The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 214: for protection

Chapter 214 For Protection

However, as long as the Xu family does not support Yan Xiangluo, the Long family will not be afraid of Ji Jiuzhong. No matter how powerful he is, he is only one person. Will they let what happened six years ago happen again?

 Yuan Xiangluo's matter should be easier to handle.

The head of the Long family immediately said, "That's true. Let them handle the children's matters themselves. The head of the family, Xu and the elders, please come in."

The head of the Long family understood that since the head of the Xu family came with the elders, it was not mainly because of Xiangluo. There must be other important things. This matter cannot be discussed at the front door. People must be invited in to talk. , is in line with etiquette.

"Bring the person in." The head of the Xu family waved his hand, and the guards carrying the thirteenth elder of the Long family came forward.

The head of the Long family finally saw who was being carried?

“Master Xu, what’s going on? Why are the thirteen elders of our Xu family like this?” Master Long’s heart was beating loudly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

The Xu family leader looked at the Long family leader and said, "The Long family leader, are you sure you want to talk about this at the gate?"

The head of the Long family came back to his senses and said quickly, "Please come in."

The head of the Long family realized that since they dared to do the Thirteenth Elder like this and brought someone to the door, they were the right party. I am afraid that the Thirteenth Elder did something that violated the family rules.

Thinking of the battle between the Xu family on the hilltop last night, the head of the Long family guessed that the thirteen elders were involved.

He cast a hateful glance at the Thirteenth Elder. He was weak and courageous, but he actually dared to violate the clan rules set by the nine families. It seemed that things would not be easy to get better today!

But things have already happened. Escape is not an option and cannot be avoided. The Xu family didn't bring the elder, because they didn't want to fight with the Long family, so things would be relatively easy to handle, but at worst the Long family would lose some profits.

The group of people walked into the main gate of the Long family with their own thoughts and came to the main hall of the Long family.

The head of the Long family said to the housekeeper, "Take Miss Xiangluo to rest in her yard and take good care of her. Xiangluo is coming home for the first time and is not familiar with the situation at home. Don't let anyone disturb her."

Only the housekeeper can understand the meaning of the words, that is, don't let the unsighted people in the family provoke Yu Xiangluo. No one can go to see her before the matter is resolved, so as to avoid anyone leaking anything in front of her and letting things go. Trickier.

 The housekeeper responded immediately and prepared to take the incense down.

Ji Jiuzhong said, "This junior also wants to disturb us for a few days, so let's arrange our accommodation in Xiangluo's yard."

The head of the Long family did not expect Ji Jiuzhong and Yan Xiangluo to live in the same courtyard. He hesitated and said, "It's not very convenient."

"It doesn't matter. We are an unmarried couple and we will get married sooner or later. We just live in the same courtyard, not in the same room. I don't trust her if she is far away from Xiangluo." Ji Jiuzhong said calmly.

Changfeng and Jin Yutang, who were following him, had a look of surprise in their eyes. The master was so awesome. They didn't know when they had resumed their engagement with Miss Yu.

  Before, they were worried that it would be difficult for the master to pursue his wife, but now it seems that they underestimated his ability and managed to woo his wife back without even noticing.

Yan Xiangluo was stunned after hearing Ji Jiuzhong's words. Wasn't the engagement terminated? When did they get engaged again? Why didn't she know about it?

Just when she was confused, Ji Jiuzhong's voice rang in her mind, "This is the only reason why I can stay with you in the Long family. If I am qualified to take action, just be patient and leave here."

Yan Xiangluo immediately understood that Ji Jiuzhong was trying to help her. She really didn't expect that Ji Jiuzhong could help her to this extent.

I have to say that having Ji Jiuzhong made her feel a lot more at ease, so she did not expose Ji Jiuzhong's words. The head of the Long family said unwillingly, "Isn't your engagement terminated?"

 Everyone in the entire continent knows this.

Ji Jiuzhong said calmly, "That's to protect Xiangluo."

 A simple sentence clarified why they broke off their engagement. No one would doubt this reason.

 At the beginning, the Xu family wanted to marry Qin Suyue, the eldest daughter of the Qin family, to Ji Jiuzhong. This was something that all nine families knew. After all, everyone knew that in order to marry Ji Jiuzhong, Qin Suyue secretly took action against the women who appeared around Ji Jiuzhong, and got rid of so many love rivals that she couldn't even count them.

  Ji Jiuzhong used this method to protect Yan Xiangluo and it made sense.

How else to explain that their relationship is still so good after they broke off their engagement.

Yan Xiangluo didn't speak. It was obvious that Ji Jiuzhong was the one to make the decision. The head of the Long family had no choice but to ask the housekeeper to take the two of them to Yan Xiangluo's yard.

  First solve the trouble caused by the thirteen elders, send the head of the Xu family and the elders of the Xu family away, and then solve the problems in your own family.

The head of the Long family felt that his head was too big.

 Coming to the yard prepared for Yan Xiangluo, looking at the yard that was much more exquisite than Ji Jiuzhong's yard, Yan Xiangluo had no other emotions at all.

  Although the yard she lived in when she was a child was not big, she was very happy to have her parents with her. And it's not like she hasn't enjoyed better living conditions.

  One soul living in another life. Although his health is not good, his family is the Guwu family. The family is famous for its medical skills. The family residence has antique decorations that are hundreds of years old. It covers a large area and is considered to be of extremely high taste among the Guwu family.

Because of her grandma's protection, she has lived in the center of the family since she was born. She is used to the prosperity and luxury, so she doesn't feel anything when going to Ji Jiuzhong's Regent's Mansion, not to mention that it is far less luxurious than Ji Jiuzhong's Regent's Mansion.

 So she had no emotion at all, and the housekeeper of the Long family knew it well after seeing her reaction. This was another master who was not easy to manipulate.

I pray in my heart that what happened six years ago will not happen again. That time has already damaged the strength of the Long family. The Long family only seems to be okay, but only they themselves know what happened.

  Among the younger generations of the Long family, there are fewer and fewer people with the power to control souls, and those who have it are also getting less and less talented.

 Now we can’t even find the next head of the family.

I wonder if Yan Xiangluo has the bloodline inherited from the Long family. If so, is she as talented as her mother? If she really has the same high bloodline inheritance talent as her mother, what should the Long family do?

 Obviously, Yan Xiangluo will not stay in the Long family. It is good to see whether they can become enemies or not. After all, what the Long family did to her mother ten years ago left no trace of affection.

If Long Moran didn't have a husband who would risk his life for her, he might not have been able to escape.

Yan Xiangluo probably doesn’t know what happened back then. It’s not certain if she knows how to treat the Long family.

Although he is just a housekeeper, he is also a member of the Long family. He knows a lot of secrets from the head of the family all year round. Can you not worry about it?

 (End of this chapter)

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