The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 205: See the big melon

Chapter 205 Seeing the big melon

In just a moment, he understood why Ji Jiuzhong had lured Yu Ge to the mountain outside. It was not only to avoid involving the Xu family, but mainly to lure the elder out.

 After thinking about it, he did not take any action because he knew very well who he would help if he went there?

 He was not sure who would win between the Great Elder and Ji Jiuzhong. Whoever he helped might end up kidnapping the wrong person.

 Since Ji Jiuzhong said that he would not implicate innocent people in the Xu family, it was the best decision for him to leave the matter alone.

  Let them solve it themselves, so that no matter who wins, there will be no loss to the Xu family.

 The rest of the Xu family did not make any move when they saw the head of the Xu family, and they were not too troublesome. Although they didn't see Ji Jiuzhong for much time, they knew very well that Ji Jiuzhong was not someone they could afford to offend.

Although they all looked down on Ji Jiuzhong, who had half the blood of the lower continent, they had to admit that he was more talented and stronger than them all.

Even if I look down at him, I can only squint.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo in Pangu Space was very surprised and surprised.

She did not know the eldest elder of the Xu family, nor the thirteenth elder of the Long family. What shocked her was the power surrounding Ji Jiuzhong before.

Even though it was the first time she encountered this kind of power, she felt inexplicably familiar. She felt that this kind of power was screaming in her bones at this time. There seemed to be many, many. How could this be?

The place where the eldest elder of the Xu family and the thirteenth elder of the Long family were hiding was exactly where Yan Xiangluo entered the Pangu space, so she could see their movements clearly. When the thirteenth elder of the Long family used the power of soul control, She sensed it immediately.

Yan Xiangluo didn’t know that this person was not from the Xu family, so she was confused as to why she felt familiar with the power used by the Xu family.

If the power of Xuanwen can still be explained, after all, she is also a Xuanwen master now, but he clearly knows that this power has nothing to do with Xuanwen.

When Yan Xiangluo wanted to feel the power seriously, the person beside Ji Jiuzhong disappeared, and the thirteenth elder of the Long family stopped using the power, leaving her at a loss what to do.

I can only continue to stare at the battle between the three of them, thinking that when the battle is over, I will ask Ji Jiuzhong, he should know what the power is.

At this time, Yan Xiangluo did not realize at all that she was not worried at all about whether Ji Jiuzhong could win one-on-two. It seemed that in her heart, Ji Jiuzhong's victory was normal and should be done.

Yan Xiangluo didn't expect that she would see such a big melon while watching the excitement. What she didn't expect was that she would actually see a mysterious battle next.

Although she is also a Xuan Wen master, she never thought that Xuan Wen could also fight such a fierce battle.

 She always thought that even if Xuan Wen could be used in battle, it could only be used as a auxiliary. Where could it be used like this?

Especially when she saw the mysterious pattern used by Ji Jiuzhong, she could tell at a glance that it was the mysterious pattern in Ji Yin that he showed her.

With this comparison, although I have finished reading Ji Yin, I only learned the superficial knowledge and did not understand the essence of Ji Yin.

Even so, she did not delay the luxury of feeling sorry for the two of them.

Whether it was Ji Jiuzhong or the old man, the mysterious patterns that were branded with mysterious seals were much more luxurious than her, and each one was imprinted on exquisite jade.

Looking at the delicate jade that was about to break, it made her feel distressed. They were so poor at living. Obviously Xuan Seal can be imprinted on anything, so why do they have to use expensive jade? It would be great to imprint it on a wooden block like hers, which is economical and does not delay use. However, I have to say that this battle with the mysterious pattern really opened her eyes and she learned a lot from it. It turned out that the mysterious pattern has such a wide range of uses, and it also let her know what type of mysterious pattern is suitable for such a battle.

The elder who was fighting with Ji Jiuzhong to fight the Xuanwen was increasingly shocked.

Ji Jiuchong has never learned the Xu family's Xuanwen technique. This is what the Xu family told him when he refused to return to the Xu family. If he didn't come to the Xu family, he would not be qualified to learn the Xu family's Xuanwen technique.

Ji Jiuzhong said he didn’t want to learn it. At that time, they all thought he was just being tough. Now it seems that he was just being tough, but he had a better Xuanwen technique.

He asked Yu Ge, who said that the guards had never seen Ji Jiuzhong learn the Xuan Wen technique, but they knew that he had a copy of the Xuan Wen technique in his hand, which seemed to be inherited by the Ji family, but he had never learned it.

  Yu Ge would never lie to him, so what’s the problem?

Yu Ge has always been Ji Jiuzhong's personal bodyguard. No matter how well Ji Jiuzhong hides it, he can't hide it from Yu Ge and secretly learn the Xuan Wen technique.

Even though Yu Ge has been away from him for more than two years, he is very clear about how difficult it is to learn Xuan Wen. No matter how talented Ji Jiuzhong is, he will not be able to learn it at this level in two years.

 In fact, he felt that even if Ji Jiuzhong started learning from birth, he would not be able to learn to this extent.

Don’t you know that there are people with super talents in this world that he could not imagine? Ji Jiuzhong was only seven years old when he learned the Ji Yin Xuanwen technique. He finished learning Ji Yin at the age of nine. Therefore, let alone Yu Ge, it was Ji Jiuzhong Changfeng, Jin Yutang, and Mu Zixian, who were very trusting, didn't know that he knew Xuan Wen, not only that he knew it, but he was also very strong.

And Yan Xiangluo has only studied for two years, and has already learned all about Ji Yin. Although he cannot compare with Ji Jiuzhong, it is enough to shock Xu's family.

After Ji Jiuzhong fought back and forth with the Great Elder many times, he figured out the strength of the Great Elder's mysterious pattern, and no longer retained his strength, and wanted to solve it quickly.

The thirteenth elder of the Long family, who was fighting alongside the elder, had been looking for an opportunity to use the power of soul control again. However, he used it several times in succession and found that his soul control power could not affect Ji Jiuzhong's soul.

He felt a little unsure. The two of them had been working together for so long but they still couldn't capture Ji Jiuzhong. Even if he didn't understand the profound patterns, he could still see that even if the great elder's profound patterns were not lower than Ji Jiuzhong, there was nothing he could do about Ji Jiuzhong.

He sent a message to the Great Elder, "My soul-controlling power is of no use to him, and your mysterious pattern can't do anything to him. We can't let it go on like this. We can only fight for our cultivation. Don't hold back. Let's work together to kill him." The longer we delay, the less likely we are to win."

 At this time, they can no longer think about achieving their goals. Now that they can kill Ji Jiuzhong and not expose them, it is the best outcome.

The great elder felt extremely frustrated. He had been planning for nearly thirty years and never thought that the final result would be like this. Because he knew very well that even if he could kill Ji Jiuzhong tonight and settle the matter, he would not be able to achieve his goal. There are not many people in the world who are talented in the five-system spiritual root.

Especially those who have the blood of their Xu family. For so many years, there have only been Ji Jiuchong and his mother.

 (End of this chapter)

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