The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 209: what should I do

Chapter 209 What should I do?

Ji Jiuzhong walked up to the great elder and said, "Back then, it was my mother's spiritual power that you coveted."

 The great elder said nothing, but looked at him fiercely.

Ji Jiuzhong sneered, "You invited the thirteenth elder of the Long family here because you wanted to use his soul-controlling power to help you achieve your goal of absorbing my spiritual power. Unfortunately, even with the Long family's soul-controlling power, plus You have practiced evil skills and you have not succeeded. Does this prove that you are hopelessly stupid?"

Yanxiang Luo in Pangu Space knew when Ji Jiuzhong looked around that Ji Jiuzhong knew someone was helping him. After hearing what he said, her almond eyes lit up. With the power of soul control, that person was really from the Long family. He used the unique soul control power of the Long family.

Yan Xiangluo was extremely excited. This trip to Long's house gave her another purpose. No matter what, she had to learn to control the power of soul control.

Ji Jiuzhong knew that when he said this, Yan Xiangluo would understand and asked her to be more thoughtful when she went to the Long family. If she could learn one thing, she would be the same. Who would think that she has too many abilities?

 At a critical moment of life and death, one more skill means one more trump card for survival.

Seeing that Elder Zhang also failed, Yu Ge was extremely frightened. While Ji Jiuzhong was talking to the elder, he quietly crawled aside, thinking that he would escape as soon as he could crawl out a certain distance.

But how could the Great Elder, who had already been defeated, be willing to fail like this? Yu Ge was the chess piece he had prepared. He was accused of using the power of the soul to disrupt his plan. Although his hand tendons and hamstrings were severed, he could not He used his spiritual consciousness to control Yu Ge.

 When Ji Jiuzhong's eyes met, his consciousness had already begun to overtake Yu Ge.

Yu Ge, who was crawling away quietly, paused, and felt a sense of losing control of his body. Unlike before when the Thirteenth Elder used him to control the soul through space, this time he was sensitive to a kind of fear.

He instinctively resisted. He had a feeling that if he lost control of his body this time, he might never survive.

The Great Elder was originally injured and could not move his limbs, so he could only control it with his spiritual consciousness. As soon as Yu Ge resisted, his control became a little difficult.

But after all, his cultivation level is much higher than that of Yu Ge, and the power of his spiritual consciousness is naturally stronger than his. In a wise moment, he increased the strength of his spiritual consciousness. Yu Ge's resistance was like an ant under the great elder's spiritual consciousness.

Yu Ge, who was crawling on the ground, exploded instantly, his body swelled up, and he ran towards Ji Jiuzhong uncontrollably.

Yu Ge's movements were inconsistent with his expression. He moved without hesitation and looked very frightened.

Ji Jiuzhong noticed Yu Ge's sudden rise and was ready to defend and attack. However, he was shocked when he saw that Yu Ge was about to blow himself up.

Even if Yu Ge is not strong enough, he is still a person with high level of cultivation. He is not able to resist the power of self-destruction intact.

He had a chance to escape, but he thought that Yan Xiangluo was still hiding nearby. Even if she used the invisibility pattern, the invisibility pattern could not stop the power of self-destruction.

In the moment of hesitation, he had already lost the best opportunity to leave. He immediately used the strongest strength to form a defensive shield in front of him, and also dropped an attack mysterious pattern on the defensive shield. At this time, he could only Pray that the place where Yu Xiangluo is is under his protection.

Yan Xiangluo in Pangu Space saw the violent Yu Ge and realized later that he was going to expose himself. After all, this was the first time she saw someone exposing himself, but it didn't mean that she didn't know the consequences of exposing himself.

 Seeing that Ji Jiuzhong did not leave, but was preparing to confront Yu Ge's self-destruction power, he suddenly became anxious.

Is this person stupid? He also wants to resist the power of self-destruction. Without thinking, he used his soul control power and pulled Yu Ge's soul out of his body in an instant.

 What I was thinking was that without a soul in my body, I would naturally lose control and self-destruct.

 But when she saw Yu Ge’s soul being squeezed and struggling by her soul-controlling power, she was immediately confused. What should she do with this soul?

The great elder could not control the body of Yu Ge who had lost his soul. After all, the mixed batch was gone, and his spiritual consciousness naturally no longer existed. The unfinished self-exposure was instantly interrupted.

Yu Ge's self-destructed body lost the support of his spiritual power and collapsed instantly. Because of his running posture, he lay forward on the ground motionless.

Ji Jiuzhong, who was on defense, was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood that it was Yan Xiangluo who had taken action again.

Withdrawn his defensive power and withdrew his attack Xuanwen, "Miss Yu, your invisibility Xuanwen is very strong. Thank you for your help."

Yan Xiangluo in Pangu space didn't know what to do. After listening to Ji Jiuzhong's words, she knew that he had misunderstood and thought that she had used invisibility. This was good, as she no longer had to hide in the space.

 Immediately came out of the space, ran to Ji Jiuzhong, and asked anxiously, "What should I do? What should I do?"

Ji Jiuzhong saw her anxious look and asked in confusion, "What happened?"

Only then did Yan Xiangluo realize that Ji Jiuzhong could not see her soul-controlling power or Yu Ge's soul.

He quickly pointed to the Thirteenth Elder on the ground with his free finger and said, "I learned the power he used to pull Yu Ge's soul out of his body. It's still in my hand now. What should I do with it? "

Ji Jiuzhong’s mouth twitched after hearing her words. How powerful is this girl’s ability to control souls! Can you actually hold on to someone's soul?

The Thirteenth Elder, who had his hand and hamstrings severed on the ground, was stunned when he saw the sudden appearance of Yu Xiangluo. He was too familiar with Yu Xiangluo's appearance, and when he heard her say that he could learn it just by watching her use the power of soul control. , and immediately understood her identity.

She is the daughter of Long Moran and Juan Chengye, Ruan Xiangluo, and the one who makes everyone in the Long family worried at this time.

If the Long family knew that Yan Xiangluo learned the power of soul control just by watching him use it, and was so powerful that he could hold a person's soul in his hand, I'm afraid it wouldn't be as simple as worrying.

If he knew that Ji Jiuzhong was so close to Yan Xiangluo, even if he could not go to the higher continent in this life, he would not choose to collude with the elder of the Xu family.

 No matter how many regrets he has in his heart, there is no regret medicine in this world for him.

What he is thinking now is that he hopes that Yan Xiangluo will not reject the entire Long family just because of him.

It doesn't matter if he dies, but his family is still in the Long family, and he still understands the principle of both prosperity and loss.

Ji Jiuzhong pointed to the thirteenth elder of the Long family on the ground, "Don't worry, ask him. He is the thirteenth elder of the Long family. Although his ability to control souls is not very strong, he is still pretty good in the Yu family."

Yan Xiangluo glanced at the thirteen elders who were dead on the ground, and thought to himself that his falling to this point had something to do with him. Could he tell himself?

 (End of this chapter)

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