The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 207: Not aura

Chapter 207 It’s not aura

Yan Xiangluo looked at the man paralyzed on the ground. He was still alive, but the tendons of his hands and feet had been neatly cut off.

If no one helps him connect his hand tendons and hamstrings, this man will be useless.

Why did Ji Jiuzhong use such troublesome tactics to deal with him? Why not simply kill him?

 The eldest elder suddenly panicked when he saw that the thirteenth elder of the Long family had been deposed. Although the cultivation level of the Thirteenth Elder is not high among the nine family elders, he is not weak enough to be an elder.

 He himself is one of the people with the highest cultivation level among the nine families.

 Although other families also have people with the same level of cultivation as him, only the Meng, Fang, and Long families have one each, and there are only four of them with eighth-level cultivation at the clan level.

 That's why he was able to speak for himself in the Xu family. He never thought that he would lose to Ji Jiuzhong based on his cultivation level.

You must know that Ji Jiuzhong only has Zun level cultivation. After all, his bloodline is not all from the nine families. He can only leave the lower continent when he breaks through the Zong level. As long as he does not leave, he cannot surpass Zong level cultivation. The highest level is Zun level. Level nine.

He is different. He has reached the clan-level cultivation level that could only be achieved after Ji Jiuzhong left. This is the difference between the nine families and the lower-level mainlanders. It is also the main reason why they look down on the lower-level mainlanders. They think they are superior to them. wait.

At this time, the great elder realized that something was wrong. Ji Jiuzhong was obviously a Zun-level cultivator, so how could he have the strength to surpass the Zong-level cultivator? No one can reach such a high level in leapfrogging battles.

Ji Jiuzhong had never used his full strength before, and his tricks were not what he knew at all, which showed that a ten-year-old child had never believed him since he saw him.

Not only that, but he also learned such a powerful skill right under his nose. Ji Jiuzhong was surrounded by people arranged by the Xu family, which was equivalent to his arrangements.

He didn't know when Ji Jiuzhong took Changfeng, Jin Yutang, and Mu Zixian as his own, but one thing was certain, he definitely didn't take them back from the beginning, especially with Yu Ge as his personal bodyguard. Now, Yu Geke has always been his person.

 In such a situation, he could hide himself so well. He couldn't imagine how Ji Jiuzhong did it and how terrible his mind was. After all, he was still a child at that time.

At this time, the first elder was already in a panic. He glanced at the thirteenth elder of the Long family who was paralyzed on the ground and Yu Ge, who had not gotten up over there.

Knowing that he has been pushed to a dead end, his eyes burst out with a vicious light. Since this is the case, let's fight.

 The role of Yuge is not just that.

He has been working hard for decades to go to the higher continent, but he is not willing to fail like this.

 In fact, at this time, Yu Ge's internal organs had recovered to six or seven levels. Although he was not completely healed, he could still stand up and continue fighting.

But when he saw that neither the eldest elder nor the thirteenth elder of the Long family was a match for Ji Jiuzhong, he was selfish and did not get up, thinking in his mind how he could escape this disaster.

He doesn't want to die. As long as he lives, he still has the opportunity to improve his cultivation and leave here to go to the higher continent. After all, he has reached the fifth level of cultivation now. He is a person with the blood of the Xu family. He stayed outside for ten years when he was a child. Therefore, he can go to the higher continent if he breaks through the Zong level. Now that he has reached the fifth level of Zun level, he doesn't think this is difficult.

He knew very well that the great elder taught him a technique that was evil, but as long as he could quickly improve his cultivation level, it didn't matter. Therefore, what he is thinking about now is not how to help the great elder, but how to leave here. It was estimated that with the degree of his current injury, he could successfully leave here through the depths of Wanghai Forest.

Yu Ge had no idea that the great elder was plotting against him again, and this time it was not just his life that was plotted against.

Ji Jiuzhong has been paying attention to the emotional changes of the Great Elder. He has never felt that the Great Elder is so vulnerable. Now that the Great Elder has been forced into a desperate situation by him, the unknown purpose he has hidden for so many years will inevitably be exposed.

 This is also his ultimate goal. Ji Jiuzhong wants to know what the great elder wants to get from him?

The great elder decided to make a desperate move and try whether he succeeds or not, because he knew very well that if he was defeated by Ji Jiuzhong, he would definitely not end well, and he would definitely die after his reputation was ruined.

There is still a chance to try. If he succeeds, he can leave here and go to the higher continent. The reputation here is not important to him.

After thinking about it, he no longer hesitated. He drew an arc above his head with both hands. As his hands moved, a clear black gas was brought out. When he drew the second arc, the black gas became more and more obvious. , after drawing seven arcs in a row, a clear black gas circle appeared in front of the great elder.

Ji Jiuzhong’s expression became serious. This was not spiritual energy at all.

Yu Xiangluo in the Pangu space was a little confused when she saw the black gas circle drawn by the great elder. How could it be similar to the power of her sworn brother Ge Tianjun?

 The reason why I use similar power instead of confirming that it is the same power is because the black power circle in the hand of the great elder is still different from the power of her sworn brother Ge Tianjun.

Although the sworn brother's power is also black, it is a very pure blackness. At least she won't feel uncomfortable when she sees it. She just feels that the power of cultivation is different, just like the power of the five systems does not have its own Is it different?

 But after seeing the black aura of the Great Elder, she felt very bored and repulsed.

Ji Jiuzhong didn't know what kind of technique the great elder used, but from the clearly visible black gas, it was certain that the great elder practiced evil techniques.

Yu Ge, who was pretending to be paralyzed on the ground, knew very well the techniques used by the great elder.

This is the technique that the great elder taught him. This technique can improve one's own cultivation by absorbing the spiritual energy of others or spiritual beasts.

 It can only absorb spiritual energy, not the demonic power of monsters.

 The strength of this skill is determined by the black air circle drawn with both hands. The darker the circle, the larger it is, which means the stronger the skill.

Yu Ge's aura was only as thick as his forearm, and only as big as a basin. Even with such a small aura, he raised his cultivation to the fifth level of the Supreme Level within three months. .

The Great Elder's aura was several times larger than his. The aura grew larger the longer he practiced. Yu Ge suddenly realized that the Great Elder had been practicing this technique for a long, long time. It was not as he said. This exercise was specially brought to him to learn.

 Suddenly, a feeling of being deceived came over him, and he felt that he was devoted to the great elder, but the great elder did not love him as much as he said, as a junior in his lineage.

 (End of this chapter)

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