The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 213: Excuse me for a few days

Chapter 213: Excuse me for a few days

The eldest elder of the Xu family is the most cultivated in the Xu family and one of the four strongest among their nine families. If he comes, things will be serious.

The fact that the great elder didn't come meant that things weren't so bad that it couldn't be estimated.

At this time, the head of the Long family had no idea that the eldest elder of the Xu family would never come.

“Hurry up and tell the elders to welcome the guests.” The head of the Long family ordered.

Having said that, I went out first. We couldn’t let Patriarch Xu wait too long. We didn’t know what was going on, so we couldn’t be rude first.

The fact that the Xu family leader brought the three elders and Ji Jiuchong to the door made the Long family leader lose his cool. He ignored that the person who came to report was also a woman in a red dress. They didn't know that this woman in a red dress was the one they had been visiting. Waiting for the fragrance to fall.

The head of the Long family acted very quickly, so Yan Xiangluo and the others did not wait long before the head of the Long family opened the door with someone to greet them. To be precise, they welcomed the head of the Xu family and the three elders of the Xu family.

As soon as the head of the Long family came out of the gate, he immediately saluted and said, "The head of the Xu family and the elders are here. It would be disrespectful to welcome them from afar."

As soon as he finished speaking, his peripheral vision caught sight of the most conspicuously dressed person in the crowd, Yan Xiangluo, who was wearing a bright red dress.

The woman in the red dress? The head of the Long family was stunned, looked up, and saw Yuan Xiangluo's peerless face.

Although this was the first time we met, Yan Xiangluo's appearance is 70% like her father, Chengye, and 30% like her mother, Long Moran. Anyone who knows them will think of them when they see Yan Xiangluo. You don't need to ask the head of the Long family to know who the woman in the red dress is in front of you.

Why did Yan Xiangluo come with the Xu family? Did they meet by chance?

Seeing Patriarch Long's surprised and surprised look, Patriarch Xu said, "Principal Long, I have two things to do today. One is to send Miss Yu to the Long Family. Miss Yu saved our Jiuzhong family last night. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness." , Jiuchong and Miss Yu have a good relationship with each other before, so they stayed with her for one night and came together this morning. "

The head of the Xu family understood what Ji Jiuzhong meant when Ji Jiuzhong stayed with Ruan Xiangluo last night. Ji Jiuzhong wanted to support Ruan Xiangluo.

Based on his understanding of Ji Jiuzhong, even if he wanted to support Yan Xiangluo, he would not use the people and power of the Xu family. In addition, he said very straightforwardly last night that he would not come to the Xu family again in the future.

This shows that even if he supports Yan Xiangluo, he will only come forward on his own. The head of the Xu family said this just to betray Ji Jiuzhong.

The head of the Long family did not think so after hearing what the head of the Xu family said. They had always had news about Yu Xiangluo.

Ruan Xiangluo absorbed the power of the five elements in the Five Elements Spirit Lake. Now it seems that her cultivation level has reached the seventh level. When she came to the residence of the nine families, she did not come directly to the Long Family, but went to the Xu Family first. Should we first find someone to support her and tell them that she is not someone they can easily touch?

It's no wonder that the head of the Long family thinks this way. Ji Jiuzhong originally had this purpose. How could the person he likes be bullied by others? If the Long family really wants to do something to the little girl, then let's see if they can stand up to him first. means of revenge.

Yan Xiangluo promised Ji Jiuzhong to send her to the Long family, and she also wanted to take advantage of the situation. She entered the Long family alone. She was not so arrogant that she could escape unscathed. If it weren't for Pangu Space, she would never have come. Long family.

Her father was already at the peak of the ninth level at the time, and he said that he might not be able to go back after coming. This shows that the Long family is not a simple family. Among the nine families, the Long family should be the most dangerous family.

 The confidence of the Long family should be related to their ability to control souls passed down through their blood. After all, she had experienced the power of soul control last night.

I didn’t see it. Even if the elders of the Long family colluded with the elders of the Xu family, the Xu family would not dare to confront the Long family directly. The power of soul control is hard to guard against. If you are not a practitioner of this technique, unless the power of soul control is used on you, you will not be able to sense it.

As the head of the Long family, even if his talent for soul control is not the strongest, it is certainly not bad at all.

Yan Xiangluo looked at Patriarch Long indifferently. That indifferent attitude made Patriarch Long instantly think of Yuan Chengye, the person he hated so much but could do nothing about.

As expected, he is the son of Yan Chengye. His expression, temperament, attitude, and talent are all exactly the same and irritating.

No longer calm in his heart, a gentle smile quickly appeared on the face of the head of the Long family, "You said, this girl, even though it is her first time to come home, why don't you just go home and trouble Xu? It’s not good to have too many families.”

The corners of Yan Xiangluo's mouth twitched. Those who didn't know what he said made him think that he loved his junior so much.

"Master Long, don't think too much. I don't have any other ideas. It's just that I am more familiar with Ji Jiuzhong." Yu Xiangluo replied in a neither salty nor light, soft or hard tone.

 The implication is that I don’t know you, so why are you trying to get close to me?

Yu Xiangluo's words made the head of the Long family immediately realize that she might be more difficult to deal with than his father.

 After all, his father had some scruples at the beginning, because Long Moran was in their hands, and Ju Chengye had some scruples. At this time, Yan Xiangluo had nothing to handle, and she still had the Xu family to support her.

"We will discuss our own family matters later. Xiangluo's yard has been prepared for you a long time ago. Your mother lived there back then. Go and rest first." The head of the Long family said to Xiangluo.

The implication is also to tell the Xu family that no matter what happens between us and Yuan Xiangluo, it is our Xu family’s own business. According to the rules of the nine families, no family can interfere with the internal affairs of other families. The relationship between your Xu family and Yuan Xiangluo No matter how good you are, you can't break the rules.

The head of the Long family has said this, and it is inconvenient for the head of the Xu family to answer the question.

Ji Jiuzhong narrowed his eyes and said, "I am very grateful to the head of the Long family for treating Xiangluo as his own child. It is the first time that Xiangluo comes to the residence of the nine families, and there are no familiar people. Jiuzong is worried that she is not used to it, so, Jiuchong will be disturbed for a few days."

The head of the Long family paused and did not answer Ji Jiuzhong's words. Instead, he looked at the head of the Xu family, "Master Xu, what does this mean?"

The head of the Xu family said with a smile, "This is a matter between the two children. The head of the Long family also knows that Jiuchong's surname is Ji, not Xu. Although he has the blood of our Xu family, our Xu family is just Jiuchong's maternal family. It's Jiuchong's business. , our Xu family can’t interfere.”

The head of the Long family is a little confused. What is going on?

So many people from the Xu family are not here to support Yan Xiangluo, so what are they here for?

What does this mean? The young master of the Xu family will no longer be Ji Jiuzhong. What happened to the Xu family? Why did they suddenly say that they will not let Ji Jiuzhong be the young master?

 But looking at the expressions of the head of the Xu family and the elders of the Xu family, they still think highly of Ji Jiuzhong, and if he is not mistaken, he is also a little afraid.

 (End of this chapter)

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