The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 197: is she coming

Chapter 197 Is she here?

You must leave the family before the woman and the hair-haired man are crowned, and cannot come back within ten years after leaving. Only then can you have the qualifications to practice as a native. When your strength breaks through the clan level, you can leave here and go to the higher continent, completely getting rid of the punishment of the guilty family.

Of course, you will still have to lower your cultivation level by half before leaving here. Your cultivation speed will be the same as that of mainlanders, so it will not be so easy to break through the clan level.

 Those over this age will never have this opportunity again, but the people in the family are not willing to let the children leave the family.

There is only one reason. As long as they are in the punished families and successfully break through the emperor level in the family, they can return to the higher continent. If the number of people who return reaches a hundred, the entire family will be exempted from their guilt and can all return to the higher continent.

Even if the descendants of the family who left before the hairpin and crown can successfully return to the higher continent, they are not included and cannot reduce the family's punishment.

 The younger generations who want to leave the family are all highly talented people and are the hope of the family. The family will never let them leave.

Xu Feiyun, the young master of the Xuanwen family, was the first to leave.

Although Xu Yunfei is a woman, she is the one with the best bloodline talent of the Xu family. She was named the young master of the Xu family when she was ten years old.

She left here secretly when she was twelve years old. The Xu family sent people to search for six years before they found her. At that time, she was already with a man and gave birth to a boy, who is now the Xu family. The genius grandson.

However, Xu Yunfei was poisoned and died shortly after giving birth to her child. When the Xu family found her, they only had time to see her one last time. In a fit of anger, he ignored the child. Later, he noticed that this child was a child with no outstanding bloodline in the family. Then he remembered this child. When he found this child, he was already ten years old. His talent shocked them and they regretted it. I didn't take him back to the family to raise him.

 Although he lived a very wealthy life, he had a childhood without a mother. This child was indifferent to everyone. After getting to know the Xu family, the child was unwilling to return to live in the Xu family, but he would come back once a year.

 This child is Ji Jiuchong.

However, none of them knew that Ji Jiuzhong was born with poison from his mother's body. This matter was concealed by the Xu family. In addition, Ji Jiuzhong's talent was indeed excellent, and his cultivation level was very high at a very young age. Even though he is high, no one thinks there is something wrong with his health.

As for the rumors that he is in poor health, they all think that he is showing weakness and hiding his true talent.

When he came back this time, people from all the families were curious about his current cultivation level. Bloodlines like Ji Jiuchong were not restricted by the rules of heaven. No matter where he left, he would be considered a member of their family.

They were all curious whether he had reached the peak of the ninth level. After all, they all believed that among the nine families, the next person to break through and leave must be Ji Jiuzhong.

 Therefore, the Xu family acted like this, which made them even more suspicious.

 In fact, this is not the case at all. The Xu family is really uneasy now.

 The person who caused all this is practicing leisurely in his yard.

Changfeng came back from outside and glanced at Ji Jiuzhong who was practicing and Jin Yutang looked at each other. The two communicated with their eyes for a moment, then stood quietly aside.

Ji Jiuzhong noticed it as soon as Changfeng came back. After a while, Ji Jiuzhong quit practicing.

 Opened his eyes and looked at Changfeng, "Is she here?"

Changfeng shook his head and said, "No, the people arranged near Long's house are watching, and no one has come to Long's house."

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes. According to the time, that girl should have arrived a long time ago. Why hasn't she come yet? Changfeng said again, "Master, the girl came earlier than us. It has been twenty-five or six days since she entered Wanghai Forest. It is impossible that she has not arrived yet? Did she encounter any danger?"

 In fact, what Changfeng was thinking was that Yan Xiangluo might have died. After all, the monsters deep in Wanghai Forest were too powerful and she was no match for them.

 But I didn’t dare to say it so directly, so I could only mention it tactfully.

Ji Jiuzhong was speechless, but Changfeng and Jin Yutang, who knew him well, knew that he was not in a good mood at this time.

Suddenly, Ji Jiuchong's eyes lit up, and the look on his face became much more relaxed, "She should have gone to the Five Elements Spiritual Lake."

Changfeng and Jin Yutang were stunned, and said in unison, "Is there a place where Miss Yu can go?"

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips, "Have you forgotten that she has a five-element spiritual root?"

The two people immediately understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant. They looked at each other and understood in their hearts that this was really possible.

Only people with five-system spiritual roots can absorb the five-system spiritual lake. Others have not been able to do it in the past. Although Yan Xiangluo has a five-system spiritual root body, she is also a person with five-system spiritual roots. She can Absorbing the power inside, maybe she will get a blessing in disguise, and this waste material body with five spiritual roots will become a genius body.

"Yutang, arrange for the hidden guards to go to the Five Elements Spirit Lake to have a look. If she is there, don't disturb her." Ji Jiuzhong said again.

Jin Yutang hurried out to make arrangements. To be on the safe side, he arranged for three hidden guards to go to Wuxi Linghu and asked them to find out if anything happened in the forest.

After Jin Yutang left, Changfeng said, "Master, the great elder asked the master again when he came out of seclusion."

Ji Jiuzhong raised the corners of his lips mockingly, "Let them wait."

Think of what a few old guys said to him when he came back. They had arranged the candidate for the young master of the Xu family. They were using this to threaten him to bow to them and make him agree to marry the Qin family. Let's just dream.

They were wrong. He didn't even care about the throne of the Tianshun Empire, but he would care about the position of the young master of their guilty family.

However, their attitudes also allowed him to make the final decision. There is indeed nothing to miss here.

After settling his mother's matter, he will leave here and never come back. As for the help they gave him in those years, after he gained strength, he also helped them a lot, much more than they helped him. He didn't owe them anything, but they owed his mother a life.

If it weren’t for waiting for the little girl to come and see if I could help her in any way, after all, no matter how weak the Long family is, ordinary people would not be able to resist.

Now that he understands his own heart, he will naturally not leave her alone.

Let the Xu family be worried for a few more days. If the girl really goes to Wuxi Linghu, he is not worried that she will be bullied if she goes to the Long family.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips. Changfeng beside him has become accustomed to it recently. During this period, the master often thinks about things by himself and becomes very happy. He doesn't have to guess, he knows that he must be thinking of Miss Yu.

 (End of this chapter)

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