The Fragrance Falls Ninefold

Chapter 215: Get to know the Long family

Chapter 215 Understanding the Long Family

Only those young people are still proud of being members of the Long family and feel superior to others. They have no idea that the biggest crisis in the history of the Long family has come.

The housekeeper arranged for Yan Xiangluo and Ji Jiuzhong, and arranged the people to wait on them, and then hurried to the main hall to wait on them. The head of the Long family still needed him to do something.

Yan Xiangluo looked outside and asked Ji Jiuzhong, "You don't need to be there?"

 After all, the matter we are dealing with is about him. How can it be resolved if he, the client, is not present?

Ji Jiuzhong shook his head, "I've done everything I want to do, and the rest is the matter of the Xu family and the Long family."

Yan Xiangluo understood that Ji Jiuzhong had revenge and complaint, and he had already finished his revenge. She didn't know what Ji Jiuzhong, the eldest elder of the Xu family, had done with him, but Ji Jiuzhong, the thirteenth elder of the Long family, only disabled his hamstrings and hand tendons.

This is saving face for the Xu family and the Long family, allowing the Xu family to confront the Long family, and making the Long family feel that the Xu family has saved face for the Long family. The Thirteenth Elder left it to the Long family to handle it themselves. In this way, the Long family could not be merciful, otherwise they would still dare to trust the Xu family.

 The fate of the Thirteenth Elder is probably worse than death at the hands of Ji Jiuzhong.

Yan Xiangluo finally understood what Zhe Tian said. Ji Jiuzhong was indeed ruthless, and he decided the outcome of the thirteen elders without making a move.

"I'm afraid things can't be solved in a day or two. We may have to stay for a few days. Which room do you live in?" Yan Xiangluo asked Ji Jiuchong.

Ji Jiuzhong glanced at her and said, "You choose, I live across from you."

The two of them were sitting in the main hall at this time. There was a room on each side of the main hall. Yan Xiangluo pointed to the right side and said, "I live in this room."

Ji Jiu nodded and said he would live in the room on the left.

Yan Xiangluo stood up, opened the door, and looked inside, "Master Long said this courtyard was where my mother used to live."

Ji Jiuchong's eyes flashed with sadness, "So what, things have changed a long time ago."

The yard where he lived in Xu's house was still the yard where his mother had lived. When he came to live there, there was nothing in it except an empty house with simple furniture.

Yu Xiangluo's hands paused and she understood what he meant. Although the yard is now well-kept, it is not the same as when her mother lived there.

 At most, only some large pieces of furniture are still there.

Thinking about it like this, she didn't have much expectations anymore, but she still walked into the room and took a look. At least the house was still occupied by her mother.

As soon as she entered the door, there was a screen with a landscape painting embroidered on it. When she walked around the screen, she saw an antique bed. Yan Xiangluo's eyes paused. She was very familiar with this bed. It was now in her Pangu space.

 The bed here is actually exactly the same as the bed her parents prepared for her in her room at Tianshun Empire's house.

 How could it be such a coincidence?

 She absolutely did not believe that her mother had built an identical bed for herself just to remember her.

 After all, it is for my mother and father to keep it as a souvenir, not for her.

Suddenly, she remembered something. That bed was built for her by her parents when she was three years old. After she moved back home and set it up, her parents specially showed her how special this bed was. Her parents set up a hidden compartment on the bed and asked her not to tell anyone because she kept anything important in it for safety.

  At first, she was very novel and always put things in it. Later, as time went by, her parents gave her a storage ring, and she was no longer interested in the hidden compartment of the bed.

 The secret compartment of her bed has always been empty.

 Had she not seen an identical bed here, she would not have thought of it.

Did her parents have a purpose in building that bed for her?

Yan Xiangluo stared at the location of the hidden compartment on the bed, wondering, does this bed also have the same hidden compartment?

 Mom and dad were just in case you would come here one day. What did you leave for yourself?

Yan Xiangluo was extremely excited, but she didn't show it at all on her face. She walked in naturally, looked at the room generously, and then walked out. The person who was staring at her with his consciousness in the dark didn't notice anything wrong at all.

Ji Jiuzhong sat outside without moving. When he saw her coming out, he sent a message to her, "Do it according to your own ideas. Don't trust anyone in the Long family."

Yu Xiangluo paused, knowing that this was a sound transmission through the air.

Breaking the respected level can pass through the air. She has never had a chance to try it, and now it is an opportunity.

His consciousness condensed, and then he thought about what he wanted to say and sent it out, running towards Ji Jiuzhong.

 “How much do you know about the Long family?”

 Successful, Yan Xiangluo is very happy, all skills are useful, no, if it is not convenient to speak directly, and if you don’t want others to hear, just use voice transmission.

 It just consumes some mental energy.

 Alas, she now understands that all abilities are inseparable from mental power. This also proves that only by having strong mental power can you have more powerful abilities.

Ji Jiuzhong still said through voice transmission, "Nine families were all punished from the higher continent. Among them, only the Long family was punished as a whole because some people were afraid of the Long family's power to control souls. The Long family was punished. Finally, unlike other families who desperately wanted to return to the higher continent, the Long family just wanted to decipher the family secret. It is said that this secret is related to the rise and fall of the entire Long family. "

"The longest of the nine families that have been punished is a thousand years, and the Long family is the shortest, which is more than 600 years. Because each family is in the lower continent, even though it is the place with the strongest spiritual energy in the lower continent, However, the bloodline talent is still weakening, and it is getting worse with each generation. Therefore, they refuse to marry with outsiders."

"But the Long family is different. They have been marrying outsiders for a long time, including your mother. She was also released by the Long family at the beginning, looking for talented men to get married, just to give birth to talented children. It's just that. Your mother was unwilling to return to the Long family after meeting your father, and she was even less willing to let you return to the Long family. After ten years of tit-for-tat with the Long family, she was still captured by the Long family when you were ten years old. Your mother suddenly disappeared and your father left to look for your mother. The Long family actually came back to look for you, but they gave up because your talent was too low. "

"But your mother was imprisoned in the Long family for three years, and your father fought with the Long family for three years. Later, your father didn't know what method he used to rescue your mother. They broke through and left here together. What happened next? You know, that’s all I found.”

 Part of this information was told by Ji Jiuzhong from the Xu family, and some of it was investigated by Changfeng who he had arranged for in the past two years.

Yan Xiangluo's eyes darkened, thinking of the time the Long family used her to force her parents to show up, and asked, "Actually, that time, did you know that the person who came to me was from the Long family?"

 (End of this chapter)

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