returned to the higher continent for nearly three hundred years based on their cultivation.

They want to go out and have a look. Even if their cultivation level is lowered by a large level, with their bloodline talents, they may be able to leave here as native mainlanders and return to the higher continent.

 But there are rules and restrictions on wanting to do this.

 (End of this chapter)

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