The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 198: what do you want

 Chapter 198 What do you want?

Sigh, the master cares more and more about the girl, but the girl doesn’t seem to like the master at all. What should I do?

Changfeng was worried about his master's marriage in his heart, but he didn't know that his master was not worried at all.

 In Ji Jiuzhong's heart, as long as he wants to work hard and do anything, he will definitely succeed, including marriage.

 But he forgot that there is a kind of woman like him in the world, who is persistent and resilient, and will not compromise easily.

 At this time, the head of the Xu family and the elders were in the meeting hall. You looked at me and I looked at you.

The head of the Xu family complained that the elder had done things too badly, which obviously angered Ji Jiuchong. However, the elder's cultivation was the strongest among the Xu family, and as the head of the family, he did not dare to provoke him.

But what the elder was thinking about was that Ji Jiuzhong was a little ungrateful. He was just like his mother. If his mother hadn't run away secretly, what would have happened now would have happened, and his goal would have been achieved long ago.

“First Elder, what should we do now?” Family Leader Xu looked at the First Elder who looked bad and asked.

The first elder glanced at the head of the Xu family and said in a fierce tone, "If he doesn't agree, he will send people out to destroy the royal family of the Tianshun Empire."

The head of the Xu family was shocked. The eldest elder wanted to finish the matter completely.

The head of the Xu family said tentatively, "Elder, no matter whether he agrees to our conditions or not, whether he is willing to stay in the Xu family or not, one day he left the lower continent for the higher continent, and he can be counted as one of the places left by our Xu family. . It’s not harmful to us. Do we need to do it so well?”

The eldest elder glanced at him lightly, "If there was only one place missing, I could bear this tone, but now I absolutely can't bear it. Even if our Xu family is demoted to this place, we can't lose our spine. You are willing to give up to a mere head." The boy is on top of us?"

The head of the Xu family actually wanted to say that as long as it was beneficial to the Xu family, it would be fine. He had not been suppressed by the elder for so many years. Did he say anything? What are you complaining about?

 But he only dared to think about this in his heart. He knew that the great elder was not willing to listen to his words, but he was not willing to make the matter reach the point where the great elder said it.

 Tianshun Empire is one of the strongest empires in the lower continent Tianqian Continent. Destroying the royal family of the Tianshun Empire is equivalent to disrupting the order of power in the lower continent. Will Heavenly Dao allow it?

If Heaven does not allow the Xu family to be demoted, and if they are punished again, I am afraid that their clan will be completely wiped out, so what is the point of doing all this?

 But the current chief elder obviously cannot listen to any words of dissuasion. The head of the Xu family can only place his hope on other elders.

The head of the Xu family looked at the other elders and said, "What do you think, elders?"

The other elders looked at Patriarch Xu and then at the First Elder, but no one said anything. Most of them agreed with Patriarch Xu's words, but they did not dare to openly disobey the First Elder. Therefore, they could only protect themselves by not getting involved in the conversation between the two. .

Seeing that they were silent, Master Xu naturally understood what they meant and let out a long sigh.

“Have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?” the Xu family asked in a solemn tone.

Everyone looked at the head of the Xu family and then at Mr. Da Zhang, thinking that doing so might bring disaster to the Xu family.

The elder also understood the meaning of Xu's owner. He had a meal, and only he knew what the ultimate goal of Ji Jiuzhong was so unwilling to give up now. He didn't get it from his mother back then. If he can't get it from him now, then his hope of leaving here and returning to the higher continent can be said to be completely destroyed.

 Between his own interests and the interests of the Xu family, he chose his own interests without hesitation.

 But he also knew that he couldn't push people like the Xu family into a hurry, as that would be detrimental to what he wanted to do.

Then he relaxed and said, "Let's take a look at the situation first. I don't think he may be able to withstand it. Don't forget that this is the Xu family and our territory, not his. No matter how talented he is, he doesn't have the strength to fight with our entire Xu family. , he must have compromised in the end, and things would not have come to that.”

The head of the Xu family knew that this was the end of today's conversation. Fortunately, the great elder did not insist on taking action against the royal family of the Tianshun Empire. Let's think of another way!

Let's see if we can go see Ji Jiuzhong and talk to him. The best result now is that Ji Jiuzhong can take a step back and he is willing to privately give up benefits that satisfy Ji Jiuzhong.

After the conversation, everyone dispersed, and the Xu family leader went to the courtyard where Ji Jiuzhong lived, but Chang Feng still stopped him outside, saying that he was in the most critical moment of seclusion.

 The head of the Xu family knew in his heart that Ji Jiuzhong would not put such an important retreat in their Xu family. For so many years, the child has never regarded the Xu family as his own home. He knew this very well. All of Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation promotions had never been carried out in the Xu family.

But this child's temperament in the past would not have delayed things for so long. Why was he so patiently spending time this time?

The head of the Xu family feels that his hair has turned gray from worry in the past half month.

Although he did not see Ji Jiuzhong, the head of the Xu family still asked Changfeng to convey his intention to Ji Jiuzhong. No matter what, as the head of the Xu family, he must make the greatest efforts for the interests of the family.

Changfeng nodded, and then the head of the Xu family left.

 Jin Yutang came back after the head of the Xu family left, and reported to Ji Jiuzhong what happened in the meeting hall, word for word.

Ji Jiuzhong's phoenix eyes flashed with a sharp edge, "Keep staring at the great elder. He will definitely make some moves in the past few days. You will soon know what he wants? Or what does he want to get from me?"

Ji Jiuzhong found out three years ago that the poisoning of his mother was not poisoned by outsiders at all, but had something to do with the great elder. But he never knew what the great elder's purpose was?

After all, his mother is considered a junior in the lineage of the Great Elder, so it stands to reason that the relationship is still very close, and even if he doesn't protect her, he won't harm her.

 But the great elder not only used very vicious methods to kill his mother, the poison he administered would definitely kill her, but he could not die immediately.

 He asked the head of the Xu family who the Xu family was looking for when his mother gave birth to him. The head of the Xu family said that it was the elder who found his mother.

 Therefore, Ji Jiuzhong was sure that the great elder must have some purpose for his mother and threaten his mother with this poison, but it was unsuccessful.

I don’t know whether it was because his mother noticed something and never compromised, or because the great elder never made it clear. His mother didn’t know the reason until her death.

When he was born with fetal poison, he thought that he would not survive after seeing it, so he did not take action or pay attention to himself.

 (End of this chapter)

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