The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 208: Give it a try

Chapter 208 Give it a try

But Yu Ge was very excited. Regardless of whether the great elder lied to him or not, he had learned this technique anyway. As long as he could escape today's disaster and continue to practice, his cultivation level would be able to advance faster. After all, he is only in his twenties, much younger than the Great Elder. With more time, there will be more opportunities.

Yu Ge guessed it right. The great elder got this evil skill by chance when his own cultivation talent reached the limit and his cultivation level was no longer advanced.

He knew very well that this was an evil book, and he hesitated again and again. In order to go to the higher continent in his lifetime and see the place where the Xu family once lived, and to increase his lifespan and make his cultivation path longer, he Start practicing this technique.

Sure enough, relying on this technique, his cultivation level broke through to the eighth level of the clan in just a few years, allowing him to become the elder of the Xu family when he was in his forties, but from that time on he never Promoted.

 Without promotion, going to the higher continent can only be a dream.

Unwilling to be reconciled, he came up with a method based on Xuan Wen. Although it was more sinister, it didn't matter to him who practiced evil arts.

What is needed is a person with five spiritual roots, good talent, and a cultivation level that cannot be low. As long as he absorbs the opponent's spiritual power, he will definitely be able to break through the clan level to the emperor level, and ascend and leave here.

 The great elder did not stop with his hands, and the black circle he drew became larger and darker. At the same time, a mysterious pattern fell on the black aura.

Suddenly, Ji Jiuzhong felt a strong suction force rushing toward him. The spiritual power in his body surged, as if he was about to be sucked out by the great elder's black energy.

Spirit-absorbing patterns, the great elder actually carved them.

Ji Jiuzhong quickly controlled his spiritual power to resist the suction force. The two stopped fighting and started a spiritual battle.

Yan Xiangluo in Pangu Space saw that the two people had stopped fighting directly, but they felt even more nervous than when they were fighting. Although they didn't know what they were fighting about, they knew that the great elder must have done something to make Ji Jiuzhong instantly Can't think of a solution.

Yan Xiangluo looked at her hands, and then at Ji Jiuzhong outside. Thinking of the Ji Yinxuan pattern technique Ji Jiuzhong showed her, she couldn't watch him be defeated no matter what.

In this case, let's try the power of the Long family she just used on this person. Even if his soul is pulled out, the worst case scenario is that this person is dead. As for how to deal with the soul, we will see what happens. , after all, she didn’t understand how to control the power of the Long family.

After thinking about it, Yan Xiangluo raised her hand and made sword-like fingers according to the technique of the man whose hand tendons and hamstrings were cut off by Ji Jiuzhong. He mobilized the power in his body and ran towards the great elder.

The eldest elder who was wholeheartedly competing with Ji Jiuzhong was suddenly wrapped in the power of the charged soul. He was shocked and turned to look at the thirteenth elder of the Long family lying on the ground. Seeing his lifeless appearance, he was puzzled. The Thirteenth Elder definitely cannot use the power of soul control, so who controls the power of soul control used on himself.

He didn't have time to think too much, because his soul was already being pulled out by the power of the soul. He was struggling with Ji Jiuzhong to resist the soul being pulled out. In an instant, the great elder felt that his strength was not enough, and his consciousness could not distinguish. It becomes increasingly difficult to deal with it mentally.

Yan Xiangluo Chaokong, who was controlling the power of soul control, could not pull out the soul of the great elder. At this time, she understood that this kind of power could not easily pull out anyone's soul. The man lying on the ground should be weaker than the old man, so she was able to pull the man's soul with just one try, but it was very difficult for her to move the old man.

But one thing she knew very well was that it was not that she lacked strength, but that she did not know how to control this power. If she learned to control this power, she could easily pull out the soul of the old man outside.

However, although she could not pull out the old man's soul for the time being, distracting the old man was an excellent opportunity for Ji Jiuzhong to attack.

Ji Jiuzhong already knew what the great elder wanted to do to him. The great elder wanted to absorb his spiritual power to improve his cultivation. Thinking that this is how he got all his cultivation, he had investigated the Great Elder. His talent was not very good back then, but one year he suddenly rose to prominence, and in a few years he became the leader of the nine families. One of the strongest cultivators.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the great elder was planning on his mother's spiritual power. Unfortunately, he did not expect that his mother was pregnant and giving birth. In addition, the great elder gave her the poison. In order to protect him in the belly, The spiritual power has been exhausted, making the great elder's plan come to nothing.

Since he knew what he was going to do, Ji Jiuzhong didn't need to be merciful. Although he didn't know why the great elder was suddenly distracted, he would not miss this opportunity.

The long sword in Ji Jiuzhong's hand started to dance, much faster than when he faced the Thirteenth Elder just now. In the blink of an eye, the long sword came out of his hand and ran towards the great elder, passing through the soul-controlling weapon used by Yan Xiangluo. With such force, the great elder's hand tendons and hamstrings were also severed.

The great elder instantly collapsed to the ground. Yan Xiangluo quickly retracted her strength, and the long sword returned to Ji Jiuzhong's hand. Ji Jiuzhong held up a beautiful sword flower and put away the long sword.

His sharp eyes examined the surroundings, but his consciousness had been extended to the entire mountain, and he did not sense anyone except the three people in front of him.

Feng's eyes narrowed. The elder was distracted just now. There was definitely no accident in his practice. Someone must have done something?

In his dream, he thought of Yan Xiangluo. She was the only one who had been to this mountain before. He thought of that girl's Xuanwen strength. At that time, he thought she was running fast. Now it seems that she must have used the invisibility mark. It must have been her just now. Helped myself.

The power that made him unable to detect it should be that this girl saw the soul-controlling power used by the thirteenth elder of the Long family, which triggered the soul-controlling power in her blood. This explains why he did not take action when she took action. feel.

 The soul-controlling power can only be felt by that person when it falls on a person, but other people cannot. Unless the person with the power of soul control is more powerful than the person who uses the power of soul control.

His guess was indeed correct. That girl has pure soul-controlling bloodline that the Long family envies. If she learns to control the power of soul-controlling, she may become more successful than her mother Long Moran, and even surpass the soul-controlling ancestor of the Long family. A powerful ancestor.

 Obviously she doesn't know how to control this power yet. She knows that she is around, but he can't tell her directly.

Looking at the three people on the ground, Yan Xiangluo had an idea.

 (End of this chapter)

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