The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 204: Regret so much

Chapter 204: Extremely Regretful

 Yu Ge, who was in control of his body at this time, felt that the time had come and immediately used his strongest blow. What he wants now is to take advantage of your illness to kill you. If he doesn't take action at this time, he will never have the chance to take action against Ji Jiuzhong.

 He had waited for this opportunity for too long, and he almost thought it would never come.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at him contemptuously. Even if his defense could not block the soul-controlling power, it did not mean that he could not block Yu Ge's attack.

Without looking up, he knew that Yu Ge had used some sorcery to quickly improve his cultivation. In his eyes, such cultivation was like an embroidered pillow. There was no level, and his strength could never be compared with his level.

Sure enough, when Yu Ge's attack landed on Ji Jiuzhong's gold power defense shield, there was a loud bang, and the power of the defense shield severely knocked back Yu Ge's power.

Yu Ge, who was unprepared, was instantly attacked by this force and flew backwards. After breaking five or six strong trees in succession, Yu Ge fell hard to the ground.

At the same time, a large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Yu Ge covered his chest and collapsed on the ground in disbelief. How is this possible?

Hasn’t Ji Jiuzhong already been charged with soul power and controlled his soul? Why is there such a strong defensive power?

Yu Ge clearly felt that his internal organs had been seriously injured. Although it hurt terribly from the inside out to move, he still endured the severe pain and quickly took out a healing elixir and swallowed it.

However, his healing elixir is not the sixth-grade perfect quality elixir refined by Yan Xiangluo, and it does not take effect that quickly. Not only does he need time to recover the injured internal organs, but he also needs time to fully recover. impossible.

The great elder hiding in the dark saw Yu Ge flying out after being attacked, and was unsure of Ji Jiuzhong's current state and whether his soul was controlled by the power of the charged soul.

After all, it was a normal response tactic for Ji Jiuzhong to put up a gold power defense shield before, but he was not sure whether the defensive force he put up could continue to work after his soul was controlled.

The first elder could only ask the thirteenth elder of the Long family, "How is it? Has his soul been controlled?"

The thirteenth elder of the Long family was not sure at this time, "I'll know after I try."

He raised his right hand into a sword finger and drew something in the void. Ji Jiuzhong felt that with the movements of the thirteenth elder of the Long family, the soul-controlling power surrounding his body began to move, trying to pull his soul out. .

 If his soul had been controlled at this time, it must have been extracted.

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes. Since his defensive shield could not block the Long family's soul-controlling power, his attack was also ineffective against the Long family's soul-controlling power.

There is only one way to counterattack, which is to directly attack the thirteen elders of the Long family, so that the person who uses the power of soul control loses the ability to control the soul, and the power of soul control surrounding him will naturally disappear.

 He glanced at Yu Ge, who had tried several times without success, and ignored him.

 While resisting the power of soul control, he uses his spiritual power. Since the power of soul control can pass through its defensive shield, it means that his spiritual power can also pass through the power of soul control.

A golden attack force struck out, and as he expected, it easily passed through the soul-controlling power, and ran towards the thirteenth elder of the Long family who was hidden behind a big tree.

The thirteenth elder of the Long family, who was still concentrating on controlling the power of soul control, never thought that Ji Jiuzhong still had the ability to attack at this time. He didn't even react to the attack that came in front of him, let alone resist. The eldest elder of the Xu family shrank his eyes, and decisively took action to block the blow for the thirteenth elder of the Long family. He was his only help now.

Although the great elder did not use a lot of strength to block Ji Jiuzhong's attack, he was also shocked by Ji Jiuzhong's strength. He knew in his heart that he had underestimated Ji Jiuzhong's cultivation level, and even more underestimated his ability to fight beyond levels. .

At the same time, I also understood that Ji Jiuzhong deliberately lured them out. He used Yu Ge, and Ji Jiuzhong also used Yu Ge.

This also means that Ji Jiuzhong knew what he was going to do to him a long time ago. Maybe he didn't quite understand what he was going to do to him, but he definitely knew that he was going to be detrimental to him.

 In an instant, the great elder knew that he had no way out.

Therefore, after receiving Ji Jiuzhong's attack, he immediately said to the thirteenth elder of the Long family, "He already knows it's us, and maybe he knows what we are going to do. We have no way out. We must kill him tonight, no matter what we do Whether the purpose can be successful."

At this time, the thirteenth elder of the Long family also understood that the eldest elder was right, and felt extremely regretful. Why could he not withstand the temptation? He knew that Ji Jiuzhong was not his mother and was difficult to deal with.

The Great Elder had not deceived him when he was ten years old, and had not succeeded in gaining his trust over the years, let alone controlling him. How could they control and manipulate Ji Jiuzhong now that he had grown up? .

 But there is no use regretting now. The only way to escape is to join forces with the Great Elder to kill Ji Jiuzhong. Only in this way can they not only escape but maybe also achieve their goal.

 Hence, after the great elder said these words, he immediately made preparations to attack.

In fact, he was very confused. Although his soul control ability was not very strong, he should still be able to control the souls of lower mainlanders. Since Ji Jiuzhong was not controlled by him, there was only one possibility, that is, his soul itself was very powerful. Strong, so strong that ordinary soul control power can't do anything to him.

Not only does he have the ability to control souls, his cultivation level is not low if he can become the thirteenth elder of the Long family.

At this time, Ji Jiuzhong felt that the soul-controlling power surrounding him had dissipated, but he did not dare to relax his vigilance. After all, as long as the Thirteenth Elder was around, he could use the soul-controlling power again at any time.

But now that he is not constrained by the power of controlling souls, he can fight with peace of mind. With a thought, a long sword appeared in his hand, and he took the initiative to attack the two of them.

 The first elder and the thirteen elders of the Long family took out their weapons at the same time and came towards Ji Jiuzhong, and the three of them fought together.

The Xu family members who were watching from the bottom of the mountain were all stunned. They clearly saw that Yu Ge had been defeated by Ji Jiuzhong, so why did two more people suddenly appear?

 Because they were fighting on the top of the mountain. It was night now. Although there was moonlight, they at the bottom of the mountain couldn't see clearly who the two people who suddenly appeared were?

 Even Ji Jiuzhong and the others are identified by their clothes.

With doubts in their hearts, they all looked at the Xu family master, wondering if the family master knew and what the family master would do.

The head of the Xu family was stunned when he saw it. The main reason was that he felt that the fighting style of one of them was very familiar. To be more precise, he thought this person looked like a great elder.

 (End of this chapter)

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